Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness Review

I'd like to open by saying this game had a lot of potential. For the first like 10 hours I thought I was going to be in for something good. I kept thinking 'wow, this is just the first planet still! I can't wait to see where else I go!'

Of course, some number of hours later, watching the % of my completed quests climb and how the story was progressing, it became obvious that I wasn't going to another planet. I open with this because it is the single biggest detractor of the game in my opinion. What fun is a space story that takes place on (pretty much) just one planet? I thought I was going on a space odyssey...

This game had a lot of potential. I like the characters for the most part. But they totally blew it in the environments. The towns there are fine for the most part, but with a whopping three it leaves you wanting more. Add in the non-town map areas and the number climbs, but it still leaves you wanting more. None of them are very big or have very many paths.

Now, to be fair they did pack a lot to do into the environments there are, but it's too repetitive. Too much back tracking through the same places.

With that out of the way, let's look at some other area.

Music isn't too bad. Could always do with more, but that's true of almost anything.

Battle is rather fun. There are several characters you can take control of to fight in whatever way you prefer. The rock/paper/scissor battle scheme is also kind of interesting.

Graphics aren't too bad for the type of game it is.

I dislike the English voice acting and subtitling. They shouldn't have Miki call Fidel 'Fiddely', as in the Japanse version she is calling him Fidel-ni, which means older brother Fidel. They should have just translated that bit as is. The actual quality isn't that bad though, but it's better in Japanese.

Have to take some points of for difficulty trophies not stacking too. To platinum this game you have to beat the story at least 3 times, as you can't play on the hardest difficulty the first play through, and completing harder difficulties doesn't unlock lower trophies. If I can beat the game on Chaos (which I did) I can beat it on Universe, so why make me do it anyways?

This game is a grind. It's not necessarily difficult to get everything, but very time consuming.

Over all this is a decent game that could have been so much better.


Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness Mini Platinum Trophy Guide

The following is a mini-guide for Star Ocean IAF

Star Ocean Integrity and Faithlessness is the newest installment in this series. The following Sections will help you with various aspects of the game.

Credit - There is credit due to BakaYanagi (GameFAQ username) who posted information about Synthesis and some of the specifics for certain items.


Use ctrl+f to search.

Hunting Quests
Board Quests
Private Actions PA's
Rush Gauge
Multiple Character Endings
Battle Trophies (Consumate Combatant)
Game Trophies
Cathedral of Oblivion
Reaching 255
All Item Creation Recipes (Successor Vineyard Throne)
Bestiary Encyclopedia (Boss of the Bestiary)
Item Encyclopedia (Compendium Completionist)
Endgame Setup

Hunting Quests

In the various towns are boards where people may need help. Some of those quests involve hunting down certain enemies. Be aware these enemies do not appear until you have the necessary quest, and they will be gone once you complete the quest and leave the area they are found in.

These are listed in the order I completed them in*

*Tinat of the Dawning Light  - Gives Discarded Silver Spoon - It was in Dakaav Footpath Near Resulian Plain exit, left path (right if looking at map) on the small middle platform like rock. Appears when Welch gives you the quest for the item it drops.

*Uen of the Midnight Wall - Gives Two - Headed Corrupt's Ashes - It was in Dakaav footpath in the dead end where the bandit boss harassing Sthal was. Will appear once Welch gives you the quest for the item it drops.

**The rest are in the order I completed them:

Subjugation Directive: Keen-Eyed Gileeghas (5) - Passage on the Cliffs - You can find 3 of them NW of the entrance to Coast of Minoz. If facing toward Sthal, it will be the path on your right that leads to a raised area. Leave the area and they will respawn

Subjugation Directive: Glatiating Lnkyri (3) - Coast of Minoz - 2 appear SE of the Myiddok entrance. Leave area and they will respawn.

Batting 1,000 Against Luck Suckers (10) - Dakaav Footpath - You can find some right near the Resulian Plains exit. Leave the area and they will respawn.

Give Back That Bonus - Defeat Greedy Avaricia - Coast of Minoz - In the area where it branches between an upper and lower path it's about halfway through the upper path

Subjugation Directive : Dek of the Boiling Blood - Resulian Plains - If you're looking at the map you can pull up by pressing Options (pausing) he's in the SW part of the lower section, where you can get to Myiddok, but to the west near the wall.

Corruption of the Land - Amorphous Dryxes (5) and Erosive Cyklas (5) - They appear near where Dek was

Open Season on Hados - Lancing Hados (10) - West of the Eihied Mountains - You can find some right after leaving Santeroule, down the first turn to the right

Subjugation Directive - Gargans - Twin-Fanged Gargans (3) - Dakaav Footpath - You can find two at the top of the forked paths that lead from the Resulian Plains exit, and a few more just below

Subjugation Directive - Magvors - Corpulent Magvors (5) - Dakaav Footpath - You can find some on the left path when entering from Resulia Plains

Open Season on Ostharks - Thunderstruck Ostharks (4) - North of the Eastern Eiheids - NW most area you can find 4 of them

Open Season on Fran - Fran of Constant Decay - West of the Eastern Eiheids - If traveling from Santeroule take the first right and it's at the end of the path

Wanted: The Skoudde Brothers - Skoudde brothers (3) - Reslulian Plains - In the upper part of the area, before entering the narrow area.

Subjugation Directive: Walking Conflagrations - Walking Conflagrations (3) - Passage on the Cliffs - You can find 2 not far from the Sthal entrance

Subjugation Directive: Napto - Napto the Stalwart - Coast of Minoz - On the upper path of the two that fork, closer to the Passage on the Cliffs exit

Subjugation Directive: Moogmores - Opportunistic Moogmorts (5) - Sohma - You can find them in the northern area

Death to the Dine-and-Dasher - Gula the Gluttonous - Sohma - At the end of the path that reconnects the dead end you appear at when Relia first teleports you to Soma, or the first right you can take if you enter from Central Resulia

Open Season on Karacins - Serene Karacins (5) - North of Eastern Eihied Mountains - They are the first and second group of enemies you will encounter

Wanted: Chaos Corpse Corporals - Chaos Corpse Corporals (5) - Western Dakaav Tunnel - You can find them near the Tre'kuran Dunes exit, in that dead end area nearby

Quiet Down in There! - Forgot to write down their actual names, kill (2) each - Western Dakaav Tunnel - You can find them left if you are entering from Resulian Plains

Wanted: Randaghor - Randaghor the Render - North of Eastern Eihied Mountains - After the first mob of enemies

Open Season on Mujas - Verdant Mujas (4) - West of the Eastern Eihied Mountinas - You can find 2 on the little overpass not long after leaving Santeroule

Survive This! - Eitalon Higher-up (3) - Passage on the Cliffs - You can find a group with 1 in it down the 2 ramps by the rope bridge near the entrance to Coast of Minoz

Spleen for a Spleen - Ilua the Irate and Wass the Splenetic - Resulian Plains - About the middle of the larger lower part of the plains, SE of the locked treasure box in the area

Subjugation Directive - Paragyns - Underhanded Paragyns (3) - Western Dakaav Tunnel - If coming from the Resulian Plains exit, go straight instead of left at the first opportunity and you'll run into them after a couple rooms

Subjugation Directive - Donadello - Donadello the Indomitable - Western Dakaav Tunnel - If coming from the Resulian Plains exit, go straight instead of left at the first opportunity and follow it all the way to the dead end that's kind of in the middle

Open Seasons on Orizons - Parched Orizons (4) - West of the Eastern Eihied Mountains - You can find 4 along the main path if leaving from Santeroule where there usually aren't enemies up where you watched the sunrise way earlier in the game when first coming to Santeroule

Subjugation Directive: Arjain - Arjain the Fierce - Passage on the Cliffs - Around the middle of the map, just before the cave that leads to the rope bridge if you're approaching from Sthal. You'll find it on the section at the top of the cliff, near the entrance to the aforementioned cave

Subjugation Directive: Shelda - Shelda the Immutable - Dakaav Footpath - In the little dead end with a treasure chest just after entering the Dakaav Footpath from Sthal

Wanted: Anonnus - Annonus the Disperser - Resulian Plains - In the little dead end near the entrance to the Dakaav Footpath

Subjugation Directive: Sandra - Sandra the Majestic - Trei'kuran Dunes - Toward the beginning of the path that leads to the Trei'kur Slaughtery

Subjugation Directive: Zurtails - Cunning Zurtails (5) - Trei'kur Slaughtery - You can find two in the upper right portion at the stairs you first arrive at, then three more if you continue along the main path in the bottom right most section of that same large, circular room. Take the left path instead of the set of stairs to the right to reach that room

Open Season on Hourigh - Hourigh the Intrepid - West of the Eastern Eihied Mountains - Leave from Santeroule and follow the main path and you'll find it

Subjugation Directive: Rihvnauts - Hesitant Rihvnauts (4) - Coast of Minoz - 2 on your left just down from the exit to Myiddok

Subjugation Directive: Vejheerits - Stubborn Vejheerits (5) - There are three in the dead end to the right near the exit to Coast of Minoz

Subjugation Directive: Hoodini - Hoodini the Morose - Dakaav Footpath - Where the ship carrying Relia crashed, in that dead end area kind of in the middle

Subjugation Directive: Vlad - Vlad the Unsullied - Western Dakaav Tunnel - On the southern path near the L shaped dead end in the SW corner

A Peeping Golem - Ivor of the Lusty Look - Trei'kuran Dunes - At the entrance to the first research facility that blows up after you leave, NE part of map.

Wanted: Hannah - Hannah the Rapturous - Trei'kur Slaughtery - Near the SW most save point, not toward the healing light but back toward the entrance

Open Season on Ouyeits - Wandering Ouyeits (6) - North of the Eastern Eihied Mountains - First couple groups you encounter are these

Changing History: Young Women, Power, and Pets - Geraldine - By the save point in between the two exits

Subjugation Directive: Mojangos - Pillaging Mojangos (10) - There are some to the left of the Central Resulia exit if standing in front of it, just beyond the first group of enemies

Wanted: Abigail - Abigail the Fleed-Footed - Northern Territory of Sohma - If looking at the map it's the NW most dead end

On the Trail of Eitalon Stragglers - Eitalon Higher-up (5) - Western Dakaav Tunnel - You can find a group with 1 in it just above the L shaped dead end in the SW corner of the map

Garrote the Guerillas - Guerilla Fighters (10) Trei'kuran Dunes - You can find 2 groups on the way to the Trei'kur Slaughtery to kill Garish Sythwas

Subjugation Directive: Sythwas - Garish Sythwas (3) - Trei'kur Slaughtery - Top left of the 2 big round areas, third little room from the furthest right

Indecent Exposure - Envious Invidiads (15) - Sohma - You can find some not far from the Central Resulian exit

Uprooting Families - Languid Pijillos (3) and Fallen Arcedias (2) - West of the Eastern Eihieds - Just above the save point in the middle of the area

Subjugation Directive: Dante and Mateo - Dante the Obstinnate and Mate0 of the Slow Wit - Western Drakaav Tunnel - Near the exit to the Trei'kuran dunes, but closer to the middle, by save point

War and Peace - Idealistic Insurgents (10) - Trei'kuran Dunes - There are some right next to the exit into Eastern Trei'kur

Open Season on Ruphin - Ruphin the Imperious - The Signescilia - Opposite end of the hallway that leads to the end part of the Signescilia. It's a dead end room with a treasure

Open Season on Bordnaks - Ruthless Bordnaks - The Signescilia - Near the upper right most room, two rooms south of it there are 2

Open Season on Pyekards - Thick-Thighed Pyekards (5) - The Signescilia - From start go up 2 rooms, all the way right, then up into the next room

Open Season on Douxrah - Douxrah of the Frozen Trouch - The Signesilica - From entrance go north 2 rooms, then go all the way right

Board Quests

I'm not going to outline every quest because I already did the hunting ones. The rest are pretty much items that drop from monster. However, there are a few hard to get items before the end game, so I'll give some hints on those.

Laser Oscillator - You can wait until after you are in the final stretches of the game and you'll get plenty. Or you can synth them from Dispersal devices, which can be purchased from certain merchants.

Empyranese (rare fish) You can synthesize this with any combination of food items that gives you 50 purity, 0 impurity. I found adding in one prehistoric meat seemed to increase the chances of getting this and marbled meat.

Marbled Meat - Same as the fish above.

Private Actions PA's

Through the game you will encounter events called PA's. There are two types of PA's. Ones that use a spot you can interact with in the towns (a whistle) and ones that happen when you are just walking around.

It's very important to remember to check for PA's every time you advance the story even the smallest bit. While lots aren't missable, some are.

The whistle ones take place in the towns, and are pretty easy to find. Simply step in the orange glowing spot and in the corner it will tell you how many PA's there are for that round. Do them all and then step in the whistle again. BE SURE to go into a building and come back out, as there is frequently more than one round of PA's available in any given town at any given point. You can find these in any of the towns or on the space ships (second level right by the elevator).

The second type of PA happen when you are just running around normally with your party. However, these also occur at certain areas. They are:

Sthal - Heading up or down the big ramps that lead to Passage on the Cliffs.
Coast of Minoz - Right near the entrance/exit to Passage on the Cliffs.
Myiddok - Trying to cross the bridge near Welch's.
Resulian Plains - near the entrance/exit to Myiddok
Central Resulia - Right side of the map, kind of heading toward the entrance to Northern Sohma.
Santeroule - Go down the stair to the right of the quest board, all the way to the bottom.
North of the Eastern Eihieds - There's really only one path here, toward the beginning of it
Eastern Trei'kur - Along the northern part of town
Northern T. of Sohma - While heading back toward the dead end area Relia first takes you to there.

Don't stress about the affection levels of these if you're worried about getting the different character endings. Further down I'll show you a way to get any ending you want regardless of current character affection levels (it's not a cheat or anything, don't worry!). Feel free to watch any you can find. I recommend doing so, as some give Roles and other items.

The following is a list of PA's I saw in one play through while trying to positively answer everyone's questions. This is most likely not all of them, but a very large portion. If you have one not listed, feel free to comment, just include where you saw it, and what point of the story it was.

1 First one in the village where they talk about miki being horrible at games - In Town w/Whistle - Sthal - Very early on
2 Practical Applications of Signeturgy - In Town - Central Resulia
3 Ganging Up on Fidel - Happened while walking during the Night scene in Sthal before going to fight the bandits and get rid of them. Go up by where the vendors are
4 Miki's Hatred of Frogs - In Town w/Whistle - Sthal - After you return from defeating the bandits
5 Eat Your Vegetables - In Town w/whistle - Sthal - After you return from defeating the bandits - Has a question with it, seemed to like 'I would make them eat them'
6 A Beautiful Day for Laundry - In Town while walking around - Sthal - After you return from defeating the bandits
7 Missed Title - In Town while walking around - Sthal - After you return from defeating the bandits. You also get the Rival Role. I got distracted and forgot to write down the title because it was one I didn't see in the first play through.
8 Style after Style - In Town while walking around - Sthal - After you return from defeating the bandits
9 A Nose for Weather - While walking around in the eastern area of Passage on the Cliffs, while heading down the last sloped area toward Coast of Minoz
10 Fidel the Food Taster - While walking around in the Western are of Coast of Minoz, right after the save point by the exit to Passage on the Cliffs
11 Terrible Dining in Myiddok - In Town w/Whistle - Myiddok - After defeating the final bandits and saving Sthal.
12 The Phantom Malko - In Town w/Whistle - Central Resulia - After returning to Central Resulia to try and meet with Fiore about Relia
13 Why Signeturgy - In Town w/Whistle - Central Resulia - After returning to Central Resulia to try and meet with Fiore about Relia
14 The ABC's of Dining in Resulia - In Town w/Whistle - Central Resulia - After returning to Central Resulia to try and meet with Fiore about Relia
15 Another Chance at Life - In Town w/Whistle - Central Resulia - After returning to Central Resulia to try and meet with Fiore about Relia - Has a question to answer, he seemed to like Swordsmanship.
16 Malko Strikes Back - In Town w/Whistle - Central Resulia - After returning to Central Resulia to try and meet with Fiore about Relia
17 A New Hopeless Malko - In Town w/Whistle - Central Resulia - After returning to Central Resulia to try and meet with Fiore about Relia
18 Fidel and Fighting Styles - In Town w/Whistle - Myiddok - After returning to Central Resulia to try and meet with Fiore about Relia - Has a question with it, seemed to like the answer 'yes, i'm interested. I didn't get the answer copied, but it's the yes that isn't about way different. I didn't try that one and he may like it, I don't know.
19 Sole Supporter - In Town without whistle - Myiddok - Happened while crossing bridge near Welch's labratory
20 When Dirt Hits Your Eye - In Town without Whistle - Myiddok - Happened while crossing bridge near Welch's labratory
21 Away from the Sun - In Town Without Whistle - Myiddok - Happened when trying to cross the bridge near Welch's labratory. I was on the other side from Welch's going toward it.
22 What's Eating Victor - In Town Without Whistle - Myiddok - Happened when crossing the bridge near Welch's labratory
23 Into the Wild with Fidel - In Town w/Whistle - Sthal - After returning to Central Resulia to try and meet with Fiore about Relia
24 Miki's Hatred of Surprises - In Town w/Whistle - Sthal - After returning to Central Resulia to try and meet with Fiore about Relia
25 Homesickness - In Town Without Whistle - Myiddok - After getting Fiore back into your party the second time
26 Relia's Feelings - In the World Without Whistle - Resulia Plains - Got this going out of Myiddok toward Central Resulia
27 Fiore's Mentor Waxes Culinary - In Town Without Whistle - Central Resulia - Got this walking by the easternmost buildings, near the entrance to Northern Sohma.
28 Rich Culinary Traditions - In Town Without Whistle - Central Resulia - Got this walking by the easternmost buildings, near the entrance to Northern Soma
29 A Tale of Two Teas - In Town Without Whistle - Central Resulia - Got this walking by the easternmost buildings, near the entrance to Northern Soma
30 Fashionable Flowers - In the World Without a Whistle - Resulia Plains - Got this heading back toward Myiddok from Resulia Plains
31 Signeturgical Tools - In Town w/Whistle - Santeroule - After going to the Royal Institute of Signetary Studies
32 Caught in the Act - In Town w/Whsitle - Santeroule - After going to the Royal Institute of Signetary Studies
33 The Daily Lives of Signeturgy Researchers - In Town w/Whistle - Santeroule - After going to the Royal Institute of Signetary Studies
34 Family Ties - In Town w/Whistle - Santeroule - After going to the Royal Institute of Signetary Studies
35 Who's Most Popular? - In Town W/Whistle - Santeroule - After going to the Royal Institute of Signetary Studies - I tried saying Me! in my first playthrough and the chick scolded me, and I answered Victor this time and she said he was scary. So Emmerson may be the right answer, but I forgot to save and didn't want to do them over again to see.
36 Spicy or Sweet? - In Town w/Whistle - Santeroule - After going to the Royal Institute of Signetary Studies - I answered both and she seemed to really like that.
37 Cuteness According to Fiore and Anne - In Town Without Whistle - Santeroule - Found this one walking into the southern most area
38 Noble and Rational Intentions - In Town Without Whistle - Santeroule - Found this one walking into the southern most area
39 Watching Anne - In Town Without Whistle - Santeroule - Found this one walking into the southern most area
40 Watching Emmerson - In Town Without Whistle - Santeroule - Found this one walking into the southern most area
41 Selective Cookery - In Town Without Whistle - Santeroule - Found this one walking into the Southern most area
42 Spot and Mimi - In Town Without Whistle - Santeroule - Found this one walking into the southern most area
43 With Age Come Wrinkles and Wisdom - In Town Without Whistle - Santeroule - Found this one walking into the southern most area
44 All Sizes Fit One - In Town Without Whistle - Santeroule - Foumd this one walking into the southern most area
45 What Relia Wants - In Town Without Whistle - Santeroule - Found this one walking into the southern most area
46 Cuter Than Cats - In Town Without Whistle - Santeroule - Found this one walking into the southern most area
47 Watching Fiore - In Town Without Whistle - Santeroule - Found this one walking into the southern most area
48 Cooking Up Disappointment - In Town Without Whistle - Santeroule - Found this one walking into the southern most area
49 Miki's Concern - In Town Without Whistle - Santeroule - Found this one walking into the southern most area
50 Pollipong - In Town Without Whistle - Santeroule - Found this one walking into the southern most area
51 Size is Relative - In Town Without Whistle - Santeroule - Found this one walking into the southern most area
52 Concepts of Cuteness - In Town Without Whistle - Santeroule - Found this one walking into the southern most area
53 Consumed By Grief - In Town Without Whistle - Santeroule - Found this one walking into the southern most area
54 Sea Creatures - In Town Without Whistle - Santeroule - Found this one walking into the southern most area
55 Fiore and Anne's Uncommon Thread - In Town Without Whistle - Santeroule - Found this one walking into the southern most area
56 Casualties of Wash - In Town Without Whistle - Santeroule - Found this one walking into the southern most area
57 A Man's Heart Is Through His Stomach - In Town Without Whistle - Santeroule - Found this one walking into the southern most area
58 Warm Places - In Town w/Whistle - Myiddok - After visiting the Royal Institute of Signetary Studies
59 Here Kitty, Kitty - In Town w/Whistle - Myiddok - After visiting the Royal Institute of Signetary Studies
60 Watching Miki - In Town w/Whistle - Myiddok - After visiting the Royal Institute of Signetary Studies
61 It's the Thought That Counts - Myiddok - After visiting the Royal Institute of Signetary Studies
62 What Does a Cat Say? - In Town Without Whistle - Trying to cross the bridge near Welch's
63 Heavy Drinking, Light Wallets - In World Without Whistle - Coast of Minoz - Right before going through exit to Passage on the Cliffs
64 Unsupported Assumption - In Town w/Whistle - Sthal - After visiting the Royal Institute for Signetary Studies
65 You Can Only Save One - In Town w/Whistle - Shtal - After visiting the Royal Institute for Signetary Studies - Seemed to like the answer Relia
66 Fun With Frogs - In Town w/Whistle - Sthal - After visiting the Royal Institute for Signetary Studies
67 The Benefit of Being a Snake - In Town w/Whistle - Sthal - After visiting the Royal Institute for Signetary Studies
68 Fidel's Angels - In Town w/Whistle - Sthal - After visiting the Royal Institute for Signetary Studies - Seemed to like the answer Miki
69 Watching Fidel - In Town w/Whistle - Sthal - After visiting the Royal Institute for Signetary Studies
70 Barrage of Questions - In Town w/Whistle - Sthal - After visiting the Royal Institute for Signetary Studies - Not sure I got the right answer either time, I did Ask Fiore in my first game and I don't know in my second, neither seemed to make her pleased so maybe it's the other one
71 Mom and Dad - In Town w/Whistle - Sthal - After visiting the Royal Institute for Signetary Studies - Answered I vow to and she seemed to like it.
72 Someone - In Town w/Whistle - Sthal - After visiting the Royal Institute for Signetary Studies
73 Following in Anne's Footsteps - In Town Without Whistle - Sthal - After visiting the Royal Institute for Signetary Studies
74 What Does a Frog Say? - In Town Without Whistle - Sthal - After visiting the Royal Institute for Signetary Studies
75 Imitating Miki - In Town Without Whistle - Sthal - After visiting the Royal Institute for Signetary Studies
76 Imitating Fiore - In Town Without Whistle - Sthal - After visiting the Royal Institute for Signetary Studies
77 Imitating Fidel - In Town Without Whistle - Sthal - After visiting the Royal Institute for Signetary Studies
78 What Does a Worm Say? - In Town Without Whistle - Sthal - After visiting the Royal Institute for Signetary Studies
79 Are You My Friend? - In Town w/Whistle - Central Resulia - After visiting the Royal Insitute for Signetary Studies
80 Technologically Advanced Country Mouse - In Town w/Whistle - Central Resulia - After visiting the Royal Institute for Signetary Studies
81 What Does a Cat Say? - In Town w/Whistle - Central Resulia - After visiting the Royal Institute for Signetary Studies
82 Anne's Priorities - In Town w/Whistle - Central Resulia - After visiting the Royal Institute for Signetary Studies
83 Mundane Magic Trick - In Town w/Whistle - Central Resulia - After visiting the Royal Institute for Signetary Studies
84 Has Love Blossomed? - In Town w/Whistle - Central Resulia - After visiting the Royal Institute for Signetary Studies
85 Love Is in the Hair? - In Town w/Whistle - Central Resulia - After visiting the Royal Institute for Signetary Studies
86 Fairy Tale, Part the First - In World Without Whistle - Found heading into Myiddok from the Resulian Plains after visiting the Royal Institute for Signetary Studies
87 Miki the Patissiere - In Town w/Whistle - Myiddok - After visiting the Royal Institute for Signetary Studies
88 Tipping the Scales When Tipsy - In Town w/Whistle - Myiddok - After visiting the Royal Institute for Signetary Studies - Gives the Spendthrift Role
89 No Hangovers, No Reason to Decline - In Town W/Whistle - Myiddok - After visiting the Royal Institute for Signetary Studies
90 Fairy Tale, Part the Second - In World Without Whistle - Found this one in Resulian Plains right after leaving Myiddok
91 Miki the Role Model - In World Without Whistle - Found this one when exiting the Resulian Plain to Myiddok
92 Miki Has the Healing Touch - In World Without Whistle - Found this one just after entering Resulian Plains from Myiddok
93 Return to Sender - In Town w/Whistle - Central Resulia - After visiting the Royal Institute of Signetary Studies. However, as referenced by the entries above, I have cleared Central Resulia before and I haven't advanced the story since. This leads me to believe that Quests, perhaps both ones from Boards and from Welch can also open up PA's
94 One was here w/Whistle in Central Resulia, but I ran past her and interrupted it accidently. I believe she asks for an opinion about choosing a gift if I remember from my first run.
95 Fidel's Relationship Status - In Town w/Whistle - Myiddok - Answered I don't have one, and she basically then assumed Fidel's gay...
96 Fidel's Type - In Town w/Whistle - Myiddok - Available after visiting the Royal Institute of Signetary Studies - Answered domestic type and I think she liked it
97 Fidel's First Love - In Town w/Whistle - Myiddok - Available after visiting the Royal Institute of Signetary Studies - Answered I do, her reaction was kind of mixed
98 Emmerson's Facade - In World Without Whistle - Available after visiting the Royal Institute of Signetary Studies - Coast of Minoz, near entrance to Cliffside Passage
99 Concern from Emmerson - In World Without Whistle - North of the Eastern Eihieds - Available after visiting the Ancient Institute
100 Careful With Your Compliments - In World Without Whistle - North of the Eastern Eihieds - Available after visiting the Ancient Institute
101 Individualist or Irresponsible? - In World Without Whistle - North of the Eastern Eihieds - Available after visiting the Ancient Institute
102 I Dream of Globules - In World Without Whistle - North of the Eastern Eihieds - Available after visiting the Ancient Institute
103 Fiore and Anne on the Human Condition - In World Without Whistle - North of the Eastern Eihieds - Available after visiting the Ancient Institute
104 Humming Who-Knows-What - In the World Without Whistle - North of the Eastern Eihieds - Available after visiting the Ancient Institute
105 Are You and Him a Thing? - In the World Without Whistle - North of the Eastern Eihieds - Available after visiting the Ancient Institute
106 From Prodigious to Pedestrian - In Town w/Whistle - Santeroule - Avaialable after visiting the Ancient Institute
107 One has Smarm, the Other Charm - In Town w/Whistle - Santeroule - Available after visiting the Ancient Institute
108 Fidel as a Kid - In Town w/Whistle - Santeroule - Available after visiting the Ancient Institute
109 Figment of Anne's Imagination - In Town w/Whistle - Santeroule - Available after visiting the Ancient Institute
110 Aptitude for Ambiguity - In Town w/Whistle - Santeroule - Available after visiting the Ancient Institute
111 Bird Watching - In Town w/Whistle - Santeroule - Available after visiting the Ancient Institute
112 What Does a Bird Say? - In Town Without Whistle - Santeroule - Available after visiting the Ancient Institute
113 Can't Find Kitty - In Town w/Whistle - Myiddok - Available after visiting the Ancient Institute
114 The Most Bitter Drink is Life - In Town w/Whistle - Myiddok - Available after visiting the Ancient Institute
115 In the Mood for Sweets - In Town w/Whistle - Myiddok - Available after visiting the Ancient Institute
116 Fiore's Fashion Sense - In World Without Whistle - Central Resulian Plains - Right after exiting from Myiddok and heading forward a bit
117 A Woman's Greatest Enemey - In World Without Whistle - Central Resulian Plains - Right after exiting from Myiddok and heading forward a bit
118 Emmerson's Reconnaissance Methods - In Town w/Whistle - Sthal - Available after visiting the Ancient Institute
119 A Skirt for Fidel - In Town w/Whistle - Sthal - Available after visiting the Ancient Institute - Seemed to like the answer Because I'm a Guy
120 Selfish Children - In Town w/Whistle - Sthal - Available after visiting the Ancient Institute - Seemed to like the answer It's Inevitable to an Extent
121 Resulian Fruit Wine - In Charles D. Goale w/Whistle - Available after Miki gets shot, transport right back to the ship after arriving in the desert
122 Fiore's Mentor Waxes Inspirational - In Charles D. Goale w/Whistle - Available after Miki gets shot
123 Fiore's Mentor Waxes Admonitory - In Charles D. Goale w/Whistle - Available after Miki gets shot
124 Name That Tune - In Charles D. Goale Without Whistle - Available after Miki gets shot. If coming out of the elevator in the Transport Level go down the stairs on the right and follow the path around by the big window
125 Zip and Zoom - In Charles D. Goale Without Whistle - Available after Miki gets shot
126 With Your Talent - In Charles D. Goale Without Whistle - Available after Miki gets shot
127 The Root of Kindness - In Charles D. Goale Without Whistle - Available after Miki gets shot
128 Not Everything Needs a Reason - In Charles D. Goale Without Whistle - Available after Miki gets shot
129 Cute to Boot - In Charles D. Goale Without Whistle - Available after Miki gets shot
130 Different Frame of Reference - In Town w/Whistle - Santeroule - Available after Miki gets shot
131 Different Perspectives - In Town w/Whistle - Santeroule - Available after Miki gets shot
132 Emotionally Distant - In Town w/Whistle - Santeroule - Available after Miki gets shot
133 Mr. Rabbit's Change of Clothes - In Town w/Whistle - Santeroule - Available after Miki gets shot
134 How Does a Rabbit Hop? - In World Without Whistle - North of the Eastern Eihieds - Available after Miki gets shot
135 Results May Vary Based on the Planet - In World Without Whistle - North of the Eastern Eihieds - Available after Miki gets shot
136 Mistaken Identity - In Town w/Whistle - Myiddok - Available after Miki gets Shot
137 Survey on Singing - In Town w/Whistle - Myiddok - Available after Miki gets shot - Seemed to like the answer Yes, I do
138 Mom and Dad for Fidel - In Town w/Whistle - Sthal - Available after Miki gets shot
139 The Search for Kitty Continues - In the World Without Whistle - Right outside of the entrance to Central Resulia from the Resulian Plains - This one was so short, I'm not sure if it even actually registered, or if I somehow skipped it even though I've never seen the non-whistle ones get skipped except in a battle
140 Seemingly Unattainable - In Town w/Whistle - Central Resulia - Available after Miki gets shot
141 Stuffed Full of Kindness - In Town w/Whistle - Central Resulia - Available after Miki gets shot - Told her it depends on the animal and she seemed happy with that
142 Outstretched Hand - In Town w/Whistle - Central Resulia - Available after Miki gets shot
143 Faykreedian Beauty - In Town w/Whistle - Central Resulia - Available after Miki gets shot
144 The Joy of Giving - In Town w/Whistle - Central Resulia - Available after Miki gets shot
145 Gift Guidance - In Town w/Whistle - Central Resulia - Available after Miki gets shot - Asked if she was buying a gift, seemed to get a good response
146 Guzzle it Like Granny - In Town w/Whistle - Myiddok - Available after Miki gets shot
147 Climate Change - In Town w/Whistle - Myiddok - Available after Miki gets shot - answered I like hot weather more, not sure if her response was good or bad, as she just asked You're active then?
148 Cheeky Spot for a Signet - In Town w/Whistle - Central Resulia - After the Goale gets destroyed
149 Desired Response - In Town Without Whistle - Central Resulia - After the Goale gets destroyed
150 Victor On Love - In Town Without Whistle - Central Resulia - After the Goale gets destroyed
151 Involuntary Memory - In Town Without Whistle - Central Resulia - After the Gaole gets destroyed
152 The Promised Signet - In Town Without Whistle - Central Resulia - After the Gaole gets destroyed
153 Victor's Type of "Woman" - In Town Without Whistle - Central Resulia - After the Gaole gets destroyed
154 Mental Maintenance - In Town Without Whistle - Central Resulia - After the Gaole gets destroyed
155 Bosom Buddies - In Town Without Whistle - Central Resulia - After the Gaole gets destroyed
156 Fieldwork - In Town Without Whistle - Central Resulia - After the Gaole gets destroyed
157 Suspicions Arise on the Road - In Town Without Whistle - Central Resulia - After the Gaole gets destroyed
158 Persistence Pays Off? - In Town Without Whistle - Central Resulia - After the Gaole gets destroyed
159 Credit Where Credit's Due - In Town Without Whistle - Central Resulia - After the Gaole gets destroyed
160 Miki's Type - In Town Without Whistle - Central Resulia - After the Gaole gets destroyed
161 Bad Fortunes - In Town Without Whistle - Central Resulia - After the Gaole gets destroyed
162 A Matter of Taste - In Town Without Whistle - Central Resulia - After the Gaole gets destroyed
163 Yearning for Love - In Town Without Whistle - Central Resulia - After the Gaole gets destroyed
164 Scholarship and Swordsmanship - In Town Without Whistle - Centreal Resulia - After the Gaole gets destroyed
165 The Luxury of Eating - In Town w/Whistle - Myiddok - After the Gaole gets destroyed - Answered It's not a waste and she seemed happy with that
166 Enter a Mysterious Woman (Rebecca, her name is important later)- In Town w/Whistle - Myiddok - After the Gaole gets destroyed - Answered In fact, I am and she asked for a message to be passed on
167 Fidel and Outer Space - In Town w/Whistle - Myiddok - After the Gaole gets destroyed - Answered Can't Even Begin To Imagine and he seemed understanding
168 Your Own Harshest Critic - In World Without Whistle - West of the Eastern Eihieds - Just after entering from Myiddok
169 Chez Miki - In Town w/Whistle - Santeroule - After the Gaole gets destroyed
170 Suspicions Arise over Baths - In Town w/Whistle - Santeroule - After the Gaole gets destroyed
171 Fidel and Fish: Dining in Santeroule - In Town w/Whistle - Santeroule - After the Gaole gets destroyed
172 Suspicions Arise over the Male Form - In Town w/Whistle - Santeroule - After the Gaole gets destroyed
173 Burning Birches - In World Without Whistle - Coast of Minoz - This PA was in a different position than usual in this area. It was on the upper path, closer to the end where they both meet again, heading toward Myiddok. I was headign toward Passage on the Cliffs though
174 While Fidel's Away, Ted Plays - In Town w/Whistle - Sthal - After the Gaole gets destroyed
175 Dueling a Viscious Beast - In Town w/Whistle - Sthal - After the Gaole gets destroyed
176 Dueling a Trained Professional - In Town w/Whistle - Sthal - After the Gaole gets destroyed
177 Easily Misconstrued - In Town Without Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - After the battle and scene, and you are told to rest at the inn go outside and walk around, triggered in the northern part, just follow the way around
178 The Bestial Wonders of Space - In Town Without Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - same as above
179 Victorious In Love - In Town Without Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - same as above
180 No Two-Timing - In Town w/Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River
181 Reminiscing with Daril - In Town w/Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River
182 Position of Power - In Town w/Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River
183 You a Cat Person or Dog Person? - In Town w/Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River - Answered Dogs are better, Miki liked it, Anne didn't really
184 A Fine Young Man - In Town w/Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River
185 Patch Conversion - In Town w/Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River
186 No Different - In Town w/Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River
187 Ask Him Yourself - In Town w/Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River
188 Crossing the Line - In Town w/Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - Once you're to head for the Ayshoughk River - I answered There definitely are, and she seemed happy with that
189 Sweet and Sour Personalities - In Town w/Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River
190 Combat and Concern - In Town w/Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - Once you're to head for the Ayshoughk River
191 The Mysterious Woman's Name - In Town w/Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River - This one is missable if you didn't meet the woman in Myiddok (See Enter Mysterious Woman up the list) - Answer with Rebecca, which is her name, and her message will be passed on to Victor
192 Spirited Conversation - In Town w/Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River
193 Overshadowed by Fear - In Town w/Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - Once you're to head for teh Aysoughk River
194 The Mysterious Woman's Identity Revealed - In Town w/Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River - This one is missable if you didn't do the Mysterious Woman ones.
195 Prepared to Take Lives - In Town w/Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River
196 Only So Much You Can Do - In Town w/Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River
197 The Specter of War - In Town Without Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River
198 Especially Observant - In Town w/Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - Once you're to head for teh Aysoughk River - I guess this one was unlocked by The Specter of War, as I had cleared all the whistle ones before searching for non-whistle ones at the start of this lastest objective
199 Bathroom Breakdown - In Town w/Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River - I guess this one was unlocked by The Specter of War, as I had cleared all the whistle ones before searching for non-whistle ones at the start of this latest objective
200 The Martial Wonders of Space - In Town Without Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River
201 Wrong Side of the Bed - In Town Without Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River
202 Officers and Curses - In Town Without Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River
203 Old Habits Die Hard - In Town Without Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River
204 Why Weapons? - In Town Without Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - Once you're to head for teh Aysoughk River
205 The Basics of Cooking Rice - In Town Without Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River
206 Anne's Advice - In Town Without Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River
207 Individual Definitions - In Town Without Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River
208 The Snake Whistler - In Town Without Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River
209 Intellectual Curiousity - In Town Without Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River
210 Bugging Out - In Town Without Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River
211 Emmerson's Treat - In Town Without Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River
212 Fruitful Discussion - In Town Without Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River
213 No Boys Allowed - In Town Without Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River
214 Jinx or Proverb? - In Town Without Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River
215 Victor Looks Out for Hana - In Town Without Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River
216 Victor Looks Out for Daks - In Town Without Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River
217 Dabbled in Pacifism...Not on Faykreed, of Course - In Town Without Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River
218 Victor Looks Out for Gunter - In Town Without Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River
219 Crossing a Black Cat's Path - In Town Without Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River
220 Beautiful and Talented - In Town Without Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River
221 Miki's Handkerchief - In Town Without Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River
222 The True Cause of the Corrupt - In Town w/Whistle - Central Resulia - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River
223 Trouble Brewing Between Nations - In Town w/Whistle - Central Resulia - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River
224 Manly Miki - In Town w/Whistle - Central Resulia - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River - Told her not to worry about it and she seemed to like that answer
225 Anne and Canines - In Town w/Whistle - Central Resulia - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River
226 Ganging Up on Emmerson - In Town Without Whistle - Central Resulia - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River
227 Finally Found? - In World Without Whistle - Resulian Plains, leaving from Central Resulia - This one is so brief you may not even see it flash in the corner. Not sure if that's just how it is, or if there's a glitch or something
228 Neverending Story of Sweets - In Town w/Whistle - Myiddok - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River
229 The Dutchess of Duking It Out - In Town w/Whistle - Myiddok - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River
230 Reverse Psychology - In Town w/Whistle - Myiddok - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River
231 Fidel and Love - In Town w/Whistle - Myiddok - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River - I said I'd pick Miki, said that makes sense but he would pick Anne because of her magic box
232 More Cat Capers - In Town w/Whistle - Myiddok - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River - This one is super short like Finally Found?, so maybe they are fine after all
233 Portrait of the Creature as a Young Kitten - In Town w/Whistle - Myiddok - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River
234 Nothing's There - In Town w/Whistle - Santeroule - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River
235 Asceticism over Affections - In Town w/Whistle - Santeroule - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River - Said it sounded like trouble, seemed like a fine response. I said Love makes you stronger in my first run and they both admonished me, saying devotion or something does but not love
236 Conversational Battle of the Sexes - In Town w/Whistle - Santeroule - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River
237 Helping Hand Towel - In Town w/Whistle - Santeroule - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River
238 Out for Blood - In Town w/Whistle - Santeroule - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River
239 Fixated on Fiore - In Town w/Whistle - Santeroule - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River - I answered her clothes, such eye candy, and I'm surprised it was sort of negative. In my first run I chose the one about her looks and he said it was more than that, that her clothes were incredible making her a total package worth seeing.
240 Sneaking Suspicion - In Town w/Whistle - Santeroule - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River
241 Haunted by the Unknown - In Town w/Whistle - Santeroule - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River - I answered I'd protect her, said she felt a little better hearing that
242 Like Father, Like Son - In Town w/Whistle - Sthal - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River - I answered it's not like that, kind of a mixed response
243 Space Food - In Town w/Whistle - Sthal - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River
244 High Stakes Gambling - In Town w/Whistle - Sthal - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River
245 Over Fidel's Head - In Town w/Whistle - Sthal - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River - I answered the right one and he said he knew it. In my first run I answerd it changes and he just shook his head and said Poor guy...
246 Asking About Accessories - In Town w/Whistle - Central Resulia - Once you're to head for the Aysoughk River - I told her to get the cat ears, she seemed pleased with that
247 Support from His Subordinates - In Town w/Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - After Der-Suul's final defeat
248 Can't Wind Back the Clock - In Town w/Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - After Der-Suul's final defeat
249 Time for Remembrance - In Town w/Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - After Der-Suul's final defeat
250 Hold Hands - In Town w/Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - After Der-Suul's final defeat
251 More Mundane Magic - In Town w/Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - After Der-Suul's final defeat
252 Rendered Speechless While Dining in Trei'kur - In Town w/Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - After Der-Suul's final defeat
253 Happy Together - In Town w/Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - After Der-Suul's final defeat
254 Where's Fidel - In Town Without Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - After Der-Suul's final defeat
255 I'm Fine - In Town Without Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - After Der-Suul's final defeat
256 To Dabble in Signeturgy - In Town Without Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - After Der-Suul's final defeat
257 Much to Learn from Emmerson - In Town Without Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - After Der-Suul's final defeat
258 Pronouns - In Town Without Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - After Der-Suul's final defeat
259 Safe Now - In Town Without Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - After Der-Suul's final defeat
260 Fidel's Feeling for His Father - In Town Without Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - After Der-Suul's final defeat
261 Memory Troubles - In Town Without Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - After Der-Suul's final defeat
262 Anything You Want? In Town w/Whistle - Central Resulia - After Der-Suul's final defeat
263 Reason to Smile - In Town w/Whistle - Central Resulia - After Der-Suul's final defeat - Told her it is why they smile and she seemed happy with that
264 Mutterings - In Town w/Whistle - Myiddok - After Der-Suul's final defeat
265 Its and Her Circumstances - In Town w/Whistle - Myiddok - After Der-Suul's final defeat
266 More Mutterings - In Town w/Whistle - Myiddok - After Der-Suul's final defeat
267 Talking with Ted - In Town w/Whistle - Sthal - After Der-Suul's final defeat
268 The Apple - In Town w/Whistle - Sthal - After Der-Suul's final defeat - was happy for her, strange response
269 Fastidious About Food - In Town w/Whistle - Sthal - After Der-Suul's final defeat
270 Singing - In Town w/Whistle - Sthal - After Der-Suul's final defeat
271 Warmth - In Town w/Whistle - Sthal - After Der-Suul's final defeat
272 Imitating Fidel Poorly - In Town w/Whistle - Sthal - After Der-Suul's final defeat
273 Condolences Cut Short - In Town w/Whistle - Santeroule - After Der-Suul's final defeat
274 Girls' Hair - In Town w/Whistle - Santeroule - After Der-Suul's final defeat
275 Mother and Child - In Town w/Whistle - Santeroule - After Der-Suul's final defeat
276 Finding Fidel - In Town w/Whistle - Santeroule - After Der-Suul's final defeat - Asked if anything is wrong, she said no and thanks
277 The Nut - In Town w/Whistle - Santeroule - After Der-Suul's final defeat - Told her to try and plant it, not sure she liked that actually
278 Mechanical Marvel - In Space Ship w/Whistle - After the new Warp Engine is completed
279 He's a Good Man...and Thorough - In Space Ship w/Whistle - After the new Warp Engine is completed
280 Faykreed's Exquisite Scenery - In Space Ship w/Whistle - After the new Warp Engine is completed
281 The Military Elite - In Space Ship w/Whistle - After the new Warp Engine is completed
282 Clueless Cupid - In Space Ship w/Whistle - After the new Warp Engine is completed
283 Difficulty with Directories - In Space Ship w/Whistle - After the new Warp Engine is completed
284 Ghost Story - In Space Ship w/Whistle - After the new Warp Engine is completed
285 Feelings for Emmerson - In Space Ship w/Whistle - After the new Warp Engine is completed
286 No Rest for the Storyteller - In Space Ship w/Whistle - After the new Warp Engine is completed
287 Another Peaceful Day on the Bridge - In Space Ship w/Whistle - After the new Warp Engine is completed
288 Threat to Society - In Space Ship w/Whistle - After the new Warp Engine is completed
289 A Gift for Anne - In Space Ship w/Whistle - After the new Warp Engine is completed
290 Punctuality's Imperative - In Space Ship w/Whistle - Afer the new Warp Engine is completed
291 Every Second Counts - In Space Ship w/Whistle - After the new Warp Engine is completed
292 Much to Learn - In Space Ship w/Whistle - After the new Warp Engine is completed
293 Latest in a Long Line of Heroes - In Space Ship w/Whistle - After the new Warp Engine is completed
294 Catalysts of War - In Space Ship Without Whistle - After the new Warp Engine is completed
295 Failings with the Future - In Space Ship Without Whistle - After the new Warp Engine is completed
296 Emmerson's Kind of Woman - In Space Ship Without Whistle - After the new Warp Engine is completed
297 Cleaning Robot Concerns - In Space Ship Without Whistle - After the new Warp Engine is completed
298 Indelible Impression of Daril - In Space Ship Without Whistle - Afer the new Warp Engine is completed
299 Some Things Never Change - In Space Ship Without Whistle - After the new Warp Engine is completed
300 Stances Like Daril's - In Space Ship Without Whistle - After the new Warp Engine is completed - Awards Boon Companion Role
301 What a Worrywart - In Space Ship Without Whistle - After the new Warp Engine is completed
302 In Memorium - In Space Ship Without Whistle - After the new Warp Engine is completed
303 The Edible Wonders of Space - In Space Ship Without Whistle - After the new Warp Engine is completed
304 Conflicted About War - In Space Ship without Whistle - After the new Warp Engine is completed
305 Cleaning for Klutzes - In Town w/Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - After the new Warp Engine is completed
306 The Path They've Tread - In Town w/Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - After the new Warp Engine is completed - Answered I'm glad she is with me, seemed to like that
307 Kronos's Namesake (Should be Kronos') - In Town w/Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - After the new Warp Engine is completed
308 The Horror of War - In Town w/Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - After the new Warp Engine is completed
309 Work Within the System - In Town w/Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - After the new Warp Engine is completed
310 Yearning for Home - In Town w/Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - After the new Warp Engine is completed - Answered I'm sure we can, she seemed to like that
311 The Plague - In Town w/Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - After the new Warp Engine is completed
312 Taken for Granted - In Town Without Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - After the new Warp Engine is completed
313 Like Brother and Sister - In Town w/Whistle - Central Resulia - After the new Warp Engine is completed
314 Return of the Jocular Malko - In Town w/Whistle - Central Resulia - After the new Warp Engine is completed
315 Hitting on Hana - In Town w/Whistle - Central Resulia - After the new Warp Engine is completed
316 Resulia's in Good Hands - In Town w/Whistle - Central Resulia - After the new Warp Engine is completed
317 When to Trust - In Town w/Whistle - Central Resulia - After the new Warp Engine is completed
318 Miki's Grandiose Dream - In Town w/Whistle - Myiddok - After the new Warp Engine is completed - Gives the Ministrel Role
319 Alcohol Appreciation - In Town w/Whistle - Myiddok - After the new Warp Engine is completed - Answered Yes, in moderation, seemed to like it but said it was okay to go overboard a time or two in a person's life
320 Brains of the Family - In Town w/Whistle - Myiddok - After the new Warp Engine is completed
321 The Consensus on Anne's Grandmother - In Town w/Whistle - Myiddok - After the new Warp Engine is completed
322 Introspective Fidel - In Town w/Whistle - Sthal - After the new Warp Engine is completed - told her of course I do, she seemed to like that
323 Turbo Lift Luddite - In Ship w/Whistle - After Relia's final rescue
324 Whipped - In Ship w/Whistle - After Relia's final rescue
325 Heart Says Yes - In Ship w/Whistle - After Relia's final rescue
326 The Miss Galaxy Pageant - In Ship Without Whistle - After Relia's final rescue
327 Technology's Impact on Cooking - In Ship Without Whistle - After Relia's final rescue
328 Concern from Victor - In Ship without Whistle - After Relia's final rescue
329 Keeping Up with the Kennys - In Ship Without Whistle - After Relia's final rescue - Gives Unfortunate Soul Role
330 What Relia Really Wants - In Ship Without Whistle - After Relia's final rescue
331 Walk the Walk - In Ship Without Whistle - After Relia's final rescue
332 Girls Just Wanna Have Fun - In Ship Without Whistle - After Relia's final rescue
333 Interpreting Dreams - In Ship Without Whistle - After Relia's final rescue
334 Imitating Emmerson - In Ship Without Whistle - After Relia's final rescue
335 Scary Dream - In Ship Without Whistle - After Relia's final rescue - Gives Poltroon Role
336 The Airborne Wonders of Space - In Ship Without Whistle - After Relia's final rescue
337 Victor and Relia's First Steps toward Understanding - In Ship Without Whistle - After Relia's final rescue
338 Victor and Relia's Sweet Deal - In Ship Without Whistle - After Relia's final rescue
339 Not Possible Without Daril - In Ship Without Whistle - Aftter Relia's final rescue
340 Gigantic Misunderstanding - In Ship Without Whistle - After Relia's final rescue
341 Victor's Piggyback Ride - In Ship Without Whistle - After Relia's final rescue
342 Relia and Fashion - In Ship Without Whistle - After Relia's final rescue
343 Similarities Between Armies - In Ship Without Whistle - After Relia's final rescue
344 Miki the Matron - In Town w/Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - After Relia's final rescue
345 Thanks for All you Do - In Town w/Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - After Relia's final rescue
346 Bye-Bye, Sanity - In Town w/Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - After Relia's final rescue
347 Drawing a Blank - In Town w/Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - After Relia's final rescue
348 Sunny with a Chance of Inquest - In Town Without Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - After Relia's final rescue
349 Unintended Compliment - In Town Without Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - After Relia's final rescue
350 Weirdly Weird Dream - In Town Without Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - After Relia's final rescue
351 Love is Pain? - In Town w/Whistle - Central Resulia - After Relia's final rescue
352 Parents and Loneliness - In Town w/Whistle - Central Resulia - After Relia's final rescue
353 Watching Victor - In Town w/Whistle - Central Resulia - After Relia's final rescue
354 Easily Understandable Animals - In Town w/Whistle - Central Resulia - After Relia's final rescue
355 Imitating Victor - In Town Without Whistle - Central Resulia - After Relia's final rescue
356 What Does a Dog Say? - In Town Without Whistle - Central Resulia - After Relia's final rescue
357 Thoughts on the Military - In Town w/Whistle - Sthal - After Relia's final rescue - Told her I would be interested, she seemed happy with that and suggest I join their military
358 Thank You - In Town w/Whistle - Sthal - After Relia's final rescue
359 Remembering Feria - In Town w/Whistle - Sthal - After Relia's final rescue
360 Air-Tight Argument - In World Without Whistle - Northern Sohma - After Relia's final rescue - This is the first One I've ever seen here, and I've actually run up here several times
361 Culinary Theory vs. Practice - In Ship Without Whistle - After the final Symbological Facility Prime invasion.
362 Eggsplosive Results - In Ship Without Whistle - Once you're supposed to go to the Signescilia
363 Far from Home - In Town w/Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - Once you're supposed to go to the Signescilia - Answered I manage somehow and she seemed to like it
364 Remembering Mom and Dad - In Town w/Whistle - Eastern Trei'kur - Once you're supposed to go to the Signescilia
365 Under My Thumb? - In Town w/Whsitle - Central Resulia - Once you're supposed to go to the Signescilia
366 New Friend - In Town w/Whistle - Central Resulia - Once you're supposed to go to the Signescilia - Answered Tell her to play nice, seemed to be fine
367 Friends For Now - In Town w/Whistle - Central Resulia - Once you're supposed to go to the Signescilia
368 The Catastrophic Truth - In World Without Whistle - Resulian Plains - Once you're supposed to go to the Signescilia - This one is missable if you haven't done other PA's involving Anne's cat I'm pretty sure
369 The Letter - In Town w/Whistle - Santeroule - Once you're supposed to go to the Signescilia
370 Relia's Fate - In Ship w/Whistle - Once you've visited the underground floating island and Relia gets full memory back
371 Anne's First Mission - In Ship w/Whistle - While the ship is heading toward the asteroid belt - Gives the Instructor role
372 Sorry, Sis - In Town w/Whistle - Santeroule - While the ship is heading toward the asteroid belt
373 Reason to Fight - In Town w/Whistle - Santeroule - While the ship is heading toward the asteroid belt
374 It's Better to Have Loved and Lost? - In Town w/Whistle - After finishing the story

Rush Gauge

The Rush Gauge is this game's form of something like Limit Breaks or other such special moves. Damage is dealt based on how many bars are expended. The Rush Gauge is filled by Offensive Actions. XP (red) is filled by using light attacks or special skills mapped to the X button. FOL (blue) is increased by using strong attacks or skills mapped to circle. SP (green) is raised by successful counters.

Green is by far the hardest to raise. As such, if you want a bonus for SP, make sure you fill that part of the bar first. Why? Because the higher the bar gets, the less it goes up with each action. You'll have to land far less counters to get it up to a level you are happy with.

The bar falls when you take certain types of damage. By this I mean losing the rock/paper/scissors battle scheme the game uses. So if you start a strong attack and get hit by a weak attack, part of the bar will shatter. This is why the countering one is the hardest. Some enemies rarely regular attack, leading to more broken bars than successful counters. It will also break if the character you are controlling is hit too many times in a row, or dies.

Characters not under your control do not add or take away from the bar. This means it is to your advantage to control a ranged character if you want to keep your bonus' intact.

So what are these bonus'? After battle your XP, FOL and SP will get a boost based on the percentages listed on your Rush Gauge. How should you set them up?

DON'T bother with FOL AT ALL! You will get plenty of money just from regular battling. I personally recommend 300% XP 200% SP for pretty much the whole story part of the game. This is because for one trophy you need to reach lvl 250. Even after beating the story portion game on Chaos difficulty (the hardest) I'm barely at 100. However, I've maxed out most of the Specialties, and will soon be able to start leveling all the Roles. If you keep those numbers the whole game you'll be well on your way to having the skills you need as soon as possible, and higher levels than the part of the story you're at.

Lastly, it takes a long time to work the bar up into the higher numbers, so be careful about just using the Rush Attacks whenever you are struggling a bit. 5 hours of 300% XP and 200% SP will make a big difference compared to 5 hours at 1/2 that while you're building it back up. I never used it to win battles. If I got stuck I just went and leveled up a bit, keeping my bonus' intact.

I would like to point out that the % on the Rush Gauge isn't the amount your XP or other spoils are increased after every battle. You only get 400% for example if you expend the Rush Gauge in battle. However, you do still get a bonus to XP, SP or FOL based on that percentage. I don't know the exact amount, but in the post game dungeon you can tell it does have an effect on the amount you get. I would equate it to something like 400% = 40% XP gain while the bar remains at that level, and the full increase if you expend the gauge.

Multiple Character Endings

There are various endings available for the characters. They are controlled by affection levels. Affection levels are controlled by watching PA's, and the answers you give to any that have questions. If you just view all the PA's you can find and try to make everyone happy, you'll pretty much get Miki's ending.

Luckily there is a simple way to fix that. You'll need to do the following to prepare.

1. Have compounding at level 4 so you can create Emotional Destabilizers
2. Do all three of the quests where you chase down Ruddle. After that he becomes a merchant
3. A fair bit of FOL (you should have this no problem by the time you need it)

The Emotional Destabilizer is an item that lets you lower the affection levels of your party members. Love Potion 256 raises affection, but it's harder to make. You can make the Emotional Destabilizer with materials you can buy from vendors. You'll need Lavender, Demon's Tails and Empty Bottles.

You can get Lavender from any merchant that sells stuff like blueberries and blackberries. Ruddle sells Demon's Tails once you unlock him, and there are several regular merchants that sell Empty Bottles. One I know of for sure is in Santeroule, the one that also sells cards.

Buy 99 Demon's Tails and 99 Empty Bottles. You can only carry 20 Lavender BUT using the Familiar Spirit Specialty  you can buy Lavender at any time. Just keep in mind it isn't instantly added to your inventory, but takes some time to be delivered. This should provide you with way more than enough emotional destabilizers to drain everyone except who you need an ending for.

You will want to complete the above right before you are told if you rest you will not be able to come back to Faykreed. Make a back up save right before this point. Then follow the rest of the story all the way to where Alma's Throne is, then make another backup save. Make all the emotional destabilizers  you can, and then distribute them to everyone except:

Whatever Character has the ending you want.

Give any Love Potion 256 you've found during the game to who you DO want an ending for. Don't bother making any though, the mats are rarer than Emotional Destabilizer.

Make sure you DON'T save after distributing the emotional destabilizers and love potions. You'll want to be able to reload at the throne after getting the ending you want to get the next one.

8 Destabiliers per character should be enough. I had 7 Love Potion 256 to give to the one I wanted to have an ending for as well, so take that into account.


Specialties are special skills for your party. The vast majority are earned through Welch's quests, but there are also several that come from board quests. You can level the up using SP. Below is a list of them from the top left of the menu to the bottom right:

Harvesting (max lvl 8) - Lets you pick plant items from the environment.

Excavation (max lvl 8) - Lets you pick metal items from the environment.

Fishing (max lvl 8) - Lets you fish from the environment.

Compounding (max lvl 8) - Allows you to make certain items.

Engineering (max lvl 8) - Allows you to make certain items.

Smithery (Max lvl 8) - Allows you to make certain items.

Crafting (max lvl 8) - Allows you to make certain items.

Cooking (max lvl 8) - Allows you to make certain items.

Authoring (max lvl 8) - Allows you to make certain items.

Alchemy (max lvl 8) - Allows you to make certain items.

Synthesis (max lvl 4) - Allows you to randomly synthesize items.

Whetting (max lvl 5) - Allows you to improve certain items.

Fortification (max lvl 5) - Allows you to improve certain items.

Ornamentation (max lvl 5) - Allows you to improve certain items.

Anthropology (max lvl 8) - Increased chance of spoils from humanoids.

Zoology (max lvl 8) - Increased chance of spoils from beasts

Orinthology (max lvl 8) - Increased chance of spoils from avians.

Entomology (max lvl 8) - Increased chance of spoils from insects.

Botany (max lvl 8) - Increased chance of spoils from plants.

Corruptology (max lvl 8) Increased chance of spoils from corrupt.

Mechanology (max lvl 8) Increased chance of spoils from machines.

Lookout (max lvl 1) - Enemies appear on radar.

Treasure Sense (max lvl 1) - Treasure boxes appear on radar.

Lock Picking (max lvl 1) Can open locked treasure boxes.

Haggling (max lvl 8) - Increased selling items (2 runs and I've never sold anything...)

Ocarina (max lvl 1) - Calls enemies out in the world to you.

Emoter (max lvl 5) - Allows for use of emotes with R2.

Augury (max lvl 8) - Gives random information about the game.

Familiar Spirit (max lvl 8) - Works like a portable store, but items aren't delivered immediately.

Limit Break (max lvl 1)  - Lets you go beyond lvl 100 and the level of attack skills can go up to 9.


I'm not sure if I have them all, but this list contains enough that you will get the trophy associated with the Roles. The ( ) indicate what roles are required to unlock the listed Role.

There are some I can't remember where they came from. I think it's possible some of them are from Welch's quests maybe. I kept really good track of the PA's so I can't imagine I missed noting that way. Perhaps I'm forgetting another source...


Machine Slayer (Warrior Slayer lv 3)
Raven Slayer (Insect Slayer lv 3)
Beast Slayer (Plant Slayer lv 3)
Plant Slayer (I believe you start with it)
Insect Slayer (I believe you start with it)
Mutant Slayer (Raven Slayer lv 9, Beast Slayer lv 9, Plant Slayer lv 9, Insect Slayer lv 9)
Warrior Slayer (Raven Slayer lv 3 and Beast Slayer lv 3)
God Slayer (Mutant Slayer lv 5 and Warrior Slayer lv 9)
Attacker (I believe you start with it)
Ace (Attacker lv 3)
Invoker (Think Fiore comes with it)
Shrewd Overseer (Invoker lv 3)
Menace (Comes with one of the party members I think)
Sharpshooter (Menace lv 3)
Brawler (Comes with one of the party members I think)
Pulverizer (Brawler lv 3)
Executioner (Ace lv 3 and Pulverizer lv 3)
Fringe Fighter (Shrewd Overseer lv 3 and Sharpshooter lv 3)
Enforcer (Sharpshooter lv 3 and Pulverizer lv 3)
Necromancer (Shrewd Overseer lv 3 and Pulverizer lv 3)
Elementalist (Shrewd Overseer lv 3 and Savior lv 3)
Assassin (Ace lv 3 and Sharpshooter lv 3)
Daemon (Executioner lv 3, Fringe Fighter lv 3 and Enforcer lv 3)
Berserker (Brawler lv 5)
Terror Knight (Berserker lv 3)
Daredevil (Ace lv 5 and Table Turner lv 3)
Enchanter (Sage lv 3)
Whirlwind (Daredevil lv 5)
Lightning Strike (Enchanter lv 5)
Pervader (Sharpshooter lv 5)
Aggressor (Pulverizer lv 5)
Rampage (Berserker lv 7)
Asura (Rampager lv 3)
Bridge Burner (Daredevil lv 3)
Survivalist (Invoker lv 7)
Table Turner (Attacker lv 5)
Purveyor of Pity (Menace lv 5)


Vainglory Alpha (Guardian lv 5)
Vainglory Beta (Sage lv 5)
Vainglory Omega (Vainglory Alpha, Vainglory Beta)
Chevalier (Defender lv 5)
Royal Guard (Chevalier lv 3)
Defender (Comes with Victor I believe)
Guardian (Defender lv 3)
Paladin (Ace lv 3 and Savior lv 3)
Vanguard (Ace lv 3 and Guardian lv 3)
Avenger (Pulverizer lv 3 and Guardian lv 3)
Marshal (Shrewd Overseer lv 3 and Guardian lv 3)
War God (Vanguard lv 3, Avenger lv 3 and Marshal lv 3)
Dead Man Walking (Necromancer lv 3)
tri-Ace (Daemon lv 3, War God lv 3 and Holy Mother lv 3)
Emissary of the Blue Sphere (Elementalist lv 5)
Solar Emissary (Elementalist lv 5)
Moonlight Emissary (Necromancer lv 5 and Princess lv 5)
Turtle (Defender lv 7)
Suckerpuncher (Turtle lv 3 and Warmonger lv 3)


First Responder (Healer lv 5)
Gritty Warrior (Must be a PA, but it's not in the list I kept so I'm not sure...)
Dauntless (Gritty Warrior lv 3)
Princess (Chevalier lv 3)
Healer (start with it I believe)
Savior (Healer lv 3)
Crusader (Guardian lv 3 and Savior lv 3)
Holy Mother (Elementalist lv 3, Paladin lv 3 and Crusader lv 3)
Draugr Monarch (Dead Man Walking lv 3 and Vainglory Omega lv 3)
Mindbreaker (Enchanter lv 3)
Shock Therapist (Crusader lv 5)


Sage (Invoker lv 5 and Healer lv 5)
Skulker (Poltroon lv 3)
Instigator (I think from a PA, but it's not in my list so I'm not sure)
Boon Companion (From PA Stances with Daril, 300 in the list of PA's)
Rival (Comes from PA, 7 in the list of PA's)
Interceptor (Menace lv 7)
Spendthrift (Comes from PA, 88 in the list of PA's)
Pinchfist (I think from a PA, but it's not in my list so I'm not sure)
Vivifier (I think from a PA, but it's not in my list so I'm not sure)
Master Tactician (I think from a PA, but it's not in my list so I'm not sure)
Eccentric (I think from a PA, but it's not in my list so I'm not sure)
Betrayer (I think from a PA, but it's not in my list so I'm not sure)
Charlatan (Interceptor lv 3)
Warmonger (I think from a PA, but it's not in my list so I'm not sure)
Barbarian (Berserker lv 5)
Slouch (Purveyor of Pity lv 3)
Poltroon (Comes from PA, 335 in my list of PA's)
Hothead (I think from a PA, but it's not in my list so I'm not sure)
Late Bloomer (Warmonger lv 5)
Archivist (Emissary of the Blue Sphere lv 3, Solar Emissary lv 3 and Moonlight Emissary lv 3)


Stamina Stockpiler (I think you start with it)
Mana Maverick (I think you start with it)
Attack Advocate (I think you start with it)
Intelligence Indulger (I think you start with it)
Defensive Devotee (I think you start with it)
Mentality Maven (I think you start with it)
Critical Combatant (I think you start with it)
Stun Supporter (I think you start with it)
Scavenger (I think you start with it, or from a PA but it's not in my list so I'm not sure)
Instructor (Comes from PA, 371 in the list of PA's)
Minstrel (Comes from PA I think, but it's not in my list so I'm not sure)
Miser (Scavenger lv 3)
Altruist (Comes from PA I think, but it's not in my list so I'm not sure)
Unfortunate Soul (Comes from PA, 329 in the list of PA's)
Equal Opportunist (Comes from PA I think, but it's not in my list so I'm not sure)
Bunny (Comes from PA I think, but it's not in my list so I'm not sure)

Battle Trophies

This section shows the list of Battle Trophies. Remember that they carry over between games, so don't stress about getting them all in one go.

Keep in mind actions taken by your NPC controlled allies can also satisfy battle trophies, so if you want to augment their weapons to get some of these rather than focus on them specifically, that works. Put stun roles on them and you can get those ones, etc..

While farming hits, make sure you have your characters using the special skills that hit the most times, not the most powerful ones.

Here are some tips for the more difficult or less obvious ones:

**065 - 1 million hits is by far the most time consuming of anything for the platinum in this game. After my three different difficulty runs I was still only in the 400k range. My first suggestion is something to do during those 3 different difficulty runs, and that is to have Anne use Fists of Fury through your playthroughs. It's not a very strong attack, but I had her using Shockwave, which only hits once per enemy. Fists of Fury hits for like 23 each time, so you can see where that would have made a big difference. Other than that you just have to farm the hits. I saved this for last, so my party was really strong. I used my end game setup (see section by same name in the guide on my blog) but I took everyone's weapons and damage increasing roles off, then fought Gabriel Celeste. Your damage falls to like 20-100, meaning you can farm all the hits you want.

023-028 - I augmented items with these various elements, or used some weapons that have these by default (icicle sword for fidel, victor had a fire one, emmerson has a light bow, think anne has a wind weapon). Magic can also cover some of them.

042 - This one can be misunderstood. It's not a combo like 500 hits. It's just using a regular X (maybe circle I did X though) attack 250 in a row without using any skills. Must be Emmerson.

046 - I fought against 2 of the highest level scumbags, the blue ones you see end game. I killed off every other character but one, then fought them. All of their attacks are blockable except 2 charge up ones, which you will quickly learn to see. Even the tornado is blockable. You can also find enemies at the start of the game that don't use heavy attacks.

050 - I augmented one of Emmerson's weapons with 8 Critical Hit +30%, which comes from Heroism Potions. It stacks too. Then I put on all the Critical Plus Roles I had.

77-83 - With the exception of Silence and Stun I augmented weapons with things like Anti-Curse or Anti-Freezing Amulets, which make it so regular (X) attacks have a chance to inflict said status. Silence and stun can be gotten through magic and Roles.

Here's the full list:

001 1 Attack/500 Damage
002 1 Attack/1,000 Damage
003 1 Attack/5,000 Damage
004 1 Attack/25,000 Damage
005 1 Attack/50,000 Damage
006 1 Attack/50,000 Damage
007 1 Attack/99,999 Damage
008 Defeat 2 Foes at Once
009 Defeat 3 Foes at Once
010 Defeat 4 Foes at Once
011 Defeat 5 Foes at Once
012 3 Hits w/Death Palm
013 4 Hits w/Explosion
014 3 Hits w/Flying Guillotine
015 4 Hits w/Dark Devourer
016 3 Hits w/Sound Spike
017 3 Hits w/Hammer of Might
018 Miki's Brute Force
019 Mistress Brunelli's Punishment
020 Defeat with Reserve Rush
021 Defeat with Battle Skill
022 Defeat with Item
023 Kill It with Ice
024 Kill It with Earth
025 Kill It with Fire
026 Kill It with Darkness
027 Kill It with Light
028 Kill It with Wind
029 Flawless Victory
030 30-Second Victory
031 20-Second Victory
032 10-Second Victory
033 3-Second Victory
034 10-hit Combo
035 50-hit Combo
036 100-hit Combo
037 250-hit Combo
038 500 hit Combo
039 Long Range 10-hit Combo
040 Long Range 50-hit Combo
041 Long Range 100-hit Combo
042 Long Range 250-hit Combo
043 Block 5 Consecutive Attacks
044 Block 10 Consecutive Attacks
045 Block 30 Consecutive Attacks
046 Block 50 Consecutive Attacks
047 5 Consecutive Critical Hits
048 10 Consecutive Critical Hits
049 20 Consecutive Critical Hits
050 50 Consecutive Critical Hits
051 5 Foes in a Row with 1 Blow
052 10 Foes in a Row with 1 Blow
053 20 Foes in a Row with 1 Blow
054 5 Consecutive Finishing Blows
055 10 Consecutive Finishing Blows
056 20 Consecutive Finishing Blows
057 5 Cons. Finishes with Miki
058 5 Cons. Finishes with Victor
059 5 Cons. Finishes with Fiore
060 5 Cons. Finishes with Emmerson
061 5 Cons. Finishes with Anne
062 1,000 Total Hits
063 10,000 Total Hits
064 100,000 Total Hits
065 1,000,000 Total Hits
066 Deal 99,999 Total Damage
067 Deal 9,999,999 Total Damage
068 Deal 99,999,999 Total Damage
069 Deal 999,999,999 Total Damage
070 Take 1,000 Total Damage
071 Take 10,000 Total Damage
072 Take 100,000 Total Damage
073 Take 1,000,000 Total Damage
074 100 Total Critical Hits
075 1,000 Total Critical Hits
076 10,000 Total Critical Hits
077 Poison 100 Foes
078 Paralyze 100 Foes
079 Silence 100 Foes
080 Stun 100 Foes
081 Freeze 100 Foes
082 Cloud 100 Foes' Vision
083 Curse 100 Foes
084 Defeat 100 Total Foes
085 Defeat 1,000 Total Foes
086 Defeat 10,000 Total Foes
087 Fight in 100 Battles
088 Fight in 500 Battles
089 Fight in 1,000 Battles
090 10 Victories
091 100 Victories
092 500 Victories
093 1,000 Victories
094 100 Counter Attacks
095 100 Reserve Rushes
096 Use Special Arts 1,000 Times
097 Use Signeturgy 1,000 Times
098 Use Items 100 Times
099 Use Items 500 Times
100 Use Items 1,000 Times

Game Trophies

In addition to the battle trophies are the standard trophies pretty much any game has nowadays. I've listed the ones I've unlocked so far.

Warden of the Stars - Obtain all trophies

The Hero Sthal Needs - Eradicate Eitalon.

Pavine Pummeler - Defeat Pavine in the Eihied Mountains.

Der-Suul Deposer - Defeat Der-Suul in the Slaughtery.

Thoras Thrasher - Defeat Thoras in the parallel dimension.

Alma Annihilator - Defeat Alma in the Throne room.

Archnemesis of the Heavens - Defeat Gabriel Celeste

Together Forever - View Miki's ending.

His Will Lives On - View Victor's ending.

Straightened Priorities - View Fiore's ending.

Traverse the Stars - View Emmerson's ending.

All Alone with Anne - View Anne's ending.

Relia Finds Happiness - View Relia's ending (I'm not sure if this is any ending with her or the one with Miki too).

The Legend Begins - Start a second playthrough.

Call for Backup - Activate a reserve rush.

Right Back Atchya - Make a riposte (counter).

He Who Runs Away Lives to Fight Another Day - Flee from battle.

My Reaction When - Emote during a cutscene. This means when people are talking and you can only walk around the area it is happening.

Supernal Aspirations - Ascend to level 255 (First character does it)

Universally Renowned - Beat the game on Universe Difficulty

Survivor of Chaos - Beat the game on Chaos difficulty - Please be aware that difficulty trophies don't stack, so unlocking this one will not automatically unlock lower difficulties like most games.

Please Be Gentle - Create an item.

Successor to the Vineyard Throne - Unlock all item creation recipes (make everything once)

Apothecary Extraordinaire - Synthesize the most valuable medicinal item - You can get this by synthesizing a 50 Purity 0 Impurity setup that has a Wonderous Tincture in it. Use the Wonderous Tincture plus 4 Alchemy Water.

Culinary Cirtuoso - You can get this by synthesizing the most valuable food item (Supreme Curry Rice). It can come from any combination of foods that gives 50 Purity 0 Impurity and comes out as Food. Most high level food only gives Purity.

Alchemical Artisan - You can get this by synthesizing Fidel's Ultimate Weapon Levantine. This requires 50 Purity 0 Impurity with at least 1 Moonstone that comes out as Metal. Gold works well.

Nature's Blessing - You can get this by crafting Anne's ultimate weapon. You can get this with any combination that has 50 Purity 0 Impurity that comes out as a natural item (green crystal symbol). I can't remember what I used honestly aside from the required Moonstone.

Seeker of Sorcerous Knowledge - You get this by crafting Fiore's Ultimate weapon, which comes from a 50 Purity 0 Impurity item setup that comes out as Signeturgy. Rubies work well. Requires 1 Moonstone.

Master Machinist - You get this by crafting Emmerson's ultimate weapon. It can come from any item setup that has 50 Purity 0 Impurity that comes out as a Machine. Think it was some wire, microchips, etc. Requires 1 Moonstone.

Learn from Your Mistakes - You get thsi by making a poisonous substance from synthesizing items that have 0 Purity 50 Impurity that comes out as food.

Full Aresenal - You get this by getting everyone all their battle skills and signeturgy spells. You can craft all the books with the Author specialty.

Hail to the Chief - Obtain the vast majority of roles

Stalwart Veteran -  Obtain half of the battle trophies

Consumate Combatant - See the Battle Trophies Section

Biology Buff - Encounter half of all enemies.

Boss of the Bestiary - See Bestiary Section

Item Identifier - Catalogue half of all items.

Compendium Completionist - See Item Encyclopedia Section

Helping Hand- Complete half of all quests.

Quid Pro Quest - Complete all quests.


Synthesis is random in this game, but there is no chance for total failure. Instead the items you use can produce another item of a certain category at random. So if you put two items on the table, below it will tell you what category of item they will make, so things like weapons, materials, food, etc..

The main key beyond the category is the purity/impurity level. The best items are going to come from 50 purity 0 impurity. You can see what each item has for both values on the synth table. There are also some necessary items that come from 0 Purity 50 Impurity.

It's best to save your game before trying to synth a certain item, as it is random. You can also save your game on a different save file to record any new items in the encyclopedia, but then just reload the other game and do some more synthing.

See the Item Encyclopedia for more specific recipes.


There are a ton of items to craft in the game. It's imperative that you get Specialized Skills like Zoology as early on as possible, so you will have more materials as you progress through the game. This is one of the biggest parts of the game, and I still have several things I haven't crafted even after completing the story.

Cathedral of Oblivion

These are portals that appear in various parts of the world map. Inside are stronger monsters than what you find in the area where it appears, making them harder to complete. At the end of each one is various items.

At this time I'm not sure how many unique versions of this there are, but I've gotten over half a dozen items from them, so there are a fair few.

These have 3 versions over the course of the game. Clearing them all each time is required to get all the bestiary entries, as well as the weapons at the end of the final change.

The first time there are only 3 available, in the Coast of Minoz,  Resulian Plains and West of the Eastern Eihieds.

The second group is available up until some of the Trei'kur stuff. Your best bet is to do these before heading to the second symbological research facility.

The third time is accessible around the end of the game, and isn't missable. Only the first two versions are missable.

Reaching Level 255

This can seem like one of the most daunting trophies, but fear not, for there is a way to make it much easier.

It's important to note that you need to purchase the Specialty Limit Break, which costs 10,000 SP. It will appear either when you start a new game after beating Alma, or once you reach the first limit (99 or 100 I'm pretty sure, but I had it before I hti the limit on any of my games).

The first thing you need to do is complete the game. This is so you can get access to the extra dungeon the game offers. You can get there from the teleporter in the ship after you have defeated Alma at least one time.

The optional dungeon has 3 floors. You'll want to get to the second floor (defeat 5 bosses on the first floor). On the second floor you can find a monster called Metal Scumbags. They have totally crazy defense. Even one of my characters who can do 99,999 only does a few hundred damage per hit. The Metal Scumbags are worth a ton of experience.

There is a way to take them down much easier, in just two hits. All you have to do is make a weapons called the Scumbag Slayer. It requires Level 6 in the Smithery Specialty. Meteorites can be found on the dinosaurs outside the Signesilica. Wooden stick can be found on the living tree enemies. Mana Ribbons can be crafted with the Crafting Specialty, level 7 (Mana cloth comes from the optional dungeon). High Strength Adhesive is crafted (level 2 Alchemy) or purchased from Ruddle if you did the quests so he becomes a merchant.

Craft the sword and put it on someone, then fight the Metal Scumbags. It will destroy them. However, it is completely useless against other enemies, and also causes a significant decrease in defense. Another tip is to find a room where three Metal Scumbags appear. Then use the Ocarina Specialty to fight that same group over and over. You can get well over 200k XP per fight.

All Item Creation Recipes

This section shows all the recipes for all levels of the Specialties that allow you to craft items (Compounding, Engineering, Smithery, Crafting, Cooking, Authoring and Alchemy). You can also refer to the video below if you would like to see the In-Game list.

Doing so will unlock the trophy Successor to the Vineyard Throne.

To unlock the trophy you need to make every item in the Item Creation menu one (1) time. I've also included the list below:


Blueberry Potion (lvl 2) - 3 Blueberries and 2 Nectar
Physical Stimulant (lvl 4) - 3 Bluebberies, 1 Red Fruit and 1 Caterpillar Fungus
Blackberry Potion (lvl 1) - 3 Blackberries and 2 Nectar
Mental Stimulant (lvl 5) - 3 Blackberries, 1 Green Fruit and 1 Caterpillar Fungus
Mixed Syrup (lvl 1) - 1 Red Fruit and 1 Green Fruit
Resurrection Elixir (lvl 7) - 3 Fresh Sage, 1 Caterpillar Fungus and 1 Empty Bottle
Therapeutic Tincture (lvl 6) - 3 Mint, 2 Basil and 1 Olive Oil
Emotional Destabilizer (lvl 4) - 3 Lavender, 1 Demon's Tail and 1 Empty Bottle
Love Potion No. 256 (lvl 6) - 3 Lavender, 1 Shadow Roses and 1 Lezard's Flask
Strength Potion (lvl 3) - 3 Fire Gem, 1 Holy Water and Empty Bottle
Perception Potion (lvl 3) - 3 Ice Gem, 3 Holy Water and 1 Empty Bottle
Fortitude Potion (lvl 2) - 3 Earth Gem, 3 Holy Water and 1 Empty Bottle
Acuity Potion (lvl 2) - 3 Wind Gem, 3 Holy Water and 1 Empty Bottle
Diligence Potion (lvl 4) - 3 Holy Water, 1 Empty Bottle and 3 Seasonings
Riot Potion (lvl 6) - 1 Lezard's Flask, 2 Vanilla Beans and 3 Nectar
Heroism Potion (lvl 7) - 1 Resurrection Elixir, 1 DANGER! DO NOT DRINK!, 2 Philosopher's Stone and 1 Lezard's Flask
Vitalitea (lvl 4) - 1 Physical Stimulant, 3 Colorful Mushrooms and 1 Lemon Juice
Robust Vitalitea (lvl 6) - 1 Vitalitea, 3 Poison Hemlock and 1 Caterpillar Fungus
Poison Cider (lvl 1) - 3 Spring Water, 2 Nectar, 3 Bee Stinger and 1 Empty Bottle
Spark Cider (lvl 1) - 3 Spring Water, 2 Nectar, 3 Geral Secretion and 1 Empty Bottle
Frozen Cider (lvl 1) - 3 Spring Water, 2 Nectar, 3 Fish Scales and 1 Empty Bottle
Cloudy Cider (lvl 1) - 3 Spring Water, 2 Nectar, 3 Peryton Droppings and 1 Empty Bottle
DANGER! DO NOT DRINK! (lvl 5) - 3 Spring Water, 3 Nectar, 3 Poison Hemlock and 1 Empty Bottle
Potent Attack Seeds (lvl 8) - 1 Alchemist's Water, 2 Attack Seeds and 1 Fermentation Pot
Potent Intelligence Seeds (lvl 8) - 1 Alechemist's Water, 2 Intelligence Seeds and 1 Fermentation Pot
Potent Defense Seeds (lvl 8) - 1 Alchemist's Water, 2 Defense Seeds and 1 Fermentation Pot
Potent Mentality Seeds (lvl 8) - 1 Alchemist's Water, 2 Mentality Seeds and 1 Fermentation Pot
Potent Health Seeds (lvl 8) - 1 Alchemist's Water, 2 Health Seeds and 1 Fermentation Pot
Potent Magic Seeds (lvl 8) - 1 Alchemist's Water, 2 Magic Seeds and 1 Fermentation Pot


Healing Device (lvl 5) - 3 Physical Stimulant and 1 Diffusion Device
Relaxation Device (lvl 6) - 3 Mental Stimulant and 1 Diffusion Device
Miraculous Device (lvl 7) - 4 Mixed Syrup, 1 Caterpillar Fungus and 1 Diffusion Device
EM Bomb (S) (lvl 1) - 1 Fire Gem, 3 Gunpowder and 1 Micro Circuit
EM Bomb (L) (lvl 5) - 1 Fire Gem, 3 Reinforced Gunpowerd, 1 Rivets and 2 Micro Circuit
Gravity Bomb (lvl 4) - 1 Gnomestone, 2 Reinforced Gunpowder and 1 Micro Circuit
Low-Frequency Bomb (lvl 5) - 1 Sylphstone, 2 Reinforced Gunpowder and 1 Quantum Processor
Ultimate Bomb (lvl 7) - 1 Meteorite, 1 Hadron Collider and 1 Quantum Processor
Self-Destruct 3000 (lvl 4) - 1 DANGER! DO NOT DRINK!, 2 Gunpower and 1 Wire
Poison Bomb (lvl 2) - 1 EM Bomb (S) and 1 Poison Cider
Deluxe Poison Bomb (lvl 4) - 1 EM Bomb (L) and 1 Poison Cider
Stun Bomb (lvl 3) - 1 EM Bomb (S) and 1 Spark Cider
Deluxe Stun Bomb (lvl 6) - 1 EM Bomb (L) and 1 Spark Cider
Freezing Bomb (lvl 3) - 1 EM Bomb (S) and 1 Frozen Cider
Deluxe Freezing Bomb (lvl 6) - 1 EM Bomb (L) and 1 Frozen Cider
Smoke Bomb (lvl 2) - 1 EM Bomb (S) and 1 Cloudy Cider
Deluxe Smoke Bomb (lvl4) - 1 EM Bomb (L) and 1 Cloudy Cider
Attack Breaker (lvl 1) - 1 EM Bomb (S) and 1 Strength Potion
Intelligence Breaker (lvl 1) - 1 EM Bomb (S) and 1 Perception Potion
Defense Breaker (lvl 2) - 1 EM Bomb (S) and 3 Fortitude Potion
Mentality Breaker (lvl 2) - 1 EM Bomb (S) and 3 Acuity Potion
HP Absorber (lvl 7) - 1 Ghost's Soul, 1 Diffusion Device and 1 Quantum Processor
MP Absorber (lvl 7) - 1 Mati, 1 Diffusion Device and 1 Quantum Processor
CQC Program Alpha (lvl 2) - 3 Iron and 1 Blank Disk
CQC Program Beta (lvl 2) - 3 Silver and 1 Blank Disk
CQC Program Gamma (lvl 3) - 3 Gold and 1 Blank Disk
CQC Program Delta (lvl 3) - 3 Damascus Steel and 1 Blank Disk
CQC Program Epsilon (lvl 4) - 5 Gold and 1 Blank Disk
CQC Program Zeta (lvl 4) - 3 Platinum and 1 High-Capacity Blank Disk
CQC Program Eta (lvl 5) - 4 Platinum and 1 High-Capacity Blank Disk
CQC Program Theta (lvl 6) - 5 Orichalcum and 1 High-Capacity Blank Disk
Sylvan Ray (lvl 5) - 3 Mythril, 1 Laser Oscillator and 3 Rivets
Straightshooter (lvl 6) - 1 Meteorite, 4 Rivets and 1 Carbon Fiber
Umbral Blast (lvl 8) - 3 Gravity Bomb, 3 Orichalcum, 1 Hardron Collider and 3 Rivets
Laser Suit (lvl 8) - 1 Moonstone, 4 Laser Oscillator, 2 Carbon Fiber and 1 High-Power Generator


Storm Blade (lvl 1) - 3 Wind Gem and 2 Iron
Venom Sword (lvl 3) - 4 Poison Cider, 2 Damascus Steel and 2 Bee Stinger
Icicle Sword (lvl 5) - 4 Nereidstone, 8 Frozen Cider and 1 Ash
Mythril Sword (lvl 6) - 4 Mythril, 2 Damascus Steel and 1 Dragon Hide
Arcana Sword (lvl 7) - 1 Meteorite, 3 Platinum and 3 Carbon Fiber
Aurora Blade (lvl 8) - 3 Orichalcum, 1 Laser Oscillator and 1 High-Power Generator
Scumbag Slayer (lvl 6) - 1 Meteorite, 3 Wooden Stick, 1 Mana Ribbon and High-Strength Adhesive
Ruby Wand (lvl 1) - 1 Ruby and 3 Wooden Stick
Mythril Rod (lvl 6) - 4 Mythril, 1 Laurel Tree, 1 Shadow Roses and 2 Ash
Rune Blade (lvl 3) - 1 Crystal, 1 Light Gem and 2 Damascus Steel
Searing Sword (lvl 5) - 3 Salamanderstone, 1 Dragon Scales and 1 Dragon Hide
Silvance (lvl 6) - 1 Alchemist's Water, 2 Mythril and 3 Silver
Dojikiri-Yasutsuna (lvl 7) - 3 Meteorite, 4 Coal and 2 Bloodstained Cloth
Murasame (lvl 8) - 4 Diligence Potion, 3 Orichalcum and 2 Scalestone
Star Flail (lvl 3) - 2 Spark Cider, 1 Damascus Steel and 1 Platinum
Williwaw Bow (lvl 3) - 2 Light Gem, 2 Damascus Steel and 1 Wire
Atrementous Usurper (lvl 4) - 3 Darkness Gem, 2 Platinum and 1 Wire
Saint's Bow (lvl 5) - 3 Angelstone, 2 Gold, 3 Oak and 2 Wire
Damask Knuckles (lvl 3) - 1 Strength Potion, 2 Earth Gem and 4 Damascus Steel
Vermilion Claws (lvl 4) - 1 Platinum, 2 Wolf Fant, 2 Snakeskin and 1 Salamanderstone
Hurricane Claws (lvl 5) - 3 Sylphstone, 4 Giant Bird Feather and 3 Faerie Embroidery Thread
Mythril Gauntlets (lvl 6) - 3 Fortitude Potion, 3 Mythril and 6 Rivets
Tiger Fangs (lvl 7) - 3 Meteorite, 8 Wolf's Fang and 3 Primeval Fossil
Kaiser Knuckles (lvl 8) - 5 Strength Potion, 3 Orichalcum, 4 Gold and 3 Dragon Hide
Shell Armor (lvl 1) - 2 Iron, 1 Tortoise Shell and 1 Lizardskin
Damask Plate (lvl 3) - 3 Damascus Steel, 5 Rivets and 2 Earth Gem
Duel Armor (lvl 4) - 1 Fortitude Potion, 1 Platinum and 2 Tortoise Shell
Ifrit Mail (lvl 5) - 3 Salamanderstone, 2 Gnomestone and 3 Carbon Fiber
Mythril Plate (lvl 6) - 3 Mythril, 2 Tortoise Shell and 6 Rivets
Valiant Mail (lvl 7) - 2 Vitalitea, 3 Meteorite, 3 Dragon Hide and 12 Rivets
Reflecting Plate (lvl 8) - 3 Angelstone, 3 Orichalcum and 1 Philosopher's Stone
Rudimentary Protector (lvl 1) - 1 Iron and 2 Hand-Spun Thread
Scale Mail (lvl 1) - 5 Fish Scales and 2 Wire
Blood Chain Mail (lvl 4) - 4 Darkness Charm, 2 Platinum and 1 Bloodstained Cloth
Sylphide's Mail (lvl 5) - 3 Sylphstone, 2 Nereidstone and 3 Carbon Fiber
Mythril Mesh (lvl 6) - 2 Mythril, 2 Gold and 3 Silk
Superior Chain Mail (lvl 7) - 3 Holy Water, 3 Meteorite, 6 Silver and 3 Cashmere
Mystic Chain (lvl 8) - 3 Orichalcum, 4 Platinum and 3 Manacloth
Earth's Armlet (lvl 2) - 1 Earth Gem and 4 Silver
Ice Armlet (lvl 2) - 1 Ice Gem and 4 Silver
Fire Armlet (lvl 2) - 1 Fire Gem and 4 Silver
Wind Armlet (lvl 2) - 1 Wind Gem and 4 Silver
Star Guard (lvl 7) - 1 Moon Pearl, 3 Orichalcum and 1 Meteorite
Damascus Steel (lvl 2) - 3 Iron and 2 Coal


Floral Brume Wand (lvl 3) - 3 Blue Roses, 1 Ebony and 1 Taffeta Ribbon
Amber Mace (lvl 4) - 1 Amber, 4 Gnomestone, 4 Iron and 3 Velvet Ribbon
Adept's Staff (lvl 6) - 1 Meteorite, 1 Moon Pearl, 3 Oak and 2 Velvet Ribbon
Apocalypse (lvl 8) - 3 Orichalcum, 2 Ash, 3 Lesser Fiend's Tail and 1 Mana Ribbon
Armillary Sphere (lvl 6) - 3 Meteorite and 1 Primeval Fossil
Superior Leather (lvl 3) - 3 Damascus Steel, 4 Snakeskin and 3 High-Strengh Adhesive
Sthal Cloak (lvl 1) - 3 Wool and 1 Hand-Spun Thread
Traveler's Cloak (lvl 1) - 3 Lizardskin, 4 Wool and 3 Hand-Spun Thread
Flare Coat (lvl 2) - 1 Ruby, 2 Silk, 1 Taffeta Ribbon and 1 Hand-Spun Thread
Crystal Robe (lvl 3) - 1 Crystal, 3 Velvet Ribbon and 3 Dwarven Embroidery Thread
Angel's Cloak (lvl 4) - 1 Angelstone, 2 Cashmere, 3 Dwarven Embroidery Thread and 1 Laurel Tree
Mystic Robe (lvl 5) - 1 Shadow Roses, 3 Cashmere and 3 Velvet Ribbon
Wizard's Robe (lvl 6) - 3 Manacloth, 1 Mana Ribbon and 3 Faerie Embroidery Thread
Anti-poison Amulet (lvl 5) - 8 Mint, 1 Gnomestone and 3 Ebony
Anti-paralysis Amulet (lvl 6) - 8 Basil, 1 Sylphstone and 3 Oak
Anti-silence Amulet (lvl 4) - 8 Chamomile, 1 Salamanderstone and 3 Ebony
Anti-stun Amulet (lvl 5) - 1 Crystal, 8 Vinegar and 3 Ebony
Anti-freezing Amulet (lvl 6) - 8 Cinnamon, 1 Nereidstone and 3 Oak
Anti-fog Amulet (lvl 4) - 8 Jasmine, 1 Angelstone and 3 Ebony
Anti-curse Amulet (lvl 5) - 8 Lavender, 1 Shadestone and 3 Ebony
Anti-death Amulet (lvl 7) - 8 Resurrection Elixir, 1 Philosopher's Stone and 3 Ash
Light Scarf (lvl 4) - 3 Light Charm, 1 Angelstone and 1 Cashmere
Darkness Scarf (lvl 4) - 3 Darkness Charm, 1 Shadestone and 1 Cashmere
Energy Bracelet (lvl 2) - 3 Lizardskin, 2 Oak and 1 High Strength Adhesive
Arcane Bracelet (lvl 2) - 1 Silver, 3 Snakeskin and 1 High Strengh Adhesive
Attack Bracelet (lvl 4) - 3 Strength Potion, 1 Crystal and 3 Platinum
Mind Bracelet (lvl 4) - 3 Perception Potion, 1 Crystal and 3 Platinum
Fortitude Bracelet (lvl 3) - 3 Fortitude Potion, 1 Crystal and 3 Gold
Acuity Bracelet (lvl 3) - 3 Acuity Potion, 1 Crystal and 3 Gold
Extrication Ring (lvl 5) - 3 Robust Vitalitea, 1 Amber and 1 Sylphstone
Healing Band (lvl 7) - 20 Red Fruit, 1 Ash, 1 Mana Ribbon and 3 High Strength Adhesive
Faerie Band (lvl 7) - 20 Green Fruit, 1 Remex, 1 Mana Ribbon and 3 Dwarven Embroidery Thread
Testament to Triumph (lvl 7) - 1 Laurel Tree, 3 Bloodstained Cloth and 3 Gold
Green Talisman (lvl 6) - 2 Sylphstone, 3 Gnomestone and 1 Meteorite
Blue Talisman (lvl 6) - 2 Nereidstone, 3 Angelstone and 1 Meteorite
Red Talisman (lvl 6) - 2 Salamanderstone, 3 Shadestone and 1 Meteorite
tri-Emblem (lvl 8) - 3 Condemner's Cerulean Plume, 1 Matriarch's Resplendent Plume and 1 Moonstone
Mana Ribbon (lvl 7) - 3 Manacloth and 2 Faerie Embroidery Thread


Roe Rice (lvl 1) - 3 White Rice and 3 Roe
Curry Rice (lvl 4) - 3 White Rice, 3 Fresh Vegetables, 2 Prehistoric Meat and 2 Seasonings
Tears of Joysotto (lvl 8) - 3 Tasty Mushrooms, 3 White Rice, 3 Colorful Mushrooms and 2 Well-Aged Cheese
Crab Rice Stew (lvl 5) - 3 Fresh Vegetables, 3 White Rice, 3 Shellfish Meat and 1 Seaweed
Grilled Steak (lvl 7) - 5 Prehistoric Meat, 1 Olive Oil and 1 Seasonings
Hamburg Steak (lvl 5) - 2 Fresh Sage, 3 Prehistoric Meat, 1 Fresh Vegetables and 1 Common Eggs
Golden Omelet (lvl 3) - 1 Prehistoric Meat, 3 Common Eggs and 1 Tomato
Grilled Fish (lvl 1) - 1 Lemon and 1 Raw Fish
Fried Fish (lvl 3) - 2 Wheat Flour, 3 Raw Fish and 1 Olive Oil
Sushi (lvl 8) - 4 White Rice, 3 Empyreanase and 3 Vinegar
Salmon Meuniere (lvl 5) - 2 Lemon, 3 Raw Fish, 1 Olive Oil and 1 Basil
Stink Fish (lvl 7) - 3 Raw Fish, 2 Soy Sauce, 1 Gerel Secretion and 2 Fermentation Pot
Cream Stew (lvl 4) - 3 Wheat Flour, 3 Fresh Vegetables, 2 Tasty Mushrooms and 1 Whole Milk
Minestrone (lvl 2) - 3 Tomato, 2 Fresh Vegetables and 1 Spring Water
Cheese Fondue (lvl 6) - 3 White Bread, 1 Fresh Vegetables and 3 Well-Aged Cheese
Vegetable Stir Fry (lvl 3) - 3 Fresh Vegetables, 1 Prehistoric Meat and 1 Seasonings
Caesar Salad (lvl 4) - 3 Fresh Vegetables, 1 Lemon and 1 Olive Oil
Seaweed Salad (lvl 6) - 3 Fresh Vegetables, 2 Seaweed and 1 Soy Sauce
Caprese Salad (lvl 7) - 1 Basil, 3 Tomato, 2 Well-Aged Cheese and 2 Olive Oil
Pasta Peperoncino (lvl 3) - 3 Wheat Flour, 2 Seasonings and 1 Olive Oil
Pasta Bolognese (lvl 6) - 3 Wheat Flour, 3 Tomato, 1 Prehistoric Meat and 1 Well-Aged Cheese
Spaghetti with Roe (lvl 4) - 3 Wheat Flour, 2 Roe, 1 Seaweed and 2 Soy Sauce
Sukiyaki (lvl 8) - 3 Fresh Vegetables, 3 Marbled Meat, 1 Common Eggs and Soy Sauce
Seafood Hot Pot (lvl 7) - 1 Empyreanase, 3 Raw Fish, 3 Shellfish Meat and 2 Seaweed
Shortcake (lvl 5) - 3 Wheat Flour, 1 Red Fruit, 3 Common Eggs and 3 Whole Milk
Lemon Tart (lvl 2) - 3 Wheat Flour, 3 Lemon and 1 Whole Milk
White Break (lvl 2) - 3 Wheat Flour and 2 Spring Water
Chocolate Scones (lvl 4) - 3 Wheat Flour, 2 Common Eggs and 3 Cocoa Powder
Melon Bun (lvl 6) - 3 White Bread, 2 Common Eggs, 1 Whole Milk and 3 Nectar
Heavenly Pudding (lvl 8) - 3 Egg Paragon, 2 Whole Milk, 1 Nectar and 2 Vanilla Beans
Tiramisu (lvl 4) - 3 Well-Aged Cheese, 1 Whole Milk, 2 Common Eggs and 2 Cocoa Powder
Vanilla Ice Cream (lvl 3) - 3 Whole Milk and 1 Vanilla Beans
Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream (lvl 6) - 2 Mint, 3 Whole Milk and 3 Cocoa Powder
Fruit Gummies (lvl 4) - 3 Spring Water, 4 Nectar nd 3 Gerel Secretion
Hot Chocolate (lvl 3) - 3 Cocoa Powder and 1 Whole Milk
Lemon Juice (lvl 1) - 1 Lemon, 2 Spring Water and 3 Nectar
Herb Tea (lvl 5) - 3 Mint, 1 Chamomile, 1 Jasmine and 2 Spring Water
Chai Tea (lvl 6) - 3 Mint, 2 Cinammon, 1 Seasonings and 2 Whole Milk
Bunnylicious Pie (lvl 1) - 1 Wheat Flour, 1 Red Fruit, 1 Green Fruit and 2 Nectar


Lesser Demon Fetish (lvl 1) - 1 Signet Card and 1 Dark Pain
Greater Demon Fetish (lvl 2) - 1 Signet Card + and 2 Dark Paint
Earth Charm (lvl 1) - 2 Earth Gem and 1 Signet Card
Ice Charm (lvl 1) - 2 Ice Gem and 1 Signet Card
Fire Charm (lvl 1) - 2 Fire Gem and 1 Signet Card
Wind Charm (lvl 2) - 2 Wind Gem and 1 Signet Card
Light Charm (lvl 2) - 2 Light Gem and 1 Signet Card
Darkness Charm (lvl 2) - 2 Darkness Gem and 1 Signet Card
Signet Card: Healing (lvl 1) - 1 Signet Card and 1 Healing Paint
Signet Card: Healing + (lvl 4) - 3 Remex, 1 Sigent Card + and 1 Healing Paint
Signet Card: Ex Healing (lvl 3) - 3 Oak, 1 Signet Card and 1 Healing Paint
Signet Card: Ex Healing + (lvl 6) - 1 Signet Card + and 1 Healing Paint
Signet Card: Faerie Healing (lvl 2) - 3 Holy Water, 1 Signet Card and 1 Healing Paint
Signet Card: Faerie Healing + (lvl 4) - 1 Signet Card +, 1 Healing Paint and 2 Dwarven Embroidery Thread
Signet Card: Faerie Light (lvl 3) - 3 Ash, 1 Signet Card and 1 Healing Paint
Signet Card: Faerie Light + (lvl 6) - 1 Signet Card + and 1 Healing Paint
Signet Card: Faerie Star (lvl 4) - 1 Signet Card, 1 Healing Paint and 3 Faerie Embroidery Thread
Signet Card: Faerie Star + (lvl 7) - 3 Primeval Fossil, 1 Signet Card + and 1 Healing Paint
Signet Card: Antidote (lvl 1) - 1 Signet Card and 1 Healing Paint
Signet Card: Antidote + (lvl 4) - 3 Therapeutic Tincture, 1 Signet Card + and 1 Healing Paint
Signet Card: Cure Condition (lvl 4) - 3 Crystal, 1 Signet Card and 1 Healing Paint
Signet Card: Cure Condition + (lvl 7) - 3 Amber, 1 Signet Card + and 1 Healing Paint
Signet Card: Raise Dead (lvl 2) - 3 Ruby, 1 Signet Card and 2 Healing Paint
Signet Card: Raise Dead + (lvl 5) - 1 Signet Card and 2 Healing Paint
Signet Card: Resurrection (lvl 5) - 3 Blue Roses, 1 Signet Card and 2 Healing Paint
Signet Card: Earth Glaive (lvl 1) - 1 Earth Gem, 1 Signet Card and 1 Earth Paint
Signet Card: Earth Glaive + (lvl 4) - 2 Earth Gem, 1 Signet Card + and 1 Earth Paint
Signet Card: Stone Rain (lvl 3) - 2 Earth Gem, 1 Signet Card and 1 Earth Paint
Signet Card: Stone Rain + (lvl 6) - 2 Earth Gem, 1 Signet Card + and 2 Earth Paint
Signet Card: Terra Hammer (lvl 4) - 2 Earth Gem, 1 Signet Card and 1 Earth Paint
Signet Card: Terra Hammer + (lvl 7) - 3 Earth Gem, 1 Signet Card + and 3 Earth Paint
Signet Card: Ice Needles (lvl 1) - 1 Ice Gem, 1 Signet Card and 1 Ice Paint
Signet Card: Ice Needles + (lvl 4) - 2 Ice Gem, 1 Signet Card + and 1 Ice Paint
Signet Card: Deep Freeze (lvl 3) - 2 Ice Gem, 1 Signet Card and 1 Ice Paint
Signet Card: Deep Freeze + (lvl 6) - 2 Ice Gem, 1 Signet Card + and 2 Ice Paint
Signet Card: Arctic Impact (lvl 4) - 2 Ice Gem, 1 Signet Card and 1 Ice Paint
Signet Card: Arctic Impact + (lvl 7) - 3 Ice Gem, 1 Signet Card + and 2 Ice Paint
Signet Card: Fire Bolt (lvl 1) - 1 Fire Gem, 1 Signet Card and 1 Fire Paint
Signet Card: Fire Bolt + (lvl 4) - 2 Fire Gem, 1 Signet Card + and 1 Fire Paint
Signet Card: Explosion (lvl 3) - 2 Fire Gem, 1 Signet Card and 1 Fire Paint
Signet Card: Explosion + (lvl 6) - 2 Fire Gem, 1 Signet Card + and 1 Fire Paint
Signet Card: Volcanic Burst (lvl 4) - 2 Fire Gem, 1 Signet Card and 1 Fire Paint
Signet Card: Volcanic Burst + (lvl 7) - 3 Fire Gem, 1 Signet Card + and 2 Fire Paint
Signet Card: Wind Blade (lvl 1) - 1 Wind Gem, 1 Signet Card and 1 Wind Paint
Signet Card: Wind Blade + (lvl 4) - 2 Wind Gem, 1 Signet Card + and 1 Wind Paint
Signet Card: Tornado (lvl 5) - 2 Wind Gem, 1 Signet Card and 1 Wind Paint
Signet Card: Tornado + (lvl 8) - 3 Wind Gem, 1 Signet Card + and 2 Wind Paint
Signet Card: Lightning Blast (lvl 3) - 2 Wind Gem, 1 Signet Card and 1 Wind Paint
Signet Card: Lightning Blast + (lvl 6) - 2 Wind Gem, 1 Signet Card + and 2 Wind Paint
Signet Card: Thunder Flare (lvl 4) - 2 Wind Gem, 1 Signet Card and 1 Wind Paint
Signet Card: Thunder Flare + (lvl 7) - 3 Wind Gem, 1 Signet Card + and 1 Wind Paint
Signet Card: Radiant Lancer (lvl 2) - 1 Light Gem, 1 Signet Card and 1 Light Paint
Signet Card: Radiant Lancer + (lvl 5) - 2 Light Gem, 1 Signet Card + and 1 Light Paint
Signet Card: Aurora Rings (lvl 3) - 2 Light Gem, 1 Signet Card and 1 Light Paint
Signet Card: Aurora Rings + (lvl 6) - 2 Light Gem, 1 Signet Card + and 2 Light Paint
Signet Card: Sunflare (lvl 5) - 2 Light Gem, 1 Signet Card and 1 Light Paint
Signet Card: Sunflare + (lvl 8) - 3 Light Gem, 1 Signet Card + and 2 Light Paint
Signet Card: Shadow Needles (lvl 2) - 1 Darkness Gem, 1 Signet Card and 1 Dark Paint
Signet Card: Shadow Needles + (lvl 5) - 2 Darkness Gem, 1 Signet Card + and 1 Dark Paint
Signet Card: Dark Devourer (lvl 3) - 2 Darkness Gem, 1 Signet Card and 1 Dark Paint
Signet Card: Dark Devourer + (lvl 6) - 2 Darkness Gem, 1 Signet Card + and 2 Dark Paint
Signet Card: Vampiric Blade (lvl 4) - 2 Darkness Gem, 1 Signet Card and 1 Dark Paint
Signet Card: Vampiric Blade + (lvl 7) - 3 Darkness Gem, 1 Signet Card + and 2 Dark Paint
Signet Card: Divine Wave (lvl 5) - 2 Crystal, 1 Signet Card and 1 Nil Paint
Signet Card: Divine Wave + (lvl 8) - 3 Crystal, 1 Signet Card + and 3 Nil Paint
Signet Card: Extinction (lvl 5) - 2 Crystal, 1 Signet Card and 1 Nil Paint
Signet Card: Extinction + (lvl 8) - 3 Crystal, 1 Signet Card + and 3 Nil Paint
Signet Card: Reaping Spark (lvl 3) - 2 Crystal, 1 Signet Card and 1 Nil Paint
Signet Card: Reaping Spark (lvl 6) - 2 Crystal, 1 Signet Card + and 2 Nil Paint
Signet Card: Sacred Pain (lvl 2) - 1 Silver, 1 Signet Card and 1 Mysterious Paint
Signet Card: Sacred Pain + (lvl 5) - 2 Silver, 1 Signet Card + and 1 Mysterious Paint
Signet Card: Silence (lvl 2) - 1 Silver, 1 Signet Card and 1 Mysterious Paint
Signet Card: Silence + (lvl 5) - 2 Silver, 1 Signet Card + and 1 Mysterious Paint
Signet Card: Void (lvl 4) - 2 Silver, 1 Signet Card and 1 Mysterious Paint
Signet Card: Void + (lvl 7) - 3 Silver, 1 Signet Card + and 1 Mysterious Paint
Signet Card: Arcane Weapon (lvl 4) - 2 Silver, 1 Signet Card and 1 Mysterious Paint
Signet Card: Arcane Weapon + (lvl 7) - 3 Silver, 1 Signet Card + and 2 Mysterious Paint
Swordsman's Manual I (lvl 1) - 1 Giant Bird Feather, 1 Parchment and 3 High Grade Ink
Swordsman's Manual II (lvl 1) - 1 Bee Stinger, 1 Parchment and 3 High Grade Ink
Swordsman's Manual III (lvl 2) - 2 Primeval Fossil, 1 Parchment and 4 High Grade Ink
Swordsman's Manual IV (lvl 2) - 1 Parchment, 2 Dwarven Embroidery Thread and 4 High Grade Ink
Swordsman's Manual V (lvl 3) - 1 Parchment, 2 Bloodstained Cloth and 4 High Grade Ink
Swordsman's Manual VI (lvl 3) - 1 Ghost's Soul, 1 Fine Parchment and 6 High Grade Ink
Swordsman's Manual VII (lvl 4) - 1 Remex, 1 Fine Parchment and 6 High Grade Ink
Swordsman's Manual VIII (lvl 5) - 1 Laurel Tree, 1 Fine Parchment and 6 High Grade Ink
Cerulean Orb Signets, Vol. 1 (lvl 1) - 1 Parchment, 2 Earth Paint and 2 Ice Paint
Cerulean Orb Signets, Vol. 2 (lvl 3) - 2 Crystal, 1 Parchment, 3 Earth Paint and 3 Ice Paint
Cerulean Orb Signets, Vol. 3 (lvl 4) - 3 Gnomestone, 3 Nereidstone and 1 Fine Parchment
Solar Signets, Vol. 1 (lvl 1) - 1 Parchment, 2 Fire Paint and 2 Wind Paint
Solar Signets, Vol. 2 (lvl 3) - 2 Crystal, 1 Parchment, 3 Fire Paint and 3 Wind Paint
Solar Signets, Vol. 3 (lvl 4) - 1 Fine Parchment, 3 Fire Paint and 3 Wind Paint
Solar Signets, Vol. 4 (lvl 5) - 3 Salamanderstone, 3 Sylphstone and 1 Fine Parchment
Moonlight Signets, Vol. 1 (lvl 2) -  1 Parchment, 2 Light Paint, 3 Dark Paint and 2 Velvet Ribbon
Moonlight Signets, Vol. 2 (lvl 3) - 2 Moon Pearl, 1 Parchment, 3 Light Paint and 3 Dark Paint
Moonlight Signets, Vol. 3 (lvl 4) - 3 Angelstone, 3 Shadestone and 1 Fine Parchment
The Founder's Signets, Vol. 1 (lvl 3) - 1 Primeval Fossil, 1 Fine Parchment and 3 Nil Paint
The Founder's Signets, Vol. 2 (lvl 5) - 1 Philosopher's Stone, 1 Fine Parchment and 3 Nil Paint
Restorative Signets, Vol. 1 (lvl 1) - 5 Oak, 1 Parchment and 2 Healing Paint
Restorative Signets, Vol. 2 (lvl 3) - 5 Ash, 1 Fine Parchment and 3 Healing Paint
Fae Signets, Vol. 1 (lvl 1) - 1 Parchment, 2 Healing Paint and 3 Dwarven Embroidery Thread
Fae Signets, Vol. 2 (lvl 3) - 1 Parchment, 2 Healing Paint and 3 Faerie Embroidery Thread
Fae Signets, Vol. 3 (lvl 4) - 3 Sylphstone, 1 Fine Parchment and 2 Healing Paint
Purification Signets, Vol. 1 (lvl 1) - 3 Zephyr Lily, 1 Parchment and 2 Healing Paint
Purification Signets, Vol. 2 (lvl 4) - 3 Scalestone, 1 Fine Parchment and 2 Healing Paint
Pneuma Signets, Vol. 1 (lvl 2) - 3 Ghost's Soul, 1 Parchment and 4 Healing Paint
Pneuma Signets, Vol. 2 (lvl 5) - 3 Numinous Tincture, 1 Fine Parchment and 4 Healing Paint
Signeturgical Book of Quietude (lvl 2) - 1 Parchment, 4 Mysterious Paint and 4 High-Strength Adhesive


Aquaberries (lvl 1) - 1 Blueberries and 1 Min
Conflagrant Soul (lvl 3) - 3 Fire Gem and 2 Zephyr Lily
Vatic Looking Glass (lvl 3) - 1 Crystal, 2 Darkness Gem, 1 Platinum and 2 Reinforced Gunpowder
Infernal Gaze (lvl 4) - 4 Shadestone, 1 Mati and 3 Demon's Tail
Orb of Antiquity (lvl 5) - 1 Amber, 3 Mythril and 2 Primeval Fossil
Dragon's Den (lvl 8) - 3 Salamanderstone, 3 Orichalcum and 1 Dragon God's Scales
Silver (lvl 2) - 3 Mercury and 2 Holy Water
Gold (lvl 3) - 3 Silver and 2 Alchemist's Water
Platinum (lvl 4) - 3 Gold, 2 Silver and 2 Alchemist's Water
Mythril (lvl 5) - 6 Platinum and 2 Alchemist's Water
Meteorite (lvl 6) - 4 Primeval Fossil, 3 Mythril and 2 Alchemist's Water
Philosopher's Stone (lvl 7) - 8 Mercury, 1 Meteorite, 4 Gunpowder and 2 Lezard's Flask
Gnomestone (lvl 5) - 3 Amber, 2 Earth Gem and 1 Alchemist's Water
Nereidstone (lvl 5) - 3 Scalestone, 2 Ice Gem and 1 Alchemist's Water
Salamanderstone (lvl 6) - 3 Dragon Scales, 2 Fire Gem and 1 Alchemist's Water
Sylphstone (lvl 6) - 3 Remex, 2 Wind Gem and 1 Alchemist's Water
Angelstone (lvl 7) - 3 Laurel Tree, 2 Light Gem and 1 Alchemist's Water
Shadestone (lvl 7) - 3 Ghost's Soul, 2 Darkness Gem and 1 Alchemist's Water
Earth Paint (lvl 2) - 2 Iron, 1 Spring Water and 1 High-Strength Adhesive
Ice Paint (lvl 2) - 2 Blue Roses, 1 Spring Water and 1 High-Strength Adhesive
Fire Paint (lvl 3) - 2 Red Fruit, 1 Spring Water and 1 High-Strength Adhesive
Wind Paint (lvl 3) - 2 Giant Bird Feather, 1 Spring Water and 1 High-Strength Adhesive
Light Paint (lvl 4) - 2 Mercury, 1 Spring Water and 1 High-Strength Adhesive
Dark Paint (lvl 4) - 2 Demon's Tail, 1 Spring Water and 1 High-Strength Adhesive
Nil Paint (lvl 5) - 2 Moon Pearl, 1 Spring Water and 1 High-Strength Adhesive
Healing Paint (lvl 1) - 2 Mixed Syrup, 1 Spring Water, 1 High-Strength Adhesive
Mysterious Paint (lvl 3) - 2 Strength Potion, 1 Spring Water and 1 High-Strength Adhesive
High-Grade Ink (lvl 2) - 1 Spring Water and 3 Coal
Reinforced Gunpowder (lvl 4) - 3 Gunpowder and 2 Coal
Holy Water (lvl 2) - 3 Spring Water and 1 Zephyr Lily
High-Strength Adhesive (lvl 2) - 1 Gerel Secretion and 1 Peryton Droppings
Grumpy Homunculus (lvl 8) - 1 Attack Seeds, 1 Philosopher's Stone and 1 Lezard's Flask
Astute Homunculus (lvl 8) - 1 Intelligence Seeds, 1 Philosopher's Stone and 1 Lezard's Flask
Protective Homunculus (lvl 8) - 1 Defense Seeds, 1 Philosopher's Stone and 1 Lezard's Flask
Poised Homunculus (lvl 8) - 1 Mentality Seeds, 1 Philosopher's Stone and 1 Lezard's Flask

Some of the harder to obtain items:

Lezard's Flasks must be synthesized. They require about a 25/50 purity/impurity level where the final product is listed as Medicine.

Condemner's Ceruclean Plume - From the main boss of the 2nd floor of the optional dungeon.

Matriarch's Resplendent Plume - From the main boss of the 3rd floor of the optional dungeon

Dragon God's Scales - I got this after the third time I beat the dragon boss on floor 3 of the optional dungeon. I do not know if it has a chance to drop before then.

Orichalcum - Drops from 1st floor bosses and select 2nd floor bosses of the optional dungeon after you complete the game. I haven't found a way to synth it at all.

Moonstone - Drops from certain 3rd floor bosses of the optional dungeon after you complete the game. You can also synth it with 50/0 purity/impurity where the final product is listed as Metal, but must use at least 1 Orichalcum. DON'T! You need more Orichalcum than Moonstone, and you have to complete the dungeon to get bosses to respawn.

Fine Parchment - Drops from the large lion-type flying beast on the third floor of the optional dungeon. Easier is to synth it.

High Capacity Blank Disk - Drops from a monster you find in the second floor of the optional dungeon. It's the four legged lion type that are large and jump around and shoot homing purple lasers.

Empyreanase - You can get this EXTREMELY rarely from any fishing spot, even with level 8 fishing. I found it easier to synth. You need a 50/0 purity/impurity level where the end product is Food. A good item you can easily farm is Paragon Eggs from the big blue birds near the Signesilica. Also, I found I succeeded more if I put a single meat into the synth table.

Marbled Meat - Same synth formula as Empyranese. I think you can find one in the game but it's best to use it for the quest at the time.

Bestiary Encyclopedia

This section shows the complete Bestiary in the Encyclopedia, which unlocks the trophy Boss of the Bestiary. If you're unsure of how to access it, just go Resources in the Menu, then Encyclopedias, and then use Square to change between the Bestiary and the Item Encyclopedia.

Bestiary entries carry over to other playthroughs like Battle Trophies and the Item Encyclopedia section of the Encyclopedia, so don't stress about not getting them all in one go.

The monsters in the world change as you progress with the story. Make sure you've killed at least 1 of every monster in every accessible area before progressing with any part of the story. If you see new monsters make a lap around to all available places. This applies to the Cathedral of Oblivion too. They change as you progress through the game, and you can miss entries if you don't go in at the right times.

The times are really quite simple. When you reach Santeroule the first time you can access the first three (Coast of Minoz, Resulian Plains and West of the Eastern Eihieds), which will get you the 3 Eyebalone boss entries. Once you are supposed to go to the second research facility by the river in Trei'kur you can access 2 more of the portals (previous 3 plus Sohma and Trei'kuran Dunes). Clearing all 5 will get you the 5 Vidofnir entries. Then the final time happens toward the end of the game, and you can clear them when you want. There is a final portal in Alcazar of the Golden Age, on the second floor. Clearing all of them will get you all the Storm Dragon entries.

It's also worth noting that the even the monsters before the bosses in the Cathedrals change, so it's all the more reason why you need to fully clear them each time they change.

The repeats aren't mistakes. It means you either encounter them in different places (5 Cathedral of Oblivion, or multiple passes of optional dungeon after completing story)

Here's a list of the monsters (you can see more detail in the video at the bottom):


001 Succubus
002 Ridiculer
003 Apprentice Scumbag
004 Thieving Scumbag
005 Great Scumbag
006 General Alma (Story Boss Fight)
007 General Alma (Story Boss Fight)
008 General Alma (Optional Dungeon Fight)
009 Fidel's Anima
010 Miki's Anima
011 Victor's Anima
012 Fiore's Anima
013 Emmerson's Anima
014 Anne's Anima
015 Der-Suul (Story Boss Fight)
016 Der-Suul (Story Boss Fight)
017 Der-Suul (Optional Dungeon Fight)
018 Pavine (Story Boss Fight)
019 Pavine (Optional Dungeon Fight)
020 Serious Captain Aaron
021 Feria's Clone (Story Boss Fight)
022 Feria's Clone (Optional Dungeon Fight)
023 Eitalon Higher Up
024 Eitalon Higher Up
025 Eitalon's Leader
026 Ted
027 Daril
028 Gunter
029 Hana
030 Daks
031 Tyresod
032 Ochva
033 Eban
034 Arze
035 Eitalon Higher-Up Survivor
036 Eitalon Survivor
037 Eitalon Survivor
038 Tyresod
039 Ochva
040 Eban
041 Arze
042 Walking Conglagration
043 Tyresod
044 Ochva
045 Eban
046 Arze
047 Thunderstruck Osthark
048 Audacious Pridean
049 Abigail of the Fleet Feet
050 Eitalon Higher-Up Survivor
051 Eitalon Survivor
052 Guerrilla
053 Hannah the Rapturous
054 Idealistic Insurgent
055 Eitalon Swordsman
056 Eitalon Swindler
057 Eitalon Archer
058 Eitalon Swindler
059 Eitalon Swordsman
060 Eitalon Archer
061 Eitalon Spellslinger
062 Trei'kuran Knight
063 Trei'kuran Armored Bowman
064 Trei'kuran Arquebusier
065 Kronos Soldier
066 Kronos Ranger
067 Trei'kuran Knight
068 Trei'kuran Signeturge
069 Trei'kuran Armored Bowman
070 Trei'kuran Soldier
071 Trei'kuran Signeturge
072 Trei'kuran Sharpshooter
073 Kronos Soldier
074 Kronos Rifleman
075 Kronos Ranger
076 Kronos Scholar
077 Kronos Gunner
078 Trei'kuran Knight
079 Trei'kuran Signeturge
080 Trei'kuran Armored Bowman
081 Trei'kuran Signeturge
082 Trei'kuran Sharpshooter
083 Kronos Soldier
084 Kronos Soldier
085 Kronos Ranger
086 Kronos Gunner
087 Kronos Scholar
088 Kronos Commander
089 Kronos Authority
090 Kronos Commander
091 Kronos Authority
092 Kronos Scholar


001 Saber-Toothed Tiger
002 Unicorn Wolf
003 Leonblade
004 Lizard Soldier
005 Wise Lizardman
006 Lizard Commander
007 Lizard Warrior
008 Lizard Shaman
009 Lizard Tyrant
010 Kobold
011 Kobold Bandit
012 Kobold Ranger
013 Kobold Knave
014 Guardian Beast
015 Forsaken Beast
016 Royal Sphinx
017 Horned Turtle
018 Horned Tortoise
019 Antlered Tortoise
020 Land Turtle
021 Marine Reaper
022 Landswimmer
023 Deep One
024 Uen of the Midnight Wail
025 Twin-Fanged Gargan
026 Dastardly Skoudde Brother
027 Donadello the Indomidable
028 Chaos Corpse Corporal
029 Wass the Splenetic
030 Shelda the Immutable
031 Hesitant Rihvnaut
032 Anonnus the Disperser
033 Envious Invidiad
034 Serene Karacin


001 Bane Dragon
002 Ash Dragon
003 Bloodbane
004 Peryton
005 Axe Beak
006 Crater Peryton
007 Ancient Peryton
008 Harpyia
009 Terarin
010 Winged Nightmare
011 Firmament Moloch
012 Ravenne
013 Andrealphus
014 Jatayu
015 Giant Bat
016 Corpse Bat
017 Vampire Bat
018 Guiafairo
019 Armored Lizard
020 Lesser Dragon
021 Dinosaurus
022 Vidofnir (Coast of Minoz Cathedral of Oblivion)
023 Vidofnir (Central Resulian Cathedral)
024 Vidofnir (West of the Eastern Eihied Cathedral)
025 Vidofnir (Northern Sohma Cathedral)
026 Vidofnir (Trei'kuran Dunes Cathedral)
027 Storm Dragon (Coast of Minoz Cathedral)
028 Storm Dragon (Central Resulian Cathedral)
029 Storm Dragon (West of the Eastern Eihied Cathedral)
030 Storm Dragon (Northern Sohma Cathedral)
031 Storm Dragon (Trei'kuran Dunes Cathedral)
032 Storm Dragon (Alcazar of Golden Age, second floor Cathedral)
033 Luck Sucker
034 Greedy Avaricia
035 Opportunistic Moogmort
036 Ilua the Irate
037 Arjain the Fierce
038 Randaghor the Render
039 Hubristic Sturviella
040 Hourigh the Intrepid
041 Ruthless Bordnak
042 Thich-Thighed Pyekard


001 Adephaga
002 Adephaga Drus
003 Adephaga Venom
004 Adephaga Milies
005 Adephaga Prox
006 Polyphaga
007 Polyphaga Drus
008 Polyphage Gomboge
009 Killer Wasp
010 Honeybee
011 Stinger
012 Gust Hornet
013 Killer Chelae
014 Waving Pincers
015 Hades Crab
016 Sandeater
017 Sanddozer
018 Keen-Eyed Gileegha
019 Gula the Gluttonous
020 Lancing Hado
021 Wandering Ouyeits
022 Garish Sythwa


001 Gerel
002 Vomiting Gel
003 Stroper
004 Chaotic Cell
005 Viscous Cell
006 Discord Gerel
007 Dryad
008 Mandragora
009 Lamia Radix
010 Maidenly Blossom
011 Man-Eating Tree
012 Albero di Anima
013 Treant
014 Elder Treant
015 Mist Grave
016 Giant Fungus
017 Myconid
018 Blightcap
019 Pygmy Glaive
020 Diminutive Fungus
021 Myconid Sporeling
022 Tinycap
023 Carnivorous Plant
024 Man Trap
025 Welwitschia
026 Thoras the Abomination (Story Boss Battle)
027 Thoras the Abomination (Optional Dungeon Battle)
028 Corpulent Magvor
029 Fecund Magvorling
030 Erosive Cykla
031 Stubborn Vejheerit
032 Fran of the Constant Decay
033 Verdant Muja
034 Geraldine
035 Languid Pijillo
036 Fallen Arcedia


001 Cursed Horror
002 Misfortuner
003 Grim Reaper
004 Stone Golem
005 Metal Golem
006 Lava Golem
007 Jade Golem
008 Rock Hermit
009 Dark Material
010 Flying Ice
011 Damascus Fort
012 Skeleton Soldier
013 Skeleton Armor
014 Bone Knight
015 Doleful Lord Brahms
016 Demon Imp
017 Devil Child
018 Demon Servants
019 Little Satan
020 Nifhel, the Armor that Walks
021 Cabrakan
022 Niflheim, the Armor that Roams
023 Grandelian Knight-Errant
024 Snow Mermaid
025 Aquaregia
026 Amber Princess
027 Baskania
028 Shrouded Gaze
029 Polyhedron
030 Seventh Core
031 Pandora's Cube
032 Illustrious Manticore
033 Bloodthirsty Fiend
034 Crystal Guardian
035 Harbinger of the Apocalypse
036 Netherphantom
037 Eyebalone (Coast of Minoz Cathedral of Oblivion)
038 Eyebalone (Central Resulian Cathedral)
039 Eyebalone (West of the Eastern Eihied Cathedral)
040 Tinat of the Dawning Light
041 Revanant Swordmaster Daeus
042 Malice Coalesced
043 Glaciating Lnkyri
044 Dek of the Boiling Blood
045 Amphorus Dryx
046 Napto the Stalwart
047 Underhanded Pargyn
048 Hoodini the Morose
049 Pillaging Mojango
050 Parched Orizon
051 Douxrah of the Frozen Touch
052 Ruphin the Imperious
053 Sandra the Majestic
054 Cunning Zurtail
055 Vlad the Unsullied
056 Dante the Obstinate
057 Mateo of the Slow Wit
058 Ivor of the Lustful Look


001 Ancient Guard
002 Sacred Guard
003 Armed Dragoon
004 Phantom Dragoon
005 Blutgang
006 Valiant Conscript
007 Melusine
008 Metal Scumbag
009 Toy Soldier
010 Sentinel
011 Eliminator
012 Avenger
013 Robo Gunner
014 Destroyer
015 Fafnir


001 Transmogrified Alma (Story Boss Fight)
002 Transmogrified Alma (Optional Dungeon Fight)
003 Gabriel Celeste (First Fight)
004 Gabriel Celeste (Second Fight)
005 Gabriel Celeste (Third Fight)
006 Ethereal Queen (First Fight)
007 Ethereal Queen (Second Fight)
008 Ethereal Queen (Third Fight)

Item Encyclopedia

This video shows the list of all items in the Item Encyclopedia, which unlocks the trophy Compendium Completionist.

Like the Bestiary and Battle Trophies, this carries over to multiple playthroughs, so don't stress if you don't get them all in one go.

Many must be synthesized, that't the only way to get certain things.

Ones that say 25/50 don't have to be exactly that, just right around there. Items that specify a required material obviously require a certain material.

If you're unsure of a weapon or armor, keep the following in mind; There's basically a weapon for each character and one or more armors for each material level. Most that take like Iron and such can be bought. You really only need to synth from Gold and up. Same with Signeturgical ones and such. Most of the lower tier equipment you can buy. It's the higher tier items that you will need to Synth with things like Meteorite, Orichalcum and Moonstone.

Another good tip if you're stuck is to SAVE your game, then let the Synth table randomly put items out, synth them, and you'll start to learn the quality of materials. Save your game on another save file (this saves anything new into your encyclopedia), then reload the first save and experiment some more.

Some of the harder to obtain items:


If you didn't save at least 1 Defense seed, attack seed, etc, you'll have to synth them. Unfortunately they require Orichalcum... Outcome needs to by Sygneturgy.


061-064 can be created with a impurity level of 50 that comes out as Cooking.


Make sure to buy everything from every store at every point

014 Veinslay - At least 1 meteorite, then I used 3 gold.
017 Levantine - Requires Moonstone and 50 Purity that comes out as Metal.
018 Metal Pipe - 25 purity 50 impurity that comes out as Metal.
020 Laser Weapon - 50 Purity that comes out as Machine.
038 Mindhealer - At least 1 Moonstone, 50 Purity that comes out as Signeturgy.
039 Welch's Handy Stich - 25 Purity 50 Impurity that comes out as Signeturgy.
054 Ama-no-Murkamo - At least 1 Moonstone, 50 Purity that comes out as Metal.
055 Wooden Sword - 25 Purity 50 Impurity that comes out as Metal.
073 Aether in Stasis - At least 1 Moonstone, 50 Purity that comes out as Signeturgy.
074 Terrestrial Globe - 25 Purity 50 Impurity that comes out as Signeturgy.
091 Dragon's Bellow - At least 1 Moonstone, 50 Purity that comes out as Machine.
092 Squirt Gun - 25 Purity, 50 Impurity that comes out as Machine
108 Immolating Fangs - At least 1 Moonstone, 50 Purity that comes out as Natural Material (green crystal symbol)
109 Paws - 25 Purity, 50 Impurity that comes out as Natural Material


Most of the armor require the same stuff as the weapons, so you should get them along the same ways. If you're trying to get a higher tier (like Meteorite or Orichalcum stuff) item that isn't ultimate (moonstone), try taking Purity down to 45.

049 Valkyrie Armor - Requires 1 Plume from either the second or third level bosses of the optional dungeon. 50 Purity that comes out as Signeturgy.


041 tri-Emblum (fake)- This is purchasable from the Santa Merchant after aquiring 042, which is the real emblem. Real emblem is crafted, see that section.


020 Orichalcum - Dropped by bosses on the first, and some on second, floor of the optional dungeon. DO NOT SYNTH THIS! You can get Moonstone using it, but you need more Orichalcum than Moonstone.
021 Moonstone - Dropped by certain bosses on the third floor of the optional dungeon (maybe some on second, can't remember at the moment).
074 Lezard's Flask - This must be synthesized. I used 2 Alchemist's Water, 2 Velvet Ribbon and 2 Gold.

YouTube says the list is too long, so you'll have to head over to my website if you want to see the list without watching the video:

If you enjoyed this video please consider liking it, sharing it, subscribing to my channel and/or checking out my ebook series Rift of Askrah.

Usable Items:

001 Blueberries
002 Blueberry Potion
003 Physical Stimulant
004 Healing Device
005 Blackberries
006 Blackberry Potion
007 Mental Stimulant
008 Relaxation Device
009 Mixed Syrup
010 Miraculous Device
011 Wonderous Tincture
012 Numinous Tincture
013 Aquaberries
014 Fresh Sage
015 Resurrection Elixir
016 Resurrection Mist
017 Mint
018 Basil
019 Chamomile
020 Cinnamon
021 Jasmine
022 Lavender
023 Therapeutic Tincture
024 Holy Mist
025 Emotional Destabilizer
026 Love Potion No. 256
027 EM Bomb (S)
028 EM Bomb (L)
029 Gravity Bomb
030 Low-Frequency Bomb
031 Ultimate Bomb
032 Self-Destructor 3000
033 Poison Bomb
034 Deluxe Poison Bomb
035 Stun Bomb
036 Deluxe Stun Bomb
037 Freezing Bomb
038 Deluxe Freezing Bomb
039 Smoke Bomb
040 Deluxe Smoke Bomb
041 Lesser Demon's Fetish
042 Greater Demon's Fetish
043 Attack Breaker
044 Intelligence Breaker
045 Defense Breaker
046 Mentality Breaker
047 HP Absorber
048 MP Absorber
049 Strength Potion
050 Perception Potion
051 Fortitude Potion
052 Acuity Potion
053 Dilligence Potion
054 Riot Potion
055 Heroism Potion
056 Vitalitea
057 Robust Vitalitea
058 Earth Charm
059 Ice Charm
060 Fire Charm
061 Wind Charm
062 Light Charm
063 Darkness Charm
064 Poison Cider
065 Spark Cider
066 Frozen Cider
067 Cloudy Cider
069 Forbidden Tonic
070 Attack Seeds
071 Potent Attack Seeds
072 Intelligence Seeds
073 Potent Intelligence Seeds
074 Defense Seeds
075 Potent Defense Seeds
076 Mentality Seeds
077 Potent Mentality Seeds
078 Health Seeds
079 Potent Health Seeds
080 Magic Seeds
081 Potent Magic Seeds
082 Signet Card: Healing
083 Signet Card: Healing +
084 Signet Card: Ex Healing
085 Signet Card: Ex Healing +
086 Signet Card: Faerie Healing
087 Signet Card: Faerie Healing +
088 Signet Card: Faerie Light
089 Signet Card: Faerie Light +
090 Signet Card: Faerie Star
091 Signet Card: Faerie Star +
092 Signet Card: Antidote
093 Signet Card: Antidote +
094 Signet Card: Cure Condition
095 Signet Card: Cure Condition +
096 Signet Card: Raise Dead
097 Signet Card: Raise Dead +
098 Signet Card: Resurrection
099 Signet Card: Earth Glaive
100 Signet Card: Earth Glaive +
101 Signet Card: Stone Rain
102 Signet Card: Stone Rain +
103 Signet Card: Terra Hammer
104 Signet Card: Terra Hammer +
105 Signet Card: Ice Needles
106 Signet Card: Ice Needles +
107 Signet Card: Deep Freeze
108 Signet Card: Deep Freeze +
109 Signet Card: Arctic Impact
110 Signet Card: Arctic Impact +
111 Signet Card: Fire Bolt
112 Signet Card: Fire Bolt +
113 Signet Card: Explosion
114 Signet Card: Explosion +
115 Signet Card: Volcanic Burst
116 Signet Card: Volcanic Burst +
117 Signet Card: Wind Blade
118 Signet Card: Wind Blade +
119 Signet Card: Tornado
120 Signet Card: Tornado +
121 Signet Card: Lightning Blast
122 Signet Card: Lightning Blast +
123 Signet Card: Thunder Flare
124 Signet Card: Thunder Flare +
125 Signet Card: Radiant Lancer
126 Signet Card: Radiant Lancer +
127 Signet Card: Aurora Rings
128 Signet Card: Aurora Rings +
129 Signet Card: Sunflare
130 Signet Card: Sunflare +
131 Signet Card: Shadow Needles
132 Signet Card: Shadow Needles +
133 Signet Card: Dark Devourer
134 Signet Card: Dark Devourer +
135 Signet Card: Vampiric Blade
136 Signet Card: Vampiric Blade +
137 Signet Card: Divine Wave
138 Signet Card: Divine Wave +
139 Signet Card: Extinction
140 Signet Card: Extinction +
141 Signet Card: Reaping Spark
142 Signet Card: Reaping Spark +
143 Signet Card: Enhance
144 Signet Card: Enhance +
145 Signet Card: Enlighten
146 Signet Card: Enlighten +
147 Signet Card: Enshelter
148 Signet Card: Enshelter +
149 Signet Card: Angel Feather
150 Signet Card: Angel Feather +
151 Signet Card: Reflection
152 Signet Card: Reflection +
153 Signet Card: Sacred Pain
154 Signet Card: Sacred Pain +
155 Signet Card: Silence
156 Signet Card: Silence +
157 Signet Card: Void
158 Signet Card: Void +
159 Signet Card: Arcane Weapon
160 Signet Card: Arcane Weapon +

Skill Books:

001 Swordsman's Manual I
002 Swordsman's Manual II
003 Swordsman's Manual III
004 Swordsman's Manual IV
005 Swordsman's Manual V
006 Swordsman's Manual VI
007 Swordsman's Manual VII
008 Swordsman's Manual VIII
009 CQC Program Alpha
010 CQC Program Beta
011 CQC Program Gamma
012 CQC Program Delta
013 CQC Program Epsilon
014 CQC Program Zeta
015 CQC Program Eta
016 CQC Program Theta
017 Cerulean Orb Signets, Vol. 1
018 Cerulean Orb Signets, Vol. 2
019 Cerulean Orb Signets, Vol. 3
020 Solar Signets, Vol. 1
021 Solar Signets, Vol. 2
022 Solar Signets, Vol. 3
023 Solar Signets, Vol. 4
024 Moonlight Signets, Vol. 1
025 Moonlight Signets, Vol. 2
026 Moonlight Signets, Vol. 3
027 The Founder's Signets, Vol. 1
028 The Founder's Signets, Vol. 2
029 Restorative Signets, Vol. 1
030 Restorative Signets, Vol. 2
031 Fae Signets, Vol. 1
032 Fae Signets, Vol. 2
033 Fae Signets, Vol. 3
034 Purification Signets, Vol. 1
035 Purification Signets, Vol. 2
036 Pneuma Signets, Vol. 1
037 Pneuma Signets, Vol. 2
038 Signeturgical Book of Quietude


001 Prehistoric Meat
002 Raw Fish
003 Common Eggs
004 Roe
005 Fresh Vegetables
006 Tomato
007 Lemon
008 Tasty Mushrooms
009 Colorful Mushrooms
010 Seaweed
011 Whole Milk
012 Well-Aged Cheese
013 Nectar
014 Spring Water
015 Caterpillar Fungus
016 Poison Hemlock
017 Marbled Meat
018 Empyreanase
019 Egg Paragon
020 Roe Rice
021 Curry Rice
022 Tears of Joysotto
023 Crab Rice Stew
024 Grilled Steak
025 Hamburg Steak
026 Golden Omelet
027 Grilled Fish
028 Fried Fish
029 Sushi
030 Salmon Meuniere
031 Stink Fish
032 Cream Stew
033 Minestrone
034 Cheese Fondue
035 Vegetable Stir-Fry
036 Caesar Salad
037 Seaweed Salad
038 Caprese Salad
039 Pasta Peperoncino
040 Pasta Bolognese
041 Spaghetti with Roe
042 Sukiyaki
043 Seafood Hot Pot
044 Shortcake
045 Lemon Tart
046 White Bread
047 Chocolate Scones
048 Melon Bun
049 Heavenly Pudding
050 Tiramisu
051 Vanilla Ice Cream
052 Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
053 Fruit Gummies
054 Hot Chocolate
055 Lemon Juice
056 Herb Tea
057 Chai Tea
058 Gourmet Curry Rice
059 Umai-bo Candy (synthed this, I believe with 50 Purity that comes out as food)
060 Bunnylicious Pie
061 Charred Meat
062 Poisonous Hot Pot
063 Cake-like Substance
064 Dish Formerly Known as Food


001 Longsword
002 Broadsword
003 Falchion
004 Storm Blade
005 Blessed Sword
006 Bastard Sword
007 Ceramic Sword
008 VenomSword
009 Moonfalx
010 Insignivon
011 Icicle Sword
012 Mythril Sword
013 Arcana Sword
014 Veinslay
015 Farwell
016 Aurora Blade
017 Levantine
018 Metal Pipe
019 Scumbag Slayer
020 Laser Weapon (Synth this 50 Purity that produces Mechanical)
021 Walloon Sword
022 Flamberge
023 Titan's Nail
024 Petaline Wand
025 Rod of Jewels
026 Crescent Rod
027 Ruby Wand
028 Magus Staff
029 Cordon Scepter
030 Floral Brume Wand
031 Sacred Scepter
032 Amber Mace
033 Mythril Rod
034 Adept's Staff
035 Calamity Staff
036 Asclepius
037 Apocalypse
038 Mindhealer
039 Welch's Handy Stick
040 Booster Wand
041 Rune Wand
042 Crystal Wand
043 Resonance Scepter
044 Knight's Saber
045 Pallasch
046 Rune Blade
047 Alastor
048 Searing Sword
049 Silvance
050 Dojikiri-Yasutsuna
051 Crimson Scourge
052 Chrome Nightmare
053 Murasame
054 Ama-no-Murakumo
055 Wooden Sword
056 Sinclair
057 Deadly Edge
058 Farcutter
059 Oriental Blade
060 Amalgametal Blade
061 Refulgent Orb
062 Gelid Orb
063 Conflagrant Soul
064 Star Flail
065 Corvine Orb
066 Vatic Looking Glass
067 Infernal Gaze
068 Orb of Antiquity
069 Armillary Sphere
070 Sacrosanct Orb
071 Carbuncle's Prison
072 Dragon's Den
073 Aether-in-Stasis
074 Terrestrial Globe
075 Mekhanesphere
076 Sunsylph Orb
077 Marmoreal Sphere
078 Sybilline Orb
079 Short Crossbow
080 Hunting Bow
081 Microblaster
082 Williwaw Bow
083 Composite Bow
084 Atrementous Usurper
085 Saint's Bow
086 Sylvan Ray
087 Straightshooter
088 Failnaught
089 Arcadian Serenity
090 Umbral Blast
091 Dragon's Bellow
092 Squirt Gun
093 Wild Arc
094 Homing Arc
095 Photonic Blaster
096 Metal Knuckles
097 Gauntlets
098 Mechanical Fists
099 Damask Knuckles
100 Fragmenters
101 Vermillion Claws
102 Hurricane Claws
103 Mythril Gauntlets
104 Tiger Fangs
105 Feral Claws
106 Bloody Knuckles
107 Kaiser Knuckles
108 Immolating Fangs
109 Paws
110 Slasher Claws
111 Cesti of Torment
112 Gatling Gauntlets


001 Cuirass
002 Shell Armor
003 Plate Armor
004 Damask Plate
005 Silver Cuirass
006 Duel Armor
007 Ifrit Mail
008 Mythril Plate
009 Valiant Mail
010 Astral Armor
011 Reflecting Plate
012 Universal Armor
013 Superior Armor Plate
014 Ogre's Armor
015 Bronto Armor
016 Rudimentary Protector
017 Leather Armor
018 Chainmail
019 Crest Mail
020 Scale Mail
021 Riot Gear
022 Superior Leather
023 Silver Mesh
024 Blood Chain Mail
025 Sylphide's Mail
026 Mythril Mesh
027 Superior Chain Mail
028 Elemental Leather
029 Mystic Chain
030 Dragon Leather
031 Banded Mail
032 Streaked Chainmail
033 Superior Mesh
034 Solid Protector
035 Sthal Cloak
036 Signeturge's Garb
037 Traveler's Cloak
038 Crest Robe
039 Flare Coat
040 Resistance Suit
041 Crystal Robe
042 Silver Cloak
043 Mirage Robe
044 Angel's Cloak
045 Mystic Robe
046 Wizard's Robe
047 Seraphic Garb
048 Laser Suit
049 Valkyrie's Garb
050 Amber Robe
051 Alchemist's Cloak
052 Cloak of the Stars


001 Anti-poison Amulet
002 Anti-paralysis Amulet
003 Anti-silence Amulet
004 Anti-stun Amulet
005 Anti-freezing Amulet
006 Anti-fog Amulet
007 Anti-curse Amulet
008 Anti-death Amulet
009 Earth Armlet
010 Ice Armlet
011 Fire Armlet
012 Wind Armlet
013 Light Scarf
014 Darkness Scarf
015 Energy Crest
016 Energy Amulet
017 Arcane Crest
018 Arcane Amulet
019 Energy Bracelet
020 Arcane Bracelet
021 Attack Bracelet
022 Mind Bracelet
023 Fortitude Bracelet
024 Acuity Bracelet
025 Extrication Ring
026 Healing Band
027 Faerie Band
028 Testament of Triumph
029 Attack Crest
030 Attack Amulet
031 Mind Crest
032 Mind Amulet
033 Star Guard
034 Fortitude Crest
035 Fortitude Amulet
036 Acuity Crest
037 Acuity Amulet
038 Green Talisman
039 Blue Talisman
040 Red Talisman
041 tri-Emblum
042 tri-Emblem


001 Shellfish Meat
002 Red Fruit
003 Green Fruit
004 White Rice
005 Wheat Flour
006 Vinegar
007 Seasonings
008 Olive Oil
009 Soy Sauce
010 Cocoa Powder
011 Vanilla Beans
012 Iron
013 Silver
014 Gold
015 Damascus Steel
016 Mercury
017 Platinum
018 Mythril
019 Meteorite
020 Orichalcum
021 Moonstone
022 Coal
023 Ruby
024 Crystal
025 Amber
026 Moon Pearl
027 Primeval Fossil
028 Philosopher's Stone
029 Earth Gem
030 Ice Gem
031 Fire Gem
032 Wind Gem
033 Light Gem
034 Darkness Gem
035 Gnomestone
036 Nereidstone
037 Salamanderstone
038 Sylphstone
039 Angelstone
040 Shadestone
041 Earth Paint
042 Ice Paint
043 Fire Paint
044 Wind Paint
045 Light Paint
046 Dark Paint
047 Nil Paint
048 Healing Paint
049 Mysterious Paint
050 High-Grade Ink
051 Wooden Stick
052 Ebony
053 Oak
054 Ash
055 Blue Roses
056 Shadow Roses
057 Wool
058 Silk
059 Cashmere
060 Manacloth
061 Bloodstained Cloth
062 Carbon Fiber
063 Taffeta Ribbon
064 Velvet Ribbon
065 Mana Ribbon
066 Hand-Spun Thread
067 Dwarven Embroidery Thread
068 Faerie Embroidery Thread
069 Gunpowder
070 Reinforced Gunpowder
071 Parchment
072 Fine Parchment
073 Empty Bottle
074 Lezard's Flask
075 Fermentation Pot
076 Signet Card
077 Signet Card +
078 Holy Water
079 Alchemist's Water
080 High-Strength Adhesive
081 Rivets
082 Wire
083 Laser Oscillator
084 Hadron Collider
085 Micro Circuit
086 Quantum Processor
087 High-Power Generator
088 Diffusion Device
089 Blank Disk
090 High-Capacity Blank Disk
091 Scrap
092 Peryton Droppings
093 Gerel Secretion
094 Gelatinous Slime
095 Wolf Fang
096 Bee Stinger
097 Tortoise Shell
098 Lizardskin
099 Snakeskin
100 Dragon Hide
101 Giant Bird Feather
102 Remex
103 Fish Scales
104 Scalestone
105 Dragon Scales
106 Dragon God Scales (drops off dragon boss on third floor of optional dungeon. Didn't see it until third pass)
107 Demon's Tail
108 Lesser Fiend's Tail
109 Mati
110 Ghost's Soul
111 Laurel Tree
112 Insect Egg
113 Gigantavian Egg
114 Bushy Fur
115 Sandfish
116 Zephyr Lily
117 Grumpy Homonculus
118 Astute Homonculus
119 Protective Homunculus
120 Poised Homonculus
121 Bunny Droppings
122 Condemner's Cerulean Plume
123 Matriarch's Resplendent Plume


001 Communicator
002 Two-Headed Corrupt's Ashes
003 Discarded Silver Spoon
004 Enemy Report
005 Erstwhile Ultimate Sword
006 Communicator Model G
007 Dig Deep Within
008 Fishing: An Alluring Pastime
009 Compounding the Issue
010 The Little Engineer That Could
011 Smithing the Night Away
012 Crafty Crafting Techniques
013 Just Enough Cooks
014 The Pen is Mightier
015 We All Scream For Alchemy
016 Intro to Intelligent Item Design
017 Equipped to Handle Anything
018 People of All Stripes
019 The Best Bestiary, Bar None
020 Birds Illustrated
021 Insectopedia
022 Plants & Pictures
023 Encyclopedia Corruptionem
024 Nuts and Bolts
025 Broadening Your Horizons
026 X Marks the Spot
027 Under Lock and Keynote
028 Smooth as Silk Sales Talk
029 Ocarina of Temptation
030 How to Express Yourself
031 Kindred Spirits
032 Familiarizing with Familiars

End Game Setup

This section is just to talk about setting up your characters so even the final form of EQ is no problem. I'll give you the setup for each character:

So far as weapons and armor, you're welcome to get the ultimate stuff, but honestly I didn't bother beyond necessary database entries and my people are still unstoppable, so it's your call how much you want to put into equipment. Some of the Roles aren't set in stone. You may want to trade out something not as good for Beast Slayer or God Slayer or some others at times.

1. Fidel - I use Fidel as a regular DPS

Roles - Attack, Terror Knight, Brawler and Daemon

Skill - Air Raid

AI Controlled

Equipment - Didn't really worry about it, even with regular armor you'll be pretty much unstoppable thanks to Miki.

Accessories - Your choice, Faerie Band is nice if you don't want to worry about MP.

2. Miki - Miki is the most important!

Roles - Dead Man Walking, Healer, Stamina Stockpiler and Sage 

Dead Man Walking is pretty much the most important role in the game. It makes Miki and invincible healing tower. Not only can enemies not damage her (though she takes a constant stream of other damage) but she is also impossible to interrupt. It's important to turn all her offensive spells off so she only focuses on healing. Stamina Stockpiler gives her nearly max health, giving her more time to Revive or Remoev Status between her constant healing.

*With Dead Man Walking, don't let it lull you into a false sense of security. I've gone for hours without Miki screwing up, but eventually she will, so don't think you don't have to keep an eye on her health. Eventually she tends to make a bad decision and cause her own death due to the stream of damage. This is important with the million hits farming especially, where boredom might tempt you to just let the game run. It's a bad decision!

Skill - Healing Magic Only

Equipment - Didn't really worry about it, you'll be pretty much invincible thanks to her.

Accessories - Your choice, Faerie Band is nice for MP.

AI Controlled

3 Victor - As the game suggests I use him as a Tank.

Roles - Vanguard, tri-Ace, Instigator, 4th is your choice

Skill - Your choice, not really a fan of his.

Equipment - Not really important for previously stated reasons.

Accessories - Your choice, Faerie Bands are good.

AI Controlled

4. Fiore - Obviously Ranged DPS/Off Healer

Roles - Invoker, Enchanter, Archivist and Master Tactician

Skill - Strongest attack spell you have, if you've got them all then thunder flare

Equipment - See other characters

Accessories - Your choice, Faerie Bands are good

AI Controlled

5. Emmerson - Ranged DPS obviously

Roles - Critical Combatant, Sharp Shooter, War Monger and Berserker

Skill - Avian Rage

Equipment - See other entries

Accessories - Your choice, Faerie Bands are good

Player Controlled (that's why he has berserker, you'll get good damage without negative sideeffects)

6. Anne - Anne is DPS like Fidel

Roles - Really your choice, I have Enforcer, Stun Supporter, Pulverizer and Interceptor

Skill - This depends. I recommend Fists of Fury if you don't have the 1 million hit combat trophy. If you want damage I use Shockwave.

Equipment -See other entries

Accessories - Your choice, Faerie Bands are good

7. Relia - Not much to say for her

Roles - Vivifier, Holy Mother, rest is your choice

Skill - You get no say for her

Equipment - See other enries

Accessories - Your call, Faerie Bands are good

Always AI Controlled.