Saturday, July 8, 2017

Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Special Edition Platinum Trophy Guide and Tips

Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Special Edition
Version: PS4 (PS2 Port)

Welcome to my Platinum Trophy Guide and Tips for Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Special Edition on PS4.

A few quick notes. While I have played other Harvest Moon games in the past, I had never played  this one until now. So anything I say or explain is going to be having only played this version. I can't say if anything is different from other versions. I found conflicting information while trying to figure out some things on this one, which is why I decided to write this guide. What entails below is what worked for me to get to the Platinum Trophy.

A Wonderful Life

Unlock all Trophies

Plenty of Plants

Plant 20 crops.

This trophy sounds simple enough, and it is, for the most part. You need to plant 20 different plants at one time. There are 2 important stipulations though.

1. Trees don't count
2. You must plant everything in a way that they touch one another.

What I mean by #2 is you can't use any planting patterns like the checkerboard. Of the 2 small fields you start with, if you use the one furthest from your house you can plant 4 rows of 5 crops on on top of another so it looks like a block of crops.



You may want to save before, as this isn't the best way to actually plant crops. A checkerboard works  better


C = Crops
G = Open ground

If you use checkerboard type you can stand in the middle and turn to water crops easier.

However, animals can make you plenty of money all on their own. I never sold any vegetables. The only ones I grew were for cooking, which I'll explain in that trophy.

Chug, Chug, Chug!

Win a milk drinking contest

This is a minigame of sorts. There are a few people you can play against, but the only one I could get to work was against Rock.

First of all, this takes place at the INN and not the BAR. The INN is where Rock and Nami live, just outside the exit of your farm.

To compete with Rock you must wait for a day where it rains, then enter the INN around 2 or 2:30. This should initiate the event.

To actually play it you basically need to press X quickly. I won pretty easily, but I have button mashing experience, so it's hard to say. Supposedly you can fight Hugh and Grant too, but that didn't ever happen for me.

I didn't get anything but the trophy for winning. From what I read there is no prize, and in fact beating the same character multiple times causes them to dislike you and no longer accept gifts. I did not confirm that however.

Game Time

Win a game of Territory Capture

This is another mini game. I'm not sure if it's available right off, but I played it in Chapter 2. To play head to the firework brothers' house, which is South of the path that leads to the villa, and just above the art guy's trailer.

You must climb a rope to get inside their house.

Both of them can play, though sometimes only one is willing.

The actual game consists of placing lines in a Triangle grid. When you cover a triangle or group of triangles with lines of your color you claim them. Each triangle is worth 1 point, and you take turns until one player runs out of time or there are no more spaces.

The difficulty seems to be random. Sometimes they make stupid moves and sometimes they are good. My strategy was basically to make a long line starting in the middle area toward the bottom left corner, and then start making lines that will help me but hinder the opponent. If it goes well he will do his own thing too, letting you get set up for closing in a big part for lots of points. After that just thwart his attempts to get points and you should win.

You'll get things like the rocks you dig up in the Dig Site (more on that below). 10 total wins against the 2 of them together (5 and 5 or any other combination is fine) yields a record which is for another trophy.

Hook, Line and Sinker

Catch a fish.

Pretty self explanatory. To catch fish equip a rod (buy 1 from Van 400g) and cast into the river. You should eventually start getting nibbles.

After you get a bit, wait for a couple of short moments before trying to reel in. Too soon and the fish won't actually be on the line yet.  If you get the timing right the rest is automatic.

Moo Born

Have a cow give birth to a new calf.

To make cows give birth you'll need a female cow that is old enough to breed. If you also have a Bull or male cow of the same type you can breed for free. If you only have the female cow you'll have to pay for a Miracle Potion, which changes in price based on the type of cow.

Whether you have a bull and cow or just cow this is done in the small building across from the barn where you can store food stuff or place vegetables and stuff for sale. In the Ledger is the option for getting cows pregnant.

If you have everything you need Takakura will take care administering the potion. Once the cow is pregnant keep an eye on it. When the udders are very red talking to it should reveal you need to isolate it, or the first time the Harvest Sprites should let you know.

Isolation is the final stage, and some days afterward a calf is born, either male or female.

Fresh Milk

Milk a cow for the first time.

You start the game with a cow that can be milked, so just move up to the side and you should get a milk prompt.

Happy Heifer

Produce a bottle of S-grade milk.

There are 3 grades of milk. B, A and S. Most people will tell you that they key to the milk grade is the cow's happiness and how well you take care of it. This has been true in my experience in past titles as well.

However, this doesn't seem to be true for this one. In the latter half of my game I never spoke to my cows, never brushed them, and had the Milking building so I rarely even interacted with them beyond bringing them in or out with the switch.

Yet the milk grade stayed A for years. Except during Summer. In Summer I would get B milk a lot, and then it would go back up on it's own in fall. I would also get S milk without doing anything, and this seemed to correlate with a period of time after a cow gave birth and got past giving the Mother's Milk.

Now I'm not saying you can't get to S rank with giving them love and using good fodder and such, what I'm saying is this doesn't seem to be totally tied to affection, but also time of year and having had a baby recently or not.

If you take good care of your cows early on like you should though you should get this naturally.

Golden Groomer

Acquire some Golden Wool.

Gold wool comes from Sheep, which can be purchased like cows from the ledger. Like the cows just take good care of them and they start giving gold wool eventually.

You'll know the Sheep is ready to give wool because it will be puffy. After cutting it takes several days before it grows back.


Hatch a chicken.

To hatch a chicken you need a Fertilized Egg. You can get fertilized eggs by purchasing both a Hen and a Rooster. If you have a Rooster there's a random chance the eggs your hens lay will be fertilized. Once you have a fertilized egg just put it on the incubator and wait.

Sure Beats Walking

Ride a horse for the fist time

I'm not totally sure if you get the horse no matter what. I read something that said you have to have shipped at least 1 vegetable or milk or egg or something through the selling containers on the farm before Summer 1 of your first year.

Whether that is required or not I'm not sure, but as long as you don't send Takakura to town on Summer 1 by ordering anything on Spring 10 Evening or Summer 1 before 5pm you should get the horse. Or maybe you get it no matter what.

Main Course

Cook an Entree.

You start the game with access to a kitchen. However, you can only cook Salad or Soup to start with. To improve your cooking skill you have to make food. The easiest thing I found to make was choosing Salad and then using 1 Turnip. This will create a food item.

I didn't keep count but you'll need to do this like 25 times, so you'll need that many Turnips too.

Once you've cooked enough to get more options entree should be there. With 1 fish alone you can make an entree and should get the trophy.

Third Generation

Hybridize two hybrid crops to create something new.

Before I explain anything else, let's talk about step 1.

You have to make friends with Takakura, which means giving him an item he likes each day. Milk works well, so you may want to wait on this one until further into the game when money and goods aren't as precious.

I gave him gifts every day for 2 months, but I don't know how long it actually takes. He comes out of his house at 6am, which makes it easy to find him if you have the Alarm clock (see Rise and Shine) Once you feel he is your friend (dialogue changes, usually friends will tell you a food recipe) send him to town to get you an animal or medicine or whatever, and wait for him to come back.

He gets back to his house at 7pm, so follow him right in.

If it went right there should be a scene revealing Tartan, a 2 headed plant NPC. Once you have control start talking to Tartan. Ignore him if he asks if you have anything and engage him in conversation.

Keep doing that even if it feels like you aren't getting anywhere. If he asks questions give very positive answers. Eventually you will become friends and Hybridize should appear in his list of options when speaking to him.

The Hybrid system is quite deep actually. Basically it involves giving Tartan two fruits, vegetables or seeds to combine them into a new type that is a hybrid of the two.

You can search for the extensive lists if you want to know all your options, but since this can be done with seeds you can buy anything you need from Vesta's farm.

The ones I used are made from 1 Potato seed, 2 Tomato seeds and 1 Watermelon seed.

Once you have Tartan and those seeds make a save, then go see Tartan. Give him the Potato and Tomato seed. If it works you should get Tobatama seeds. If it fails try again or reload. Once you get those seeds give Tartan a Tomato and Watermelon seed. If it works you should get Gretoma seeds.

Note that Watermelon and Melon are both seeds you can get, and you need WATERMELON.

Once you have Tobatama and Gretoma, combine them and you should get the trophy if it works. If not reload and try again.

Construction Worker

Construct all of the buildings.

To get this trophy you must build all possible extensions. These are:

Food Processing Building
Milking Building
Fertilizer Maker
Seed Maker
Chicken Yard
Large Field

The first 3 listed can be bought from the ledger at any time.

Seed maker can be received by making friends with Daryl.

Chicken yard becomes available once you have several chickens, may be 6. Talk to Takakura and he will comment about your chickens and say he can make the yard if you provide materials.

Large field can be unlocked after getting Tartan (see Third Generation). Talk to Takakura and he should suggest clearing the field.

Dog Lover

Fill all your dog's hearts.

This one is pretty simple. Pick the dog up and put it down once a day. Then do training. Dog training stops time,  so grab some free hearts this way every day too until you get the trophy.

The Right Tool for the Job

Fill every slot in the tool shed.

There are several tools you can get through the Ledger from the start, and you start with a few so I won't name those. All other tools come from making friends with the various people in the town or buying from Van.

Clippers - Wally - Jogs through the day, I caught him coming by the Inn early mornings or later evenings. Likes eggs. Once you are friends catch him at his house and you should get a scene where he gives them to you. He's home very early, like 6am.

Fishing Pole - Buy from Van.

Fishing Rod - Befriend Galen during Chapter 1, then in Chapter 2 go to his new house at 6am for a scene where you get it. He likes Mugwort and the other wild plants, which is very easy.

Strange Sickle - Befriend Cody the artist, then enter his house. 9am is a good time to find him there. He likes flowers.

Weird Sickle - Befriend Dr. Hardy, who you can find during Chp 1 but it's easier after he moves to the area in Chp 2. After befriending him enter his house to get the item. He's home in the mornings around 7-9.

Brush - Van's shop.

Goat Milker - Buy a Goat from Van, only available during certain season. I think it was summer but maybe spring. You may want to save this one for last as actually having the goat isn't very good.

*The following tools have an additional requirement of having cleared the Large Field! So it's best to wait to make friends with these people until you are close to or already have the field.

Watering Can W - Befriend Romana and go see her when she's in her room, mornings work well.

Strange Hoe - Befriend Tim and enter his room in the inn. I found him there at 7am.

Weird Hoe - Befriend Vesta and go see her in the small building she and the other guy at the farm can be found in in the mornings. She's there alone at 10:30. YOU MUST ALSO HAVE THE STRANGE HOE!

Record Keeping

Collect 10 different records.

These are the ones I got:

1 is on the record player in your house.

1 in the Tool Shed.

Summer Memories - Befriend Carter who likes eggs, then talk to him when he's down at the beach on days when Van comes.

Marine Jazz - Befriend Griffin who runs the bar. He likes fish. Then speak to him in his room at 2:30pm.

The Bride - Befriend Chris who likes flowers I believe and she should give you this anytime once you are friends.

Flowerbud Fall - Befriend Rock, who likes flowers, but only certain ones. Mist Moon and Toyflower worked for me. Unlike most people though Rock takes a ton of gifts to become his friend. I started in year 1 and didn't get this record until like year 3 sometime. It's possible it's locked to later too, but his dialogue slowly changed over time so I recommend starting early. Also if he asks about publishing a book agree with him.

Joy of Fall - Befriend Mukumuku. He only appears during the Winter up near the pond where the Harvest Sprites live and he likes fish. He'll also give you a copy of the same record every day after you become friends, which you can then sell to Van for easy money.

Winter HM - In year 2 you can start befriending Kate, who likes flowers. Go to her room as early as possible like 6am and you should get a scene with her.

Spring Song - You can buy this from Van, it may have to be Spring and/or year 2.

64 Memories - Defeat Kassey or Patrick at Territory Capture 10 times.

I haven't confirmed it but supposedly you can a record from the guy at Vesta's farm but he wouldn't give it up even into year 4. It may be because I married the girl from the Vesta farm. Also Sebastian, the old butler at the villa may give you one if you befriend him and enter his room when he's there, but I can't confirm that.

Tidy Tombstone

Successfully clean Nina's Grave.

This can't be done until at least Chapter 2. Head down to Galen's new house at about 6am and talk to him. You should be given the option to clean the grave for him, which is a mini game of sorts.

You have to hit X but you can't just mash it. There's a slower rhythm you have to keep to make it around in the time limit but not go too fast.

Diligent Digger

Dig up all of the tablets.

This takes place up at the dig site above Vesta's farm. Every year there's a tablet you can dig up here. Once you find it and stop digging the guy takes it from you and you're good until the next year, when the site expands and you have to find another.

There's no way to guide the actual digging as it's random. However, you can find it on the first dig in a spot or subsequent dig, but I never found anything in a spot digging more than 3 times.

I got the trophy at the end of year 5, getting a tablet every year for a total of 5. I'm not sure if that was intended or a glitch, so if you get 1 every year for the first 5 years and it doesn't pop you may want to try looking in the 6th year, but I think it should go at 5.

Serious Celebrator

Attend all four festivals.

As the above states, there are 4 festivals every year, 1 in each season. I CANNOT confirm whether this has to be done all in one season or if one in one year and others in another works. I did all 4 in one year so I can't say.

You can check your calendar when playing to see when a festival is.

The only real issue aside from knowing where to go is that most festivals are canceled if it rains/snows, which will throw a wrench in your plans if you are doing them all in one year. The solution for this is to use the 3 saves you should have available to save your game in 1 day increments. If it's raining on the day of the festival reload the previous day. If you still only get rain try loading 2 days back.

Spring Festival - Go to the old lady's villa on the specified day and time.

Summer Festival - You should get invited to this festival when coming out of your house on the appropriate day and time span automatically.

Fall Festival - You need to have some vegetables on you (not sure how many, I had several but it wouldn't go when I had none) and head to the BAR at the appropriate date and time.

Winter Festival - You should get invited to this festival when coming out of your house on the appropriate day and time span automatically.

A Hard Bargain

Haggle with Van to Purchase a goat for less than 4,000G.

You can only buy the goat during either Spring or Summer (I don't have a save there to check at the moment), but it can be done any year, as long as it's the appropriate season.

When you click on the goat you should see an option to ask for a discount, and taking it gives you the trophy. You may want to save and reload, as the goat isn't very good. You'll also want to team this trophy up with The Right Tool for the Job if you don't want to keep the goat, as buying the goat also gives you the Goat Milker, needed for that trophy too.


Heal a sick animal.

This one wasn't as easy as it sounded. Once I had all the buildings and didn't need chickens anymore I left them outside and let time pass, but even after a year they never got sick, which led me to decide though you can check on their health by talking to them, they can't get sick as they don't appear on the board in the barn.

Therefore only cows, sheep and goat can get sick.

So I left a cow outside and started passing time. It actually took a shocking amount of time for the cow to get sick. Rain came and went multiple times on top of all the regular days before the cow got sick.

It seems to me there is an RNG rate on the animals getting sick in this one, meaning you can actually neglect your animals quite hard and they don't end up sick unless you get rather unlucky (or lucky if you want this trophy, I never had a sick animal aside from trying to get one).

All that aside, once you have a sick animal you need medicine, which can be ordered in the Ledger. Give the animal medicine once a day until it recovers. I only had to give 1 to get the trophy, but keep giving it if you don't.

Lights in the Sky

Help the Harvest Sprites find a "nice".

This trophy involves a series of scenes with the Harvest Sprites. I do not know if it can be done starting in Chapter 1, but I did it starting in Chapter 2.

The key to this trophy is understanding where you have to be and when. Aside from whether it can be done in chapter 1 or not, what matters beyond that is being in certain places on certain days on certain months.

For me it looked like this:

Spring 2 Year 2 - First Scene - Head up to the pond by the Harvest Sprite's house around 6am. This should lead to a scene where they tell you about their goal.

Spring 3 Year 2 - Second Scene - Head up toward the pond again around 10am for another scene.

Summer 2 Year 3 - Third Scene - IMPORTANT: To trigger this you must have at least 1 cow outside when you leave your house at about 6am. Leave it outside over night! You don't have to wait a year and a month for this one, you should be able to do it a month after the previous scene, but if you miss it you don't have to panic, as I did and got it a year later. ALSO, this does NOT require the original cow you start with. I only had Star Cows when this went off.

Fall 3 Year 3 - Fourth Scene - Head to Romana's villa around 10am to see this one.

Winter 4 or 5 Year 3 - Fifth Scene - You should be able to see this event if you try to leave your farm via the exit by Takakura's house at 10am.

Winter 5, 6 or 7 Year 3 - Sixth Scene - Try to leave your farm via the exit by Takakura's house or enter Gustafa's hut to see this final scene and get the trophy.

I don't think the times, days or years are set in stone. A rule of thumb is to wait a month between events aside from the first, but as long as you've seen the previous scene there's a chance you may see the next one at different times, especially if you don't add a year in there like I did between the Second and Third.

Rise and Shine

Use the Alarm Clock to wake yourself up.

You can get the alarm clock starting on Spring 1 Year 2. Things in the town change after the first chapter, including some people moving around and new people appearing. There's a new family in the area where the bar is, living in a house that wasn't there before.

You need to get to the house as quickly as possible on day 1 so as soon as you get outside whistle for the horse and ride it down there. If you're fast enough to make it inside you'll get the alarm clock without having to become his friend even.

Chapter 1

Complete the first chapter.

I'm not sure if this can be failed at all, but your goal is to get married. There are 4 you can choose from. The girl from Vesta's farm, The girl who works at the bar, the girl who lives in the inn and the girl up at the villa.

Farm girl, bar girl and villa girl will all take flowers as gifts. Inn girl requires more, stuff from the dig site supposedly works but I didn't date her so I can't say for sure.

Give your chosen one a gift every day and they will like you more. Each girl has a journal you can check to see their level of affection. You need 4 hearts. I know the farm girl's is up in her room and bar girl's is in a corner of the bar.

The Harvest sprites should give you a blue feather part way through the year, which you then give to your chosen. Even if she accepts before the end of the year you will have to finish the chapter before you get married.

Chapter 2

 Complete the second chapter.

 From here on the game is pretty much just playing through the remaining chapters to finish out the game.

Chapter 3

Complete the third chapter.

Chapter 4

Complete the fourth chapter.

Chapter 5

Complete the fifth chapter.

Chapter 6

Complete the sixth chapter.


Hands down cows are the best money maker for the least work. You could complete the financial side of the game with cows alone. However, there's no reason to have more than 4 milk cows. The reason is cows in this game don't just give milk. They have to have been pregnant and had a calf before they give milk. However, after that it only lasts for a year, meaning you have to have a cycle of cows getting pregnant. I only used 3 cows for milking and cycled between them for pregnancies.

At the beginning buy a hen and a rooster, as eggs are a great source of income and friendship building. After that save up to buy a Star Cow. Once you can buy the Star Cow buy it, because it has to grow up to get pregnant. As soon as it can, buy a Miracle Potion to get it pregnant. Whether your first calf is male or female, keep it.

As for your original cow, I'd also let it get pregnant once, as it will take time to fill your stables and it's milk is a valuable source of income to build up. After that I would sell it.

For buildings I'd save up for the Milk building first, as having your cows able to milk themselves as soon as possible is great. To get them to milk themselves you have to push them into the building from out in the pasture a couple of times. After that they should go on their own. Unfortunately though they will not go on their own in the barn.

Most important maybe is there's no need to rush. I completed everything to do with making friends in 2 years except Rock's record and the few tools that required the great field, so as long as you are making progress with some people as friends every day you'll be fine. As long as you get Star Cows you'll be fine in the money department too.

One of your first friends should be Daryl. You can meet him later in the evening/night and he looks like a mad scientist. He likes Coins from the Dig Site. Being friends with him gets you the seed maker, which you'll have to buy otherwise.

The End

I hope you found this guide useful. If you have any questions or comments feel free to comment on this post. If you would like to support Kontroller Korner head over to my Youtube and donate or check out my ebook series Rift of Askrah.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Gravity Rush 2 Platinum Trophy Guide

This trophy guide was made using the PS4 version of this game.

Ultimate Shifter

This is the platinum trophy. Earn all others to unlock this one.

Kat Rising

Story related.

Gravity Test

Story related.

Banga Sets Sail

Story related.

Jirga Para Lhao Revolution

Story related.

Hekseville Twilight

Story related.


Story related.

A Day in Kat's Life

Completed 1 Side Mission - See Lifetime Service Award for more.

Kat's Daily Routine

Completed 20 Side Missions - See Lifetime Service Award for more.

Kat Working Overtime

Completed 40 Side Missions - See Lifetime Service Award for more.

Lifetime Service Award

Completed all Side Missions.

There are 49 Side Missions. They appear in the world as you progress through the game. It's a good strategy to run around after each Story Mission and listen to all the Conversations available and do all Side Missions before moving on to the next Story Mission. As this is how I did it, I don't know if they are missable or if they are like the Challenge Missions and never disappear.

Here's a list of their names, listed in the order of the game menu:

Fly Me to the Storm
Dream Doll, Angel Doll
The Machineries of Joy
Oh, Sweet Little Lady
Something This Way Flies
IF I had Just One Wish
The Spoils of War
Diabolically Yours
Shadows on Shadows
Dream of the Sky
Prodigal Son
An Author's Discreet Charm
Dream of the Sky II
Together, So Strange
An Author's Discreet Charm II
Finding You
Something This Way Flies II
Forgetful Bodyguard
Shifter's Choice
Things I Like, Things I Hate
I Have a Rendezvous with You
Bridge to Tomorrow
Dream of the Sky III
One Day this Crush Will End
Come One, Come All
A House in the Blue Sky
Anchors Aweigh
Thus Spoke the Adventurer
A Legend is Born
An Angel Named Double-Cross
Training Day
Forbidden Games
Hands Up, Hands Out
Find the Idol
The Grand Illusion
Do What You Will
A Legend is Born II
Wandering Artistry
Forbidden Cargo
The New World
A Game of Gravity
Spirit of a Man
Find the Idol II
Flow My Tears, the Man Said
Going to Town
Anchors Aweigh II
The Wages of Fear
Training Day II
Dangerous Delivery

Lunar Vortex

Grabbed 5 enemies with one Lunar Style Vortex Field.

This trophy requires that you grab and object or enemy while in Lunar Style and throw it so that the vortex created hits 5 enemies. Don't be confused by the Grab in the sentence above, as you Grab with a Stasis Field. The Vortex Field is an attack projectiles have when you throw them in Lunar Style. By grab it means trap 5 enemies (hit them) with one vortex.

I didn't do a video for this one as I didn't feel I had anything that showed doing so without doubt, and I'm recording on the PS4 itself at the time of making this guide and it doesn't show the trophy pop, so I didn't want anyone to feel they were misled.

As for WHERE you should do this, I did it in Story Mission 18 - Two Angels. You'll fight a bunch of Grigo in the park, and they are very close together. If you keep hurling stuff around at groups of them in Lunar Style you should get this eventually.

Ball of Destruction

Defeated 3 enemies with 1 Jupiter Style

When you grab objects in Jupiter Style they will automatically combine into a large ball of debris. To get this trophy just throw one of these so it kills 3 enemies.

I didn't include a video as I got this during the Chapter where you first get Jupiter Gravity, but if you're having trouble some areas with a lot of enemies close together are Story Mission 18 - Two Angels and Side Mission Diabolically Yours.

It may not be a bad idea to get above the 3 enemies you want to hit and throw the ball downard.

Surge of Power

Defeated 5 enemies with 1 Jupiter Style Surge Kick.

The Surge Kick is the Square attack you have while shifting gravity in Jupiter Style (R1 to float).

I didn't make a video for this one as I didn't think it was really necessary. I got this in the Chapter where you first get Jupiter Style. If you didn't and need a good area, try Story Mission 18 - Two Angels or Side Mission Diabolically Yours. Both provide 5 enemies close together.

Get above the group of enemies and fully charge (hold square) a Surge Kick and then drop into the middle of the group. It will explode and should kill them all.

Cat Claw

Defeated 10 Enemies with 1 Spiraling Claw.

Here's a video of where I did it:

This is in Story Mission 22 - Castle of Sand.

A better option may be Chapter 18 - Two Angels though, as you can get there faster. If you kick the Grigos a few times without killing them and run around hitting a lot of them to build your SP up you can do it there too probably.

High Wind Alert

Defeated 10 enemies within 10 seconds using one Gravity Typhoon.

Gravity Typhoon is performed in Lunar Style by pressing triangle when you have a full SP gauge.

I didn't make a video for this one because honestly I had some issues with it. I tried a variety of areas to defeat 10 enemies and did it many times without getting the trophy. However, the one time I finally got it to work was in Story Mission 10 - No Messiah, No Message. However I didn't feel the video was very clear as to actually showing 10 enemies defeated in 10 seconds, and as I'm recording on the PS4 at the time of these videos, it doesn't show the trophy pop like it does when you record with a Capture Card or Device.

Go through the mission until you save Syd and Cecie, and after that an alarm goes off and you get attacked. Here you need to build up your SP while trying to kill as few soldiers as possible, so only hit each one a couple of times. Once you have SP try to get most or all of the enemies on one side of you, then launch the special attack and move the camera around so you do as much damage as possible.

If all goes well this one should pop for you too. However, like I said I know I killed 10 enemies in 10 seconds in some other missions and it wouldn't pop, so I'm not sure if it's glitchy or what.

Event Horizon

Defeated 10 enemies with one Micro Black Hole.

The Micro Black Hole is the special attack (triangle) when you have a full SP bar in Jupiter Style.

Here's a video where I did it:

This takes place in Story Mission 22 - Castle of Sand

Another option is probably Story Mission 18 - Two Angels. Build up SP by hitting the Grigo but trying to kill as few as possible. Once you have SP get as close to a large group as possible and launch the attack.

Mining Instructions

Reached the 3rd Layer of the Delvool Mining Trench.

To get to the Delvool Mining Trench you must enter one of the other mining sites that is undergoing a Gravity Storm. Don't confuse this with a Strange Gravitational Phenomenon, which is for something else.

Once you have entered a mining site with a Gravity Storm, you need to look around for a purple/red type cloud. This will allow you to enter the 1st Layer of the Delvool Mining Trench.

To go deeper in the trench you have to find a tablet, like the ones that pop up in some of the various Story Missions. This will give you an objective to clear. Once you clear it, you can move to the next level of the trench.

To find the tablet, you'll want to generally look around the largest island/area of the mining site you are in. In my experience that was where I found them.

Do this to reach Layer 3 and the trophy is yours.

Kat Versus World

Defeated 1000 enemies.

There isn't really any trick to this one, as you'll just have to fight and kill enemies until you get it.

New Challenger

Played a Challenge Mission - See Gold Medalist for more.

Bronze Medalist

Completed all Challenge Missions with Bronze or better - See Gold Medalist for more.

Silver Medalist

Completed all Challenge Missions with Silver or better - See Gold Medalist for more.

Gold Medalist

Completed all Challenge Missions with Gold or better.

There are 20 total Challenge Missions you'll unlock through the game. Most appear after doing the various Side Missions.

Here are videos for each one, listed in the order they are listed in the game:

Newspaper Delivery I


Newspaper Delivery II

Moving Day

Time Limit Battle I

Sliding Race I

Freestyle Race I

Lunar Style Race I

Sliding Race II

Lunar Style Race II

Freestyle Race II

Time Limit Grab

Aggressive Sales Tactics I

Aggressive Sales Tactics II

Customer Service I

Customer Service II

Behind the Scenes I

Behind the Scenes II

Stasis Field Battle

Time Limit Battle II

Time Limit Battle III

Sacred Trio

Equipped all three types of talismans at one time.

There are 3 different shapes of talismans. You just need one of each type equipped.

Talisman Crafter

Merged a talisman 3 times.

You can merge talismans at Aki's place. This trophy doesn't require doing the same talisman each of the 3 times or anything like that. Just merge talismans together 3 times.

Saghassi Fan

Found all of Saghassi's Paintings in Jirga Para Lhao.

There are 10 of these in the Jirga Para Lhao set of islands. You need to find and take a picture of them. Here's a video of their locations:

Saghassi Maniac

Found all of Saghassi's Paintings in Hekseville.

There are 10 of these in the Hekseville set of islands. You need to find them and take a picture of them. Here's a video of their locations:

Tour Guide

Discovered all of the sites in Jirga Para Lhao.

There are 10 of these in the Jirga Para Lhao set of islands. You must find and take a picture of them. Here's a video of their locations:

Tour Conductor

Discovered all of the sites in Hekseville.

There are 10 of these around the Heseville set of islands. You must find and take pictures of them. Here's a video of their locations:

Camera Men

Completed the Men's Portrait Collection.

There are 10 of these total, 5 in Jirga Para Lhao and 5 in Hekseville. You must find and take a picture of them. Here's a video of their locations:

Smile for the Camera

Completed the Women's set of Portraits.

There are 10 of these total, 5 in Jirga Para Lhao and 5 in Hekseville. You must find and take a picture of them. Here's a video of their locations:

Pipe Coordinator

Placed 9 types of furniture in Kat's Pipe House.

Once you have the house you can put furniture in it. There are a couple of ways to get furniture. The first is doing Side Missions. You should be able to get enough furniture if you do all the side missions for this.

If you need more or want it quicker, the other option is to find treasures. There's a chance you'll get furniture in treasure chests, but I never saw any until I had unlocked the pipe house, so don't go hunting for furniture until then.

Sewer Aficionado

Discovered every mysterious warp manhole.

There are 21 of these total between the 8 sets of islands. Here's a video showing their locations:

Power Kat

Raised all of Kat's Powers to the maximum.

There's a pretty good chance this will be your last trophy, as it's the only one I still need as I write this. Raising Kat's powers takes gems. Unfortunately it takes more than 60000, which is how much you need for what will probably be your second to last trophy. See Gem Collector for more information on getting gems.

Unfortunately this is a grind trophy and there's little choice but to grind out the necessary jewels.

Rift Hunter

Defeated the five giant Nevi that appear with mining sight gravity disturbances.

This trophy requires that you defeat a giant nevi in each of the 5 mining sites. To do this you must wait until the mining site(s) you need are undergoing a Strange Gravity Disturbance. Don't confuse this with a Gravitational Storm, which is for something else.

Once the mining site(s) you need are experiencing the Strange Gravity Disturbance, head inside. There should be a Quest Marker that you wouldn't normally see that is pointing to where the enemy is.

Defeating one in each site unlocks the trophy.

You can't make a Strange Gravity Disturbance happen. You just have to wait until you are notified it's happening, or stop by one of the two mining people and see what's going on at the sites.

Gem Collector

Collected 60,000 precious gems.

This should be a silver trophy, and Power Kat should be a gold, as this 60,000 is only a little more than half of what you'll need to fully upgrade Kat.

You do not have to have 60,000 on you at once, it's 60,000 total. You can look in the Statistics to track your progress.

To actually collect gems there's basically 2 ways.

*I'm adding this later, but a really good place to farm gems after you have completed the game is replaying Story Mission 19. Right at the beginning you can find gems worth 10 that you can collect. Even better, you can grab the rows of gems, save your game, reload, and the gems will be back.

1. Mining ore in a mining site
2. Find them floating in the world

A third option, though limited is completing all the challenge missions. You can't farm them but there's a nice chunk to be had and it's another trophy you need anyways.

You would think mining would be your best option, but I find it worthless honestly. Even in a site with a high population and Rich Ore status, I only ever get gems worth 1, 2-6 at a time. This is SLOW. I actually recommend number 2.

You can find gems all over the place in each of the 8 islands. If you get the Talisman Cecie's Wish (I think from the Dream Doll, Angel Doll Side Mission, but if not probably another). This talisman makes it so you can hear a beeping noise when you are close to a gem. There are 2 levels of beeping, and it also helps you nail down the direction.

There are literally tens of thousands of gems in each of the 8 islands, and you can find gems worth 10 and 50 even. It's still a terrible grind, but in my opinion getting the gems floating around the various islands is way faster. Just be sure to look everywhere. On the bottom, around the sides, and buildings, they are literally all over the place.


I hope you found this Platinum Trophy Guide helpful. This guide is the property of Kontroller Korner. Please do not repost it without the author's express permission.