***Introductory Information***
This guide is written for the Playstation 4 version of Watch Dogs 2. This guide plays from a stealth perspective, but even those who like to go loud and proud should find useful information, including puzzle solutions, where to go in a level, or how to get a certain Key Data item.
You may also want to consider doing all the Side Operations you can before jumping too far into the main objectives. The reason for this is that you can build a lot of fans through the Side Operations, which leads to getting more research points which in turn means you have more means at your disposal as you attempt the more difficult Main Objectives.
A few important things I want to point out:
N, NE, S, SE, etc.. indicate directions like North or Northeast.
1. If you're not sure what to spend research points on, don't. It's better to have them on hand for if you figure out what you really need to play as you want. You'll regret it if you dump them into stuff you later decide you don't need. You can get enough research points to get everything, but not through fans. After a certain amount fans will not get you anymore, meaning you have to find the points scattered around the world.
2. The Distraction talent in the Social Engineering section is invaluable if you want to play stealthily, as this guide assumes. It should be the first thing you get when the game has you choose a talent.
3. You should save up your cash for the Quadracopter (drone) first and foremost. Snag some of the cash bags you've probably come across during your travels if you want to speed up the process.
4. If you really want a leg up, or want to get saving up for the Quadracopter out of the way, do activities like motorbike racing or the driver app until you have the necessary funds to buy it. Or get the talent Hijacker in the Vehicle Hacking section. It allows you to get into cars without causing any trouble. Not only is this great for getting around quickly and silently, but most vehicles have items in the glovebox you can loot and sell, which can help get better weapons or the Quadracopter.
5. Make sure you download all the apps for your phone as soon as you get control of Marcus. This way you can start marking important areas, getting your song library built up, and just getting an overall good start on your game. It will also unlock the trophy App'ing Around.
6. After joining DedSec and getting into the game itself, be sure to spend a lot of time on foot looking around in R3 vision, which I will call Hacker Vision. This is extremely important if you want to find the Side Operations, which will appear gold/yellow as opposed to the blue you see with money, paint jobs, etc.. Of course I'll do my best to provide good information about where this stuff is, it never hurts to have it marked on your own map for increased ease.
7. If you need an ability you see me using but don't have any points, do some driver tasks or any ScoutX locations you may have discovered. Additionally you can try to pick up any Research points you've come across in the world, but many can require both RC vehicles, so that can be hit and miss.
8. Early on it's better to steal motorcycles than cars. The reason is that motorcycles don't have alarms and people don't get suspicious when you get on them. The same can't always be said for cars. Once you get the talent to get into cars this doesn't matter anymore, but in the start it's a nice way to avoid any trouble but get some wheels if you don't want to constantly use the app.
9. It's safe to send an RC vehicle into enemy territory and have it be discovered. They may break it and start looking around, but if you were parked or standing outside the red zone that indicates a hostile zone, it doesn't matter if they look around because you will be safe in a non-hostile zone even if they are searching due to an RC vehicle.
Shortly after the introductory mission, you will get a chance to choose your first ability. If you are going to use this guide and play from a stealth perspective I highly recommend you choose the Social Engineering Perk Create Distraction. This is an invaluable ability for getting by guards unnoticed, both for Marcus and for your RC vehicle.
***Main and Side Operation Guide***
This part of the guide details the actual missions of the game. Some sections have videos and some just have explanations. The order is the order I did them in, and is not necessarily required.
***Main Operation 1: Erasing Your Identity***
The game starts with you controlling Marcus and entering into a Blume facility to erase your identity. This level gives you a chance to get your feet wet and get a feeling for controlling Marcus without having to worry about a bunch of hacking or other elements of the game.
Head forward and climb the building. You'll see your first guard, so knock him out or drop off the roof to the left. There's two more guys down here, but with all the vans it's easy to sneak past.
Head up the stairs (there's money in one of the nearby containers). Up here you'll find a locked door. If you hit R3 you'll see a red line leading up to a box. Go around and climb up to hack this box using Triangle. Once you've unlocked the door drop down and go in.
In this next area run to the end of the hall. You'll find another locked door and a dead end. Press R3 and look around. There should be a camera you can hack into using Square. Once inside the camera look around for a laptop. You can hack the Access Key using L1. Now you can unlock the door.
Continue to the next building. It's multiple floors of servers. Head up avoiding or taking out guards until you are even with the Mission Objective. Then head over to the indicated server and hack it. You have to stay withing the blue circle or Marcus isn't close enough to download the data.
Once that is done go up some more. Circle around and climb up to the indicated area. Marcus will take care of the objective. Once that is done you'll want to head into the nearby control room and have Marcus do his thing in there. However, it's locked by what I'll term a closed circuit energy puzzle. You need to get the blue energy from where it starts to the Lock symbol. This one is very easy to give you a chance to see what the puzzles are like. You can rotate the nodes with L1.
While on the computer it has you pick an online avatar, but it doesn't matter because you can just change it later if want.
After that we move to the escape phase. The game will give a brief tutorial on hacking things in the environment to use against enemies, and then you're on your way out.
Go out the nearby door and start heading down. You need to go all the way down to reach the exit, so watch out for all the guards!
Once you reach the bottom open the door and go right. Head for the indicated point and the tutorial level is complete.
After some story stuff you are dropped in the city controlling Marcus. However, you have no pants, so you'll need to head to a clothing store to fix that. But first open you phone, go into the app shop, and download Nudle Maps, along with all the other apps that are available.
***Main Operation 2: Cyberdriver***
This mission will come to you automatically after the park tutorial about finding Side Operations.
Completing this Main Operation will yield the trophy Knight Ridden
Step 1: Watch the movie trailer in the Hackerspace
Self explanatory. Go there and watch it.
Step 2: Go to the movie studios
Drive over there, no big deal.
Step 3: Hack into HMP's Studio 3
Approach from the NW. There's a door back here, open it and send your jumper in. Head right and go up the stairs. Go left at the top of the stairs and follow this up to a laptop that you can hack for an Access Key.
Once you have it head back down and go into the little room you passed coming up the stairs. Distract the guard and use the vent for access to the room. Hack the device in here. When that is complete go back out the grate and look at the wall. You'll see a panel you can hack to unlock the doors. Do so and then head out the door opposite the one you entered this little building from.
Follow this path around and drop down on the other side by the door with a dumpster by it. Ignore the stairs and enter the little room with a guard in front of it (distract him). In here is the next device you need to hack.
With both objectives done recall the jumper and leave the area.
Step 4: Meet with the paparazzi then steal the car
To get up to the paparazzi go into the center area of the buildings where he is. You'll find an area you can climb up.
If you enter from the west you can use all the cover and vehicles to sneak your way over to a ladder. Then climb up and take out the guards by the target or avoid them as needed to reach it.
Step 5: Escape your pursuers
Drive it like you stole it until you lose your pursuers.
Step 6: Find the key data in Embarcadero Center
This is located down in a parking garage area. You'll find the entrance on the east side of the building. It's back in a little restricted area.
Contrary to the game's suggestion, you don't have to spend the 4 points on unlocking this even though you are required to get it as a mission. In the next part of the mission you can use the speed boost ability anyways. Not sure if this is intended, a glitch, or an oversight on the dev's part.
I recommend holding on to those points for now.
Step 7: Meet Wrench and perform the stunts remotely
Basically you have to drive a course while dealing with the police. Nothing much to it.
You have infinite boost (hold X) for this part of the mission even if you didn't buy the talent from the previous part of the mission, and it isn't required to do the mission. You just have to get the Key Data.
***Main Operation 3: False Profits***
Completing this Main Operation will yield the trophy Baby, I Got Your Money
Step 1: Meet Sitara at the hacker space
Rather self explanatory.
Step 2: Meet Sitara at the New Dawn Protest and hack them
On the W side of the building there's a grate that will give the Jumper access to the building. Take the first right once you get into the room where you'll be next to some stairs. Take them up. At the other end of the second floor is the terminal you have to hack.
Once you start the hack you can move Marcus toward the front door (outside, where you're not in the trespassing zone) and wait until the data is downloaded. Then just leave the area.
Step 3: Interview Jimmy Siska
You don't really do much for this objective other than meet the guy who gives you clothes and watch a cutscene.
Step 4: Meet Miranda at the beach
Nothing you have to do here but show up.
Step 5: Steal the registry of occupants
A good first move here is probably to send the Quadracopter (if you have it) across the place and hack the guy for the access code you need.
After that you have some options. If you have the Jumper with enhanced jump you can go left at the front gate, follow the fence to the end and jump over, getting you very close to where you need to be for one of the objectives, rescuing a certain someone.
If not you could open the front gate and sneak in that way.
Of course you can go in loud and proud too.
Once you've saved the guy up on the second floor of the building (you can approach and save him using the RC Jumper, you don't physically have to go to him) it's time to get the registry. If you went loud then you can just run over to the building across from the guy you saved. If not sneak in using your preferred method and hack the device.
Once you have rescued the target and hacked the information just leave the area and you're done.
Step 6: Meet Jimmy near the New Dawn Temple
Another self-explanatory one.
Step 7: Find the Sumerian Tablets
Approach from the N side front gate.
A good first move is sending the Quadcopter to scout a bit and get the Access Code for this area. You can hack the laptop through the window. You can also activate the closed circuit energy puzzle you'll have to do once you're inside.
With that done enter the grounds and bear right. There's a couple guys over here you may want to take out. With that done enter the building and take cover so the guards on the other side can't see you. Throw out the Quadcopter and start solving the puzzle.
It's not very hard, treat each pillar as it's own little puzzle and you should have no problems.
Once it is done move over to the little podium and hack it to start the elevator down. Just do as the game indicates in the basement. When that is complete head back up, it's time to exit. You should be able to leave the way you entered with no resistance.
***Main Operation 4: Haum Sweet Haum***
Completing this Main Operation will yield the trophy No Place Like Haum.
Step 1: Meet Wrench at his garage
So go see him already!
Step 2: Acquire Haum's delivery information
You can find an entrance to the building on the N side by the water. Go in and up the stairs. Use the RC car to get into the room and hack the panel, then get the information. You have to use Marcus, as it requires typing on the computer, pretty much the only thing the RC can't do.
Step 3: Steal the Haum truck shipment
First you'll want to hack the code to open the gates from the guy over on the E side of this area. The Quadcopter is great for this.
Then head over and steal the truck. If you're good with the Vehicle Hack skill you could probably use that to drive it out of the of the restricted area. Or you could sneak over the old fashioned way (you can swim over to the necessary dock through the water if you want). Or you could kill everyone. Your call.
Once you're clear deliver the goods.
Step 4: Return to the Hackerspace
Go see what your pals need.
Step 5: Reach the Ahed Housing Complex
This actually leads you to a nearby ctOS box, which lets you shut down the complex.
Security System Shutdown (requires Key Data, see that section) lets you turn off the fences, as well as shut down the moving alarm device (you'll see moving red light) for increased ease, but it can be done without.
A good first move may be to move up to the building and hack into the cameras inside. Get to the one on the big TV and you can hack the necessary code.
If you have the ability described above you can enter from pretty much anywhere. If not you can find an RC vent on the NW side of the house (this is right by the first device you have to hack, so it's a good option). You can also go in via the roof if you get your RC in and hack the necessary panel on the ground level. Or just shoot your way in. Get in however you prefer and hack the device.
Your second objective is upstairs. You'll find the stairs nearby the device you just hacked. You can initiate the hack with the RC car and collect the data safely from outside.
Step 6: Locate the Haum 2.0 signal source
Head to the area and hack the box.
Step 7: Tap into Haum's data retrieval system.
I approached from the E side of the building.
There's an RC grate you can use to get in right between the front doors of the building. Once inside, hack the guy for the security key code (he patrols around but he should be somewhere nearby). Once you have it, recall the RC vehicle.
Deploy the RC vehicle again. This time go left when you enter and go through the door with the alarm camera over it (you can unlock it now). Go upstairs and to the right and you'll find the box you need. But it's locked. In front of it is a panel that activates a closed circuit energy puzzle (it's extremely easy).
Once inside controlling the camera, hack the server below you. Then look up and left and you should be able to hack another. Then continue looking left and you should be able to hack a third, which starts a data download (you can hack the others still if you want).
You will have to move Marcus into the hostile territory. A good area is through the door with the security alarm camera that let you get up to the second floor. Hide up against the wall at the top of the first set of stairs. If anyone does come near you can usually stun them with the distract hack and get them with the stun gun.
Once the download is complete bail out as quick as you can back through the door and out of the hostile area to escape.
Step 8: Meet up with Wrench
Go visit our fine masked friend.
Step 9: Drive to Sutro Tower
Drive on over.
Step 10: Reboot Sutro's system
There's no key code you need to hack for door access here so you can go straight to the infiltration.
You'll start S of the objective. You can move over to the W side to get closer to the door that will get you to your objective. Send out your RC car, open the gate and head left. Go up the stairs and enter through the nearby door. Go forward into the room and you can then enter another room on your right where the objective is. Hack it.
Recall your RC car and enter the same way you did with the car but with Marcus this time. The elevator is outside, part of the large tower near where you've been standing this whole time. Get inside and get to it, distracting or killing as you see fit.
Once up there you'll have to do another closed circuit energy puzzle. This one is probably medium difficulty, or maybe between easy and medium, so you should be fine. Using R3 vision is helpful for this one. Also be aware the puzzle extends rather high up, so if you're not sure where to go start with up.
Step 11: Align transmitter toward WKZ
You will get control of it after completing the closed circuit energy puzzle. Just move it in the direction of the Mission Objective. After that this mission is complete!
***Main Operation 5: Looking Glass***
Completing this Main Operation will yield the trophy Picking Up the Pieces.
Step 1: Meet Sitara and the others at the Hackerspace
Go see your buddies and get things rolling.
Step 2: Investigate Invite's false accounts
Step 3: Access the elevator to the CEO's office
Approach from the N/NW side. This area isn't restricted, but you need the key code to get inside. You can hack into the cameras on this side of the building using R3 vision. Get the code then head inside.
Go upstairs and hack the panel that allows access to the elevator. Then go down and use it.
Step 4: Escape Invite
It's time to get out of here now that it's all sideways. Go left and through the door by the stairs. In this next room is a door you can still open.
Be aware, there are probably at least a couple police officers out here. Stun them or use distract to render them temporarily disabled. Run N and jump off the side of the wall. There are probably more police here, but you should be able to steal a parked car or one of the police cars and get out of there.
The hardest part is the helicopter. You may want to get the Chopper Retreat Exploit (requires Key Data, see that section for more).
If you can't or don't want to get it a good way to evade choppers is to go into tight alleys and press against the wall for cover. Manage the foot troops with distractions until you escape and you're good.
Alternatively it may be possible to hunker down somewhere in the building and distract anyone that comes near you until you escape, but I didn't try that.
Step 5: Meet DedSec at the Hackerspace
You know what to do.
Step 6: Explore Swelter Skelter
There's an area to the right of the entrance with a bunch of mannequins you can hear bad poetry from Aside from that take a tour around the place, and then go speak to your friends.
Once you've spoken to everyone meet up and get ready for the hacking challenge.
It's large, and there are nodes that when you turn them and energy goes through it starts a timer. If you don't get done before the timer it wipes the puzzle and makes you restart. However, if you spin them and stop the energy flow it resets the timer. Basically you have to prioritize getting energy to the locked nodes first, and then reconfigure the energy to reach the final lock once you've unlocked all the nodes.
***Main Operation 6: Limp Nudle***
Completing this Main Operation will yield the trophy Informer.
Step 1: Meet Ray at the Hackerspace
You know what to do.
Step 2: Meet Horatio at the clothing store
Go see Horatio!
Step 3: Take the Nudle bus with Horatio
Head over to the objective marker and take the bus.
Step 4: Complete the bus route to Nudle campus
Just drive to the places you're told to.
Step 5: Follow Horatio
Go on a small tour with Horatio.
Step 6: Install a backdoor into Nudle
Behind you when you regain control are some stairs, go up. There's a code you need here, but the door's are locked and there's no cameras. There's an air duct running from that room into another one, and there's several entrances you can choose from with the Quadcopter, or one at the end you can access by climbing with the Jumper.
Once you have the key code leave this building and head NE toward the target building. Once inside, go through the doors on your right. Across the room in a restricted area is a console you need to hack. Probably best to use the Jumper and use the grate to the left of where you can enter the stage to get around stealth. Or just distract the guard.
Once that is done head for the door to the right of the area where the console you just hacked is and take the stairs (be careful if you don't have the ability to shut down alarm systems. See the Key Data section for more on that). Up here is another door that must be unlocked, probably best to again use the Jumper. You can access the room via a grate near where you entered using the first grate.
Once through this second locked door you'll reach an elevator. Call it up, hop on, and send it back down. Head through here to reach a locked door.
You'll switch to a camera. Hack the phone just to your left. Then look down and hack the little robot. Then look right and hack the speaker. When the guy gets mad and leaves wait for Horatio to do his thing and asks you a question. Look over to the left and you'll be able to hack the light switch. Then he gives you the code you need.
You'll notice there are a bunch of locked rooms in here, and that you can activate a massive closed circuit energy puzzle. However, the only important room is 6 (numbers are on the pillars by the doors).
When you activate the puzzle follow the blue line on your left. There's an angled piece that is turned wrong by Pillar 3. Turn it so the energy flows. Follow that line to where you'll see another angled piece that is turned wrong by Pillar 6, so fix it. Fix the nearby straight piece, then unlock the locked area. This will let you into the door by the 2 Pillar 6.
Hack the server, then do the physical hack and watch what happens.
Step 7: Meet Horatio outside Nudle
There's a door to the right of where you first entered the server farm you can use to get out. Follow this path, hack the device, and go down the slide. Follow that path a little further and there's somewhere you can climb up and back into the world. Then just run over to where the game indicates.
***Main Operation 7: Hacker War***
This mission should appear shortly after finishing Main Operation: Limp Nudle.
Completing this Main Operation will yield the trophy Sabotage.
Step 1: Head to the Hackerspace
Meet with your friends.
Step 2: Confront Lenni
Head to where Lenni is hanging out.
Step 3: Sabotage the Prime_Eight operation
This takes place at Rhonda's Restaurant. Talk to your contact to begin.
Step 4: Destroy the rigged ATMs (3)
There are three sets of ATMs you have to destroy. They can be blown up with bombs of course, but they can also be hacked to destroy them using Marcus or the Jumper. The whole area is Trespassing, so be cautious.
I start with the N and E most ones, and leave the W for last.
Take the Jumper and go up the stairs to the restaurant, then hang a left before the doors. You should be able to jump over this small fence even if you don't have the upgraded jumping ability for the Jumper. Head left along the fence toward the building in the east. Inside you can sabotage the first atm.
Recall your Jumper and redeploy it, getting in the same way. This time head for the ATMs that are almost straight in front of you.
Recall your jumper and move Marcus W. Over by the tower you can access the beach by moving down the rocks. Move closer to where the final ATMs are and send the jumper in. After the guys talk they leave the building, giving you a perfect chance to destroy the final ATMs.
Once the final ATMs are destroyed leave the area.
Step 5: Obtain bunker location from Lenni
Return to the bar where you spoke to Lenni last.
Step 6: Drive to the Prime_Eight bunker
You can't fast travel there, so enjoy the drive.
Step 7: Infiltrate the Prime_Eight bunker
Circle around to the NE and you can avoid most of the enemies and get up pretty much right by where you need to be. Then just reach the marked entrance.
Inside you have to hack a device, but this starts a closed circuit energy puzzle.
This can be one of the tougher closed circuit energy puzzles in the game. This is another one where you have to forget the end lock for a minute and focus first on unlocking the locked nodes. Annoyingly when you unlock certain nodes Lenni will cause them to spin, making you have to go back and redo the energy flow.
5 minutes is more than enough time though. Like some other puzzles, focus first on unlocking all the nodes before you worry about the energy flow toward the final lock.
***Main Operation 8: W4TCHED***
This mission should appear shortly after Main Operation Hacker War comes in. A side objective may come in first.
Completing this Main Operation will yield the trophy Hypnotize.
Step 1: Meet DedSec at the Thalassa Bar
Head over there and see what they want.
Step 2: Locate who's spying on DedSec
There's a van to the west. You must get within the range of the blue circle to begin hacking it.
I recommend following the water so you approach from the back. Then, climb the building behind the van. There's a little entrance way you can duck into and be in range. This will become important a little bit after you start hacking the van.
Around 30% enemies will start searching for you. You should be safe in there for the most part, but it's possible a guy or two will come looking. You should be able to knock them out without others seeing though. You may want to throw the Quadcopter out and mess with the cars to keep them occupied (and kill some time while you wait).
Once you have the data you can hide until you're clear of being searched for or try to slip out. Either way get away from the van when you can and lose any pursuers you may have picked up.
Step 3: Meet Wrench at the cafe
Just head to where the game says to.
Step 4: Select "Cabbie for Hire" in the Driver SF App
Launch the mission and head to where it says.
Step 5: Acquire this vehicle to pick up Miranda
Not really sure why this is necessary, but go get it.
Step 6: Pick up Miranda
Drive to the appointed location and drive her to her destination.
Step 7: Gain access to Dellums Towers
Head to the mission objective the phone indicates, which is a payphone.
Step 8: Investigate the FBI
Head inside and use the keypad, which will open the way for you. It's not hostile (yet) so you can move about freely. Go back to the elevator and take it up.
Now it's hostile territory. Head out the elevator on the side by the objective.
*Just a quick note - people who aren't guards can see you in the hostile area and nothing happens. It's only the guards you have to avoid.
Head up the stairs, climb the nearby ladder, and use the machinery to climb up to the platform above. You can't plant the transceiver though because it's locked, so solve the closed circuit energy puzzle. It's not very hard though. The lock once you've got all the energy going to the middle is found right behind the transceiver.
Now head all the way back down to the elevator you came up on. There's another set of doors you can go through (watch for the guard here). Head E and you'll find a bridge that bridges the two buildings, you'll want to cross it.
On your left once you enter the second building is a panel you can hack. If you follow the energy you'll see that there's a little hole in the ceiling you can get the Jumper up (requires improved jump talent). This will give you direct access to the server room. If you don't have that you'll have to circle around with Marcus to enter, which requires hacking the Key Code that can found in the S part of the building.
Once you've got your way in, head inside the server room and initiate the hack. Be prepared, as a short bit after you start it the FBI will go into Search mode. The only ones who should see you if you used the Jumper to get in are the ones that come from the other building. Set up your Electro-Shock bombs (if you have them) by the door to take out anyone who come from there.
Once you have the data it's time to escape. More likely than not you're going to get detected on the way out, but if you use distract or shoot your way out you should be fine. Just get back to the elevator and take it down.
If you stay in the elevator you should be safe, and the danger should pass and those in you way should eventually clear out on their own, leaving you free to leave the building and area.
Step 9: Reach the antenna
Begin the mission at the indicated point.
Step 10: Plant a transceiver on the antenna
Non hostile territory so you can run right up to it, but it's locked with a closed circuit energy puzzle. It's rather simple though as long as you use the Quadcopter and look around. There's a locked node in a hole in the ground and one on the roof of where the place you plant the transceiver is. Then it's just a matter of moving the energy to unlock the node on the tower and then readjusting so the energy goes to the lock. You'll have to change one of the nodes by the transceiver spot to the hole in the ground one when you're ready for the unlock phase.
Once it's unlocked plant the device.
This puts you inside a camera. Hack the guy that is speaking's phone. When he puts the mask down make it wink. This one is really more about just watching than doing anything.
Step 11: Infiltrate the FBI hideout
Drive over to the indicated area and approach at the front gate from the E. A good first move may be to fly your Quadcopter into the area. There's an open window on the front of the building you can fly in. There should be a guy with a Key Code you can hack.
After that move to the N side and enter through the gate. Shut down a section of fence so you can enter (requires Security Shutdown ability, see Key Data section if you don't have it) and circle to the W side of the building. Hide behind a nearby dumpster and send out the Jumper.
There's a door near some stairs you'll want to enter. Go right as you enter and go through a little hole in the wall. You'll see the server you need to hack, but it's locked. Follow the red energy line over to the panel and unlock it. While you're over here grab the mask from the circular table area in the center of this room then initiate the hack on the server. You'll probably have to move Marcus up to the nearby red barrier to be within range of the data. Then just wait for it to come in. They'll start searching after a bit but this position should be more than sufficient to stay safe.
Once you've got the data leave the area the way you came in or however you prefer.
Step 12: Return the mask to Wrench
He's up on the roof the the building the game indicates. You can drive up to the third, and then there's some stairs on the SE side that will take you up to where he is.
***Main Operation 9: Eye for an Eye***
This comes in on its own as you progress through the Main Operations.
Completing this Main Operation will yield the trophy Eye for an Eye.
Step 1: Track back Horatio's cell phone
Head to where the game indicates to find Horatio's cell phone.
Step 2: Track Horatio's kidnapper
Head to the indicated area.
Step 3: Break into the Tezcas hangout
Approach from the SW and open the gate. Circle around to the E side where there's a gap between the two buildings. Throw out the Jumper and move in. You'll want to enter the section of building on the right, even though your target is on the left. Be sure to distract anyone along the way.
Once in the right part of the building there's some stairs up to the second floor. Go up and then right, following this way past the first RC grate you see. You'll then see a second on around the next turn. Go in it and follow it to the other side. You're now right by where you need to be. Go left out of the grate and your objective is to the left once more.
After the hack is initiated, you'll need to move Marcus a bit closer to be within range, so hide by those white things nearby.
Step 4: Switch the irrigation to pesticide to start a fire
This panel is in the N building, on the first floor. It's the basic type of hack that can be done by the Quadcopter even, so approach however you want.
Once it's done get out of there.
Step 5: Meet DedSec scout at the harbor
Go see what intel he has for you.
Step 6: Destroy the crates of cocaine (4)
This is most easily accomplished if you have the talents Explosive Optimization and Remote Gadgets (both require Key Data, plus prerequisite abilities that also require Key Data. See that section for more). If you have those you can do the following:
Just send the Quadcopter into the boat, fly to each of the pallets of cocaine, and drop an explosive onto them. Then you can blow them all up at once with L1+R1 once you've placed all 4.
If you don't have those abilities another option is to do the following (You'll want at least the 2 explosive charges which require no Key Data):
Jump into the water and climb the ladder near the locked door on the back of the boat. Send out the Quadcopter and hack the guy who has the Key Code so you can open the door.
Open the door and go in with Marcus. To your left is the first pallet of cocaine, along with a guard. Take him out and then you can light the cocaine on fire with Triangle.
Just to the W up some stairs is another pallet of cocaine. Throw your first charge here.
Go up the E stairs and into the nearby shipping crate where the third pallet of cocaine is. Light this one on fire with Marcus.
Keep to the E side of the boar and continue N. There's a ladder, but ignore it and continue past it. There's a hallway type area you can use to get to the W side of the boat. Climb the ladder over here up to the next level. Then toss the final explosive on the explosive barrels near the last pallet of cocaine.
After that get off the boat and send the Quadcopter out to blow up the 2 pallets of cocaine you placed bombs on.
Then escape the area and lose any pursuers you may have picked up.
Step 7: Meet DedSec near rendez-vous
Head to the indicated area.
Step 8: Avenge Horatio's death (3)
There are three targets to take down in this step:
1. Travino
2. Guttierez
3. Huerta
You have lots of options here, so I'll just throw out a few:
You can use the Gang skirmish or Gang War (Gang War requires Key Data, see that section) to get them. It will probably take more than one.
You could fly in and drop bombs with the Quadcopter, assuming you have the necessary talents.
You could sneak in the old school way and take them out.
Or of course, go loud and proud.
Choose your favorite method and take them down.
Once all 3 are dead get out of the area.
Step 9: Meet DedSec scout in New Mainland
Head to the appointed meeting space. There's an area you can climb on the SW.
Step 10: Neutralize Pablo the Skinner
First you have to reach the elevator that goes down into the hideout, which means you have to sneak in with Marcus. If you approach from the NW you should be able to sneak into the building with little difficulty by distracting the guards in the area. The door to the building is on your left.
Once inside, take the elevator down.
You'll automatically switch to a camera. Once the events are finished and you gain control you have some options.
You can send a gang attack onto him if you target him as he walks away or by switching cameras. Or if you reload the checkpoint it skips the part where you can't control the camera while he talks.
You could send an RC in and plant bombs.
Or go loud and proud.
However you decide you want to do it, get it done and get back to the elevator.
Step 11: Escape
You can actually hang back once you get to the surface and let the Searching phase pass. A couple guys may come but usually by themselves so you can melee them from cover and remain undetected.
Leave the area to complete this mission.
***Main Operation 10: Hack Teh World***
That's not a typo, that is the name of the mission.
Completing this Main Operation will yield the trophy Joined the Mile High Club.
Step 1: Meet Ray at the Beach
Go see our old friend.
Step 2: Drop Ray off at the Hackerspace
Just drive him to the destination.
Step 3: Access Galilei's camera system
Head over to the Galilei complex. There's a panel outside you need to hack, but it's locked by a closed circuit puzzle. It's not too difficult. Just adjust the nodes on top until you unlock all the locked nodes, then readjust the top the blue energy runs down the left side when it leaves the top of the building.
Once it's unlocked, hack the panel.
Step 4: Plant an exploit in the satellite
First we have to modify the motherboard.
Go back into the main building and you'll see two security gates. If you don't have the Security System Shutdown talent you won't be getting in quietly. If you do, turn them off then distract the guard and slip up the stairs to your right. In here duck behind one of the planters.
Deploy the Jumper and go right. Open the door down here you can open, and go out. You'll see a device you can hack down on the floor below if you turn on R3 vision, so head for that. You can get in the room via a couple different grates around that room. Hack the computer and then return to Marcus.
In your R3 vision you may have noticed the crane. You can use this to bypass pretty much the whole area and get to where you need to go. Lower the crane so it's even with the level you're on, by the balcony, then move out the door you went out with the Jumper and jump onto the container.
Once on the container take control again and move it up into the air so no one can see you. Now, in addition to moving up and down and side to side, you can also move the container a third set of directions we'll call back and forth, which move it closer to the other 2 walls. Use this to put the container right up be the room you need to infiltrate, so you can jump over. There's a good spot to the left of the objective (if you're on foot looking at the objective from the container).
The door to the room you need is locked, but if you send the Jumper in to your left there's grate you can get in with, and then you can unlock the door. Once that's done go in there and hack the computer.
With that done get back on the container. Your next objective is up on the third level, and you can take the container right up to it. Hack the rocket.
Nearby is a ladder you can drop down over in the corner. This path leads down to the second level where you first entered this area after coming in the building and getting through security. Go back out that same way and leave this area.
Step 5: Wait until the next Galilei launch
Literally, you have to let some time pass in the game until you get a call that a launch is go. If you've done all the side objectives you may want to go get some Key Data, or whatever else tickles your fancy.
Step 6: Watch the rocket launch livestream
Once the launch is ready, head back to the Hackerspace as indicated by the mission waypoint.
Step 7: Invade Blume's Data Center in Delaware
So, we need to use satellites to hack into a certain location. However, that location is locked. To unlock it we must do some stuff at some other facilities around the world. They are:
1. Dublin - Blume Office
2. Dubai - Server Farm
3. Seoul - Power Plant
***Dublin - Blume Office***
From the camera you start in look right and move to that camera. Then move to another one on your right. At the end of this hall is an alarm panel. The guy will walk out to deal with it, leaving the person you need to hack in the room. However, they get on the phone, and will step into view so you can hack her.
Once you have it, look left a bit and hack the terminal and this one is complete.
***Dubai - Server Farm***
To your left of the camera you start in is a server you can hack, so do it. Once you have it switch to the camera in the other room.
Upload the virus into all 5 servers in this room.
***Seoul - Power Plant***
This one is by far the most complicated. From where you start move to either the camera to your left or right. You'll see a screen. If you go into R3 vision you'll also see 6 computers on the floor. 3 can be hacked by the camera you are in, and the other 3 by the similar camera on that side of the room.
Now, when you activate or deactivate one of the computers, you'll see the blue or red areas on the screen change colors. The goal is to get all the nodes red and cause a meltdown.
From the camera you started in we'll call the left computers 1-3 and the right ones 4-6. 1 would be the computer to your far left, and 6 to your far right.
To get them all red turn off 4, 5 and 1.
Step 8: Invade Blume in Delaware
From the camera you start in there's a security drone you can take control of. Use that to fly toward your objective. Move into the camera in the room and hack the panel.
This reveals a closed circuit energy puzzle. It may look intimidating at first due to it's size, but if you treat each pillar as it's own little puzzle it's not bad at all. Once it's all done return to the camera and activate the final lock in the room.
***Main Operation 11: Shanghaied***
This should come in after Main Operation Hack Teh World.
Completing this Main Operation will yield the trophy You're On A Boat!
Step 1: Meet DedSec at the Hacker Space
Head home to get the mission intel.
Step 2: Investigate the shipping container near Bay Bridge
You'll find the container you need when you get there, but it's blocked. You have to use the crane to move the container on the ground that is facing a different way than the others.
Then investigate the container. Leave the area once it's done.
Step 3: Meet Sitara's informant in China Town
Go see what information he's got for you.
Step 4: Find documents in the safe
Approach from the E. Send up your Quadcopter to get a feel for the area and open the garage door. You'll want to get your Jumper in that door.
Once inside there's a door immediately to your right. There's also an RC grate you can use so you don't have to wait for the door to open.
Up the stair in a room to the left is a panel you can hack. It opens a door on the second floor. To the right in the back a bit is the office where the safe is you need to get. You can use the Jumper for this.
Once you have the documents you can leave the area.
Step 5: Reach the lighthouse in Marin
You can climb up on the W side.
Step 6: Hack the barge
Another satellite hack, move a couple over from where you start to find the boat.
Step 7: Hack the barge's admin terminal
From where you start you'll see a Jumper you can hack if you turn on R3 vision. Before we do too much with that though, we need the Key Code you can see as well in R3 vision.
You'll see a moving camera, that's a robot. Go into it, and it will patrol over to a console that glows yellow in R3 vision. Hack this when the robot moves to where you can reach it.
From there you'll see a camera in the direction of the Key Code you still need, so switch to that camera. From there you should be able to get the code.
Once you have it switch back to the Jumper. If you look around this room you'll some machinery and a board that ramps up toward the ceiling. Climb this stuff and go up that ramp so you're in the roof. Follow this path and you will reach a room.
With the Key Code you got you can open the locked room and get to the computer inside, which contains your second objective.
Step 8: Hack the barge's admin terminal
This leads you back to the room you started in. Hack the terminal and the rest handles itself.
Step 9: Meet the DedSec member at the pier in Marin
Approach from the E/SE. A good first move is to scope the place with the Quadcopter and use it to hack the Key Code for this area.
You can then hack the crane and lower it to the water, and use it to get up there without being detected. From there you can send the RC car to hack the device. It's one level down from the guy you hacked for the Key Code. Hack it.
Once that is done you need to steal the server. If you deploy your Quadcopter and fly toward the objective in R3 vision you'll see you can control it even through the wall like a camera. Take control of it and drive it to the elevator and hack the nearby panel to send it up.
At this point you have to wait 1 min for extraction. If you're on the crane still you should be safe. When that minute is up use the crane to lower yourself down to the server. Once you reach it you'll escape.
***Main Operation 12: Power to the Sheeple***
This will show up as you progress through the Main Operations.
Completing this Main Operation will yield the trophy Make Every Voice Count.
Step 1: Meet with Sitara in the Hackerspace
Go see her as per usual.
Step 2: Graffiti Thruss' billboard
There's a crane to the SW of the building where the billboard is. Use it to get up there. Once up there you'll find a locked door. To the left is a hole in the fence your Jumper can go through. Unlock the panel on the other side and then climb up and tag the billboard.
Step 3: Meet Sitara near Invite
Get information on your next move.
Step 4: Infiltrate Inviate
This is a two step objective. You'll be installing a backdoor on Invite's servers and tapping the CEO's phone.
If you make use of the cameras inside you can hack the Key Code for this area off a laptop. If you move to the E/SE area you'll find an area you can climb up to a higher deck. There's a door into Invite here.
To your right when you enter is a panel you can hack to unlock a door. After that continue right and enter a door on your right at the end of this corridor. It leads to stairs that will take you to the lower level.
Head into the server room on your left and head back to the objective. It's locked by a closed circuit energy puzzle. Leave your Jumper here (don't recall it, you'll need it to hack once the puzzle is solved) and send the Quadcopter down too. Most of this is done in the same room, but the third line of energy to the lock comes from the other server room. Like some of the other larger puzzles all you have to focus on undoing locked nodes before you focus on getting the energy to the final lock.
Once the puzzle is solved switch back to the Jumper and complete the hack. Then recall your Jumper (and Quadcopter if you want).
The second objective must be completed by Marcus, so head into the building when you're ready. The stairs are in the lobby, which can be reached if you go left or right, but left is a bit shorter I think. Be aware the stairs now have trip wire alarms on them.
Upstairs you can go left or right, I went left and found no resistance. Hack the computer and you'll end up inside a camera. You can do the tap from the camera you start in.
After that, leave the offices the way you came, or whatever way you prefer.
Step 5: Meet Sitara outside City Hall
Go get some more intel.
Step 6: Reach Thruss' penthouse
Drive on over and head back to the indicated building. Then it's time to climb. Once you're up there hack the panel.
After you get control of Marcus again use the crane to get up to the building where the objective is. Then get back on the crane when you get control again and use it to reach the next building. Then it's time for some more climbing.
Up here you'll need to use the elevator and/or crane, but they are locked. Before that though send the Quadcopter out and use it to hack the guy up above with a Key Code.
Then go right of the locked elevator and climb up a bit. You can send your Jumper into the part of the building being constructed. Go left and you can jump up and go through a hole. On the other side is a panel you can hack to unlock.
Go down and to the right of where you are and send the Jumper in here. There's a pipe you can jump into and when you come out follow the hallway around to the second panel you need to hack.
Now take the elevator up, and then hack the panel that lets you use the crane. Take the crane up to the next part of the building. A bit of a spoiler here, you may want to stay on the crane and deploy your Jumper. You'll see why in a bit.
Drop down off the roof and enter the nearby door of the building you're on the roof of. Go left and make your way down stairs. There's a device you can hack down here, on the other side of the wall from the fancy car.
If you swing the crane around a bit you can usually hide from the searching guards. After that an exit point will appear, and you can use the crane to swing over there and drop yourself off to where that exit point is.
Step 7: Meet Josh near Fort Point
Get his information.
Step 8: Destroy the voting machines (4)
This is most easily accomplished if you have the talents for 5 Explosive Devices and the ability for your Quadcopter to drop bombs (both require Key Data talents, see the Key Data section for more). If not you'll have to make do with what you do have at this point, and you can substitute some bombs for explosive panels that are near some of the machines.
A good first move is to use the Quadcopter to hack the guy with the Key Code for this area.
One set of machines is right in the open main area. The second is on the same level, in the east. Third is 3rd floor, NW area in a locked room (you should have Key Code already). The last is 3rd floor, E side behind a locked door.
Once they are disposed of, escape the area.
***Main Operation 13: Robot Wars***
This Operation will appear as you've cleared the other Main Operations.
Completing this Main Operation will yield the trophy The Itsy Bitsy Spider.
Step 1: Meet Wrench at the garage
Get the low down.
Step 2: Reach Tidis repair depot
Drive to the area indicated.
Step 3: Ready Wrench Jr. for the operation
From where you get out of the van fly your Quadcopter S in R3 vision. Switch to a camera on the E end of that building, and you should be able to hack the laptop for the Key Code for this area.
Once you have that, return to Marcus, move up to the front door and deploy your Jumper. Move past the security station by jumping or turning off the security laser, and go out the door in front of you.
If you have robot hack you can make them attack the guards, which reduces the number of beings you have to deal with as you move around here. Your call.
The first piece of the bomb is out here in a blue container. Once you have it continue forward and either open the garage door or enter through the RC grate on the right. The second piece is on the conveyor belt.
Go back out where you came in here and go up the stairs. Ignore the door on the right and go in the door ahead of you, and then go in the door right in front of you again. Third part is in here.
Now you have to open the door for Wrench. Recall your Jumper if you didn't already and redeploy it. Your target is in the front area not far from where Marcus should be sitting at the front doors.
Once Wrench Jr. is in place move over to the nearby garage doors on your left and plant the bomb on Wrench Jr.
Now just leave the area.
Step 4: Meet Ray near Silicon Valley sign
Head to the meeting area.
Step 5: Reach Tidis front entrance
Get here to start the next leg of the mission.
Step 6: Detonate EMP in server room
You'll be controlling Wrench Jr. Open the garage and head out. Move onto the metal conveyor belt. You'll quickly run into what seems to be a dead end. Go R3 vision and you'll see white energy. This leads to a box that will let you move the object in your way. There's a camera up there you can get into. Hack the switch and then go back into Wrench Jr. and head into the next room.
In the next room follow the way up until you hit another dead end. This is a twisting track, kind of like what you see in a rail yard. It turns to allow access to different tracks. The switch is down below a little bit, use R3 and follow the energy if you're not sure. Flip it, get on, and flip it again.
Move all the way to another dead end and you should be able to see another switch box down below. Flip it.
In the next room flip the switch on your left so you can move past the first object blocking you to the right. When you hit the next dead end flip that same switch again. Move into the lift (looks like dead end) and hit the switch nearby.
Move forward off this platform and through the door on your left. Through another door and you're in the server room.
Night Night Jr.!
Now it's on to step 2, which is to download project files from the server. Normally I would say send in the Jumper, but there is an objective at the end of this place that requires a physical hack so you'll want to infiltrate with Marcus.
Enter through the front door and jump the planters on your left. Head for the stairs and go all the way up. Distract the guy and slip past him. Head up the next set of stairs and there will be a bridge between buildings on your left.
Head that way and keep heading straight, hiding and distracting as needed. You'll eventually reach a door with a laser moving up and down, so watch out for that as you enter that area. Move up to the second floor.
Pause as you get here, as there's a door you need to go through that is locked by a panel you have to hack. Deploy the jumper and head through the door straight ahead (not left with the security device). In a room to the left is the panel you need to hack. Watch out, there's a guard that patrols by it. Once it is unlocked recall the Jumper to Marcus.
Now you'll want to go through that left door you ignored earlier. Go left again and you'll see the server room. Enter it and hack the server. When done leave and head back to the stairs.
Go up a couple floor until you are on the same floor as the mission objective. Distract the guard and go into the office. There's an elevator you can use which takes you down to the prototype labs.
Once the elevator arrives at your destination head out and forward. The way you need to go is locked by a closed circuit puzzle. You'll need to open the metal windows by approaching them as Marcus and interacting with the panel in front of them. Aside from that the puzzle is pretty simple.
In the next area you'll find a fun toy. Admire it if you like, then move past it and up into the control room. Now you'll be driving it.
Move forward into the next room and you'll be under attack. The robot is very strong. Even better it can climb walls and walk on the ceiling. This is key to destroying the areas you'll see marked as your current mission objective.
Climb up on the ceiling and start taking them out. Once they are all taken out your next move is to destroy the 3 prototypes you saw while doing the closed circuit energy puzzle. There are doors in the area that lead to them.
Once those are destroyed head back to the big room and over to the elevator shaft. Crawl through here and you'll reach another area. In here you need to destroy all the power supply machines. Once that is done you're finished, no escape required for whatever reason...
***Main Operation 14: Motherload***
This Operation appears naturally as you progress through the Main Operations.
Completing this Main Operation will yield the trophy Hack the World.
Step 1: Meet DedSec at the Hackerspace
Head to your HQ for mission details, though it's actually in the cafe outside.
You are warned this is the final mission. However, I don't think anything becomes unavailable for doing it. Either way, undertake it when you're ready.
Step 2: Hack into Dusan's assistant's apartment
The twist is that you're controlling Sitara. Run and climb your way up to the device, but it's locked by a closed circuit puzzle. It's not too complicated, just a lot of running around.
Once you're in the camera switch to the one across from you on the TV. Hack the laptop down below on the chair.
Next you'll be controlling Wrench. Go left from where you start and there's gate you can open. Enter here and go up the stairs nearby. This will put you right by the panel you need to hack. Blow up the power box to take out the nearest guards and then quickly hack the panel. Then head back down the stairs and hide behind the dumpster below the stairs.
Once the data is downloaded move through the door by the dumpster and follow the way around to the objective. In the room with the objective you have to hit Triangle on the wall to plant a bomb. Follow this path down and blow up the 4 servers.
Step 3: Enter Blume Building
You're now back in control of Marcus. Head to the front door and punch in the code to open the front door.
Once inside go right and down the stairs. It's not a bad move to throw out the Quadcopter and send it to get the Key Code for this area. Then throw out the Jumper and head to the left. In this room is the first thing you need to hack.
Recall your Jumper and redeploy it. Go right this time and head for the second objective, which is in a room up a little set of stairs.
With both devices hacked there's a set of stairs in the middle of the room you can go down. Get down there and you'll find the door is locked. So send your Jumper out again and follow the red energy line to the panel you need to hack.
If you head left of where you see the energy line heading up you'll find some stairs. Up here is the panel you need to hack.
With the elevator unlocked get on and interact with the control pad.
After the elevator goes down follow the path. There's a locked door but you don't have to unlock it. If you want to you can find the panel up some stairs on the other side. Otherwise continue forward and up the stairs to the mission objective.
Interact with the map pressing Triangle as it appears. When done enemies are going to appear. You can fight your way out, try to sneak by, your choice.
Whatever you do, head back the way you came to the elevator. Take the elevator back up and go back to the front door where you first entered this place. Interact with the keypad and you're done!
***Side Operations***
Through my playthroughs I've found that there are different areas that some of the Side Operations can be discovered at. The only one I know for sure is Ghost Signals. First time I got it at Fort Point. The second time I got it at west of the Palace of Fine Arts.
***Side Operation 1: A High Price To Pay***
This side operation is obtained through the story just after finishing the introductory mission. You will be sent to the park for a mission to find a Side Operation. This one is in Mission Delores Park, across the street from the Hackerspace.
Step 1: Hack Bobo Dakes' Phone in San Mateo
Follow the objective beacon to where it says Bobo is. If you look around you'll see a camera opposite of him. Hack it and zoom in on him and you can hack him for the information you need.
Step 2: Hack into Gene Carcani's Mansion
Part 2 isn't much harder than part 1 of this mission. Just get yourself to the place indicated by the mission waypoint and hack into the house via the indicated panel.
Once inside, you'll see a laptop and a desktop computer, to the left and right respectively. Hack them both, then hack our new friend's phone.
***Side Operation 2: Bottom Dollar***
This side operation is found near the first part of A High Price to Pay. In the southern part of the map you can see 2 areas called Storm Drain and Palo Alto. If you look east of where you see the words Storm Drain you can see a Pawn Shop. You can find the person who gives this quest just a bit North/Northwest of that Pawn shop.
This quest has a lot of steps, but every step is the same. Hack the necessary panel and use the ATM hack. Now, you have 2 choices as far as the hack goes. You can give the person money, or you can take away money.
There doesn't seem to be any right or wrong answer, but you can see some information about each person just like you can people out on the street, so do whatever feels right to you.
Step 1: Test the exploit on ctOS ATMs
Head to the first objective point, hack the panel and make your choice.
Step 2: Test the exploit on ctOS ATMs
Second panel is down in a parking garage type area. This is a good chance to get a feel for the RC Jumper. Wheel it in there under the vans, distract any guards who may notice you (assuming you followed my advice above and got the distraction talent) and hack the panel so you can make more choices about who gets or loses money.
Don't forget to grab the bag of cash near the panel!
Remember that you can send the RC Jumper into hostile areas even if you are sitting in a non-hostile area. If they discover your RC and destroy it you'll still be safe even if they search around. This makes it highly advantageous to use the RC vehicle whenever possible to enter hostile territory instead of Marcus.
Step 3: Test the exploit on ctOS ATMs
You can climb up to this panel using using the flowerbeds to the right of the front entrance. Then follow the building around to the panel.
There is an Optional Operation (Ubistolen) to the NW of this area.
Step 4: Test the exploit on ctOS ATMs
To get up to this panel go to the SW most building of the three and you'll find a little hill that lets you climb up the building. Climb to the top and use the building as a bridge to the other side.
Step 5: Test the exploit on ctOS ATMs
To get to the panel the way I do requires the talent Environmental RC in the Remote CTRL talents.
The southern most building in the area where the item is you need to hack has a lift at the end by the tower you can control as long as you have the above talent. Take control of it and use it to raise yourself up to where you need to be.
Step 6: Test the exploit on ctOS ATMs
There's a little voltage meter you can climb on, kind of in the center of the buildings where this one is at. That will get you up to where you can climb to the object you need to hack.
Step 7: Test the exploit on ctOS ATMs
You can climb the southern end of the building.
And that wraps this long quest.
***Side Operation 3: Ubistolen***
This Side Operation is found in the Stanford University area, which is in the S part of the map. You'll find the quest giver just to the SW of the words Stanford University on the map.
Completing this Side Operation will yield the trophy Leaks and Leaks.
Step 1: Find the trailer at the Ubisoft Office
To do this the way I did it requires the Environmental RC talent in the Remote CTRL talents.
Behind the Ubisoft building there's a Climbax lift device. Take it to the east side of the building where the marker is and go up to where you can jump over and climb the various building parts the rest of the way up.
For the camera part inside, look down and hack the first computer which is visible from the camera you start in. Then move to the camera in the guy's computer not far from the computer you just hacked. From there you can hack the second computer. After that move to the camera on the computer across from you. Go into the camera to the upper right. Go into the camera on the TV. Open the door and go into the camera in the room that just opened. Move to laptop camera and hack final computer.
This will give you the trophy Leaks and Leaks.
***Side Operation 4: eKart Challenge***
I didn't notice when this one was acquired, but I think it happens naturally as you progress past the first story operation. It's early on either way.
Completing this Side Operation will yield the trophy Pimp My eKart.
Step 1: Complete the first eKart challenge
Just run the race, doesn't matter if you win or lose.
Step 2: Get the battery
If you approach the area where the battery is from the SE you can find a small hole in the concrete barrier that your RC Jumper can get through. Over to the right a bit are some boxes you can jump up to get up to where the battery is.
Then take it to the guy, who is waiting at a new area now.
Step 3: Run another race
Win or lose, doesn't matter.
Step 4: Get the Velocity Chip
In the building of the Nudle area where the chip is, you'll see a section of wall that is rock climbing wall. Use that to get up to where you can get the chip.
Then slide down!
Step 5: Return the Velocity Chip and run the final race
Run the final race.
***Side Operation 5: Infected Bytes***
West/NW of South Park, near Wrench's garage. Area of the city is S part of the city of San Francisco itself, not the whole map.
Step 1: Hack the 3 infected phones
Shouldn't be any issues at this part, just head to the indicated areas and hack the phones.
Step 2: Track the Zombi2 malware source
Have to slip through some gang territory to hack the guy back behind their area. Quadcopter is great for this.
***Side Operation 6: Pink Slips***
This side operation can be found at the building north of Embarcadero Center, just NW of the actual words on the map.
Step 1: Hack Pharmingtons' computer
Try to hack the object you need to and you'll see it has a lock symbol. There's another panel near by and when you hack it it starts up a puzzle. They are still pretty easy at this point, so flip the switches (Quadcopter makes doing these puzzles WAY easier) until you get the energy where it needs to be, then hack the panel.
Once inside just hack the nearby computer.
Step 2: Hack Pharmingtons' finance computer
If you approach from the west side of the area where your target is you'll be near the console you need to hack to get inside. Send the RC or move in on your own.
The second console you have to hack is in the garage you unlocked. Same as before move the RC in or bust in yourself.
Once inside controlling the camera just move to the camera on the laptop to the right and hack the tablet you can see to the right a bit.
***Side Operation 7: ProviBlues***
This side operation can be found one building NW of Pink Slips, or find North Beach on the map, and it's in the third set of buildings to the east of there.
Step 1: Get a ProviBlue employee's password
The guy you need to hack is just hanging out on the street so head over there and hack him.
Step 2: Get a ProviBlue employee's password
Second attempt to get what is needed, this person is also easily accessible on street level.
Step 3: Hack into the ProviBlue server
Luckily we are right by where we need to go, so head to the east side of the building. There you'll find an above ground parking garage. If you go in and hug the right wall you'll find an entrance into the area you need to be in. Head up the nearby stairs with the RC car or your character and hack the panel.
Once inside the camera just hack the nearby laptop.
Step 4: Get the limo's GPS route
It's in that same parking garage you were by during step 3, but you'll find the door locked. Head left of the door and you can send the RC in through a hole in the fence.
Step 5: Approach the CFO
You'll find his limo on the route you just downloaded. If it's always the same then he starts right near you, but I'm not sure if it always starts in the same place.
Get close and you'll start downloading data from him. You have to stay within a certain range (shown on map as blue circle) to keep the data coming. Do so until you get it all.
Step 6: Approach the CEO
This is the same as the previous step. Just stay close and download the data.
After that just escape and it's done.
***Side Operation 8: Stolen Signals***
This Side Operation can be found in the very NE part of San Francisco at the docks, just east of the WKZ Station.
Step 1: Hack the stingrays near Coit Tower
The one SE of the tower can easily be reached using the Quadracopter, or on foot if you can get the right angle.
The NW one can also be easily reached using the Quadracopter, or from the ground with the right angle.
Step 2: Find and Hack the Stingray device
It's at the top of Coit Tower. Contrary to what Marcus says, you can hack it with the drone just fine.
Step 3: Hack Greystrom's warehouse computer
If you approach from the west you'll see the panel that unlocks the door you need under the stairs. Hack it and then head up to hack the main computer in the now unlocked room above.
***Side Operation 9: Whistleblower***
This Side Operation comes in after completing Stolen Signals.
Step 1: Follow the Whistle Blower's Trail
This objective has 2 parts.
1. Investigate the whistleblower's home
2. Investigate the whistleblower's bank
We'll start with the bank, which is the N most of the two objectives, near Oakland City Hall.
If you approach from the west side of the building you'll find stuff you can climb to get up to the panel you need to hack.
Once inside controlling the camera Of the 2 cameras you can see on your right go to the left one. Then go to the camera on the computer to the diagonal right. This puts you straight across from the computer you need to hack.
Now it's on to the whiistleblower's house.
On the SE side you'll see a lift/crane high above. If you have the Environmental RC talent in the Remote CTRL branch of talents you can control it. Lower it as far as you can.
Then, across the street from where the lift lands (doesn't reach the ground) there's a Climbax you can use to lift yourself up to the crane lift.
Once inside controlling the camera, just move to the camera on the bookcase and you can hack the laptop.
Step 2: Find the Whistleblower
No tricks getting to the console you need to hack this time, so head over there and get in.
Once controlling the camera, hack his phone, and then hack the nearby laptop. Once the data is extracted, hack the phone again.
***Side Operation 10: Kickin It Old School***
This Side Operation came in on its own after I finished Whistleblower.
Step 1: Locate a jammer at The Gates Houseboats
You can hack the device from the ground no problem.
Step 2: Hack into the boathouse
You can reach the console you need to hack with no tricks.
Once inside controlling the camera move to the laptop across from where you start and hack the phone.
Step 3: Track both of Mikkelsen's targets
We'll start with the closest of the 2, which is N of the Sailboat Shop/Yacht Club kiosk.
You can use the Quadcopter to get this extremely easily.
Next is the 2nd target.
Same as above, you can get it very easily with the Quadcopter.
Step 4: Locate new target at Vista Point
Another very easy hack right be the Tourist Kiosk at Vista Point, which is in the west Marin, in the far N part of the map.
Step 5: Wipe the Mikkelsen's family records
Once you reach the area, all you have to do is use the Quadcopter to hack a device.
***Side Operation 11: Primary Target***
This Side Operation comes in after finishing Kickin It Old School.
Step 1: Intercept communications from the NSA agents
Once you reach the area, the target can be hacked very easily using the Quadcopter.
After that you have to hack another agent, so head over to the location. This is another very easy Quadcopter hack.
Step 2: Hack into the NSA safe house
On the N part of the area where this objective is you'll find a Climbax. You can RC it out of the hostile area, get on it, raise it up, and then use it to get on the building you need to be on. Then take the glass part across to the other part of the building where the console you need to hack is.
However, it's locked by another closed circuit energy puzzle. The one in this mission isn't hard, so you should be able to manage just fine.
Once controlling the camera inside move to the camera across from you, and then the one to the left and across from that one. From that camera look left and move to the camera over on the shelf at the back of the room and then you can initiate the hack.
Step 3: Hack Redbeard's private network
If you approach from the north part of the house by where there's a car parked you'll have a good route to the device you have to hack, which is down on the first floor.
If you followed my advice and have focused on Side Operations before Main Operations, this may be your first time encountering the little robot guards. If you have the ability that lets you hack them, Robot Exploits in the City Disruption branch of talents, you can shut them down or even make them attack guards instead of you.
If you don't just try to avoid them.
Run the RC car into the left entrance area and drive under the deck. Drive all the way to the other side and up the stairs, where you can find the panel you need to hack.
Once controlling the camera inside move to the laptop across from you and look left a bit to hack the phone. Then look left more and hack the computer. Then look right and download from the server.
***Side Operation 12: The Name Game***
This one is found on a payphone in the N part of the city of San Francisco. It's SE of the words Fisherman's Wharf, near a tourist kiosk and a restaurant.
Step 1: Hack the Rigged Payphones (3)
There are 3 phones. They are located at Lombard Street, Union Square and Civic Center.
The phone at Lombard Street is located on the NW side of that street.
The phone at Union Square is located just west of the Plainstock clothing shop just S of Union Square.
The phone at Civic Center is located off a bit to the NW of the Civic Center area on the map.
Step 2: Hack the doxxer's device
You can hack the device on the roof using the Quadcopter.
Step 3: Trace the doxxer's transmission
If you approach the objective area from the NE you'll be right by where you need to climb up to get to the panel you need to hack. You can get up there with the RC car if you have the Jump upgrade.
However, it's locked by another closed circuit energy puzzle, but it's a rather simple one.
Once controlling the camera inside move to the camera on your right and hack the server.
Step 4: Hack the transmitter on the tower
You'll have to either get your RC car over there or start a physical hack. There's a Key Data right next to this panel, so be sure to grab it while you're there.
Then hack the transmitter on top of the tall tower in the same area.
***Side Operation 13: Shadow***
This one is inside the bar right next to North Beach. If looking on the map it's just to the left of the actual words. North Beach is near the middle, slightly north of the city of San Francisco.
Completing this Side Operation will yield the trophy The Fox.
Step 1: Hack Victor Cheung's phone
This can easily be accomplished with the Quadcopter.
Step 2: Investigate the Shu/Bratva deal
Check out the area and then you'll have to get to a device to hack in a trailer. Either fly the Quadcopter over to the other side or drive the Jumper under the trailers to the other side, then jump up and hack the device inside the trailer.
Step 3: Warn Aiden Pierce about the trap
I entered using the RC car from the door in the NW. Head in and in the next room you'll see a door on the left you'll want to enter.
Downstairs slip into the vent on the right, distract the two guards, and then head straight across the room and open the door into the room where the panel you need to hack is.
Once in the camera wait for the guard to come and hack his phone. That's all you have to do.
This gives you the trophy The Fox.
***Side Operation 14: Ghost Signals***
This Side Operation is found W of Palace of Fine Arts, where all the main yellow roads intersect, just south of there. You'll come close to this one during the Side Operation Shadows. However, in a previous playthrough I discovered this at Fort Point. A third place I've seen it is the dock N of the Palace of Fine Arts. Not sure if all are possible or if these missions move around on different playthroughs.
*Checking a third time Ghost Signals seems to be the only one that is in different areas than what I marked previously
Step 1: Investigate the 52Hz signal
On the bottom floor of Fort Point, in the N/NW part, you'll find the first part of this objective.
This might be the hardest puzzle in the game. I'm planning to go through again and do video of everything, so keep an eye out for that if you're stuck on this one.
Step 2: Track the signal back to its origin (6)
There's a series of things you can hack that lead away from Fort Point. Just hack and follow. You should be able to hack them from the ground or use the Quadcopter. This happens 6 times.
Step 3: Erase traces of DedSec's presence
The panel is in the graveyard, easily accessible.
There's a camera you can't see if you don't use the R3 vision. Switch to that camera and hack the server.
***Side Operation 15 - Paint Job***
This Side Operation should come in on its own early on.
Many of these require talents such as Environmental RC, upgraded Jump height for the car, Quadcopter, etc..
Step 1: Meet Sitara on the roof of Pier 39
So far as I know you have to have the Environmental RC talent in the Remote CTRL branch of talents.
There's a Climbax lift to the E in the parking lot you can use to get up to where you need to meet her.
Step 2: Apply graffiti
This takes place on the same roof where you meet Sitara.
Step 3: Tag the first set of high points (3)
There are 3 sets of graffiti you have to do for this step.
1. Near Printed Ladies in the W of San Francisco
2. SW of Nudle complex
3. NE of Nudle complex
We'll go in the order above.
*Painted Ladies*
Enter the center of the area where this painting is from the E. You'll see some milk crates stacked up you can use to climb up to the higher part of the building.
*SW of Nudle Complex*
Go to the W most building of the block of buildings where this objective is. You'll find a ladder you can climb. Use the structure nearby as a bridge to the next building. Follow along this building until you reach another structure you can use as a bridge to the next building. Use the RC car to get through the fence hole and up to where you can unlock the door. If your car can't make it you may need enhanced jump. I already had it so it's hard to tell if you can make it with normal jumps but I think you probably can.
*NE of Nudle Complex*
There's a Climbax you can use NE of the objective marker. Get it and use it to get up to the roof right by where its parked. From there there's a lift/crane you can lower and use to get up to the next part of the building, which will let you get to the graffiti spot.
Step 4: Tag the second set of high points (5)
This time there are 5 graffiti points.
1. Silicon Valley
2. By Lombard Street
3. By Haum Data Center (East San Francisco)
4. By Blume Arena
5. By Oakland Superior Court
We'll do these in the above order.
*Silicon Valley*
There's a crane on the W/NW side of the building, but it's locked. Go to the buildings to the NW and you'll find a Climbax you can use. Use it to get on the smaller building. Up here you'll see some machinery and some air ducts. Jump up with the RC car and go inside the duct, making your way up (you have to jump at the dead end up to the next part of the duct). Lower the grate and go through some more duct until you reach the panel you need to hack. Lower the now unlocked crane/lift and ride it up to where you can do the graffiti.
*By Lombard Street*
To the SW of the objective marker you'll find a Climbax. Drive it down to the S side of the buildings where the objective marker is, on the L shaped road S of Lombard Street. There will be buildings here you can get up using the Climbax, with a ladder nearby. From here maker your way up until you reach a large dead end. Above is a crane/lift. Ride it up and you can get the graffiti spot.
*By Haum Data Center*
In the S part of the area where this objective is (SW of Haum Data Center) and you'll find some stairs that lead up. Up here go left and there is a grate you can open over there. Go through it and you can hack the panel you need to unlock the crane/lift up above. Ride it up to the graffiti point.
*By Blume Arena*
In the E side of these buildings, by the ramp that is part of the main interstate road, there's a ladder you can climb. That leads to a locked door. Over to the left is an area you can drive your RC car into. Go through, and on the other side go across to the air duct that you can drive on. Climb up here and you can get to the panel you have to hack. Climb up a couple times and you'll see an area on the right you can jump to the next building. Hop the fence to your immediate right and you'll be at the graffiti point.
*By Oakland Superior Court*
N of the Oakland Superior Court you'll see the objective marker. Enter the area from the E and you should see a Climbax. Use it to get on the building that isn't fenced. Then follow it around, going left at the locked door to continue around, and over into the fenced portion. Go right instead of straight as you get to this next area, and follow it around to a machine that lets you climb up. There's a panel here but you don't need to hack it for this objective. Keep climbing up, jump the gap to the next building. Go forward a bit and you should see some stuff you can climb to continue up. At the dead end you climb up to there's a crane/lift above you can lower. Ride it up and you can get the graffiti point.
Step 5: Tag the third set of high points (4)
This time there are 4 graffiti points.
1. Near Oakland Superior Court
2. Near Blume Arena
3. Near Coit Tower
4. Near South Park
Once again I'll do them in the order listed above.
*Near Oakland Superior Court*
This one is NW of the Oakland Superior Court, by the coffee shop. To the W of the objective marker, under the bridge, is a Climbax. Drive it to the W side of the building and raise it up as high as it goes. If you look carefully you'll see a gap in the fence railing. Pull the Climbax up to this area. It looks high but as long as you are aligned right you'll be able to jump up there. Go right and climb the nearby ladder. Climb up to the glass roof, then up the wall. Cross to the other glass roof, then hack the panel below with your preferred method. Be careful of the enemies. Once the door is unlocked it leads over to where the graffiti point is.
*Near Blume Arena*
This one is N of the Blume arena. If you move the crane in the construction area you can drop it outside the hostile area to board it. Once on board you can ride the crane right to where you can do the graffiti up on the highest level of the building.
*Near Coit Tower*
This one is SW of Coit Tower. Enter from the SE entrance of where the mission objective is. Go left into the alley and look up. There's a crane/lift you can lower. Take it up and go right, following the building around. Here there's a second crane/lift you can take down to the graffiti point.
*Near South Park*
This one is NW of South Park. There's a Climbax to east of the objective marker. Get it and use it to get up to where you can do the graffiti.
Part 6: Tag the Golden Gate Bridge (4)
Go left from where you start and look up. There's a crane/lift you can lower and ride up. Climb the ladder and follow the way to the first graffiti point.
Climb the nearby ladder and look up. There's another crane/lift. Lower it and ride it up. Climb down the ladder and make the second tag.
Climb the nearby ladder you didn't climb down and go around to the other side of the bridge, like with the lift you first took from ground level. Lower it, ride it up and make the third tag.
Go to the other side and lower the lift so you can ride it up. Climb up a bit more and make the final tag.
Be sure to savor that view afterward.
***Side Operation 16: Ripcode***
This Side Operation can be found E of Blume Arena, right by the water.
Step 1: Hack the neighborhood's ctOS box
Your hacking target is on the bridge, N side.
Step 2: Track down the other ctOS boxes (4)
There are 4 boxes you have to hack.
1. By Blume Arena
2. Woodland
3. Elmhurst
4. SW Elmhurst
*By Blume Arena*
This is in a gang territory, but can easily be hacked with the Quadracopter.
This one isn't in gang turf, but is locked by a closed circuit puzzle. It may look intimidating due to its size, but it's a very simple puzzle.
This one isn't in gang territory either, but the panel you have to hack to unlock it is. Deal with them in your preferred method. If using the RC car you can go right at the little toy playhouse for kids you'll see and hop the fence (may require Jumper jumping upgrade). Slink safely along the fence, then jump over next to the house. Distract or wait for the coast to be clear to drive over to the panel you need to hack.
*SW Elmhurst*
This target is also locked and by another closed circuit puzzle. It's extremely easy though.
Step 3:
***Side Operation 17: Unnamed?***
I've never seen another mission like this one. When you hack the ctOS box in SW Elmhurst it goes into a garage. Go into the camera in the car and hack his phone. Then switch to the camera to your left on the shelves and click R3 vision on so you can see the thing on the steering wheel you need to honk. Honk it (I did several times) and a guy should come to investigate.
He'll see what's going on and try to get into the garage. Look left and hit the button to open the garage. If you do that when he is trying to lift it he will get inside.
There's also a fan over to the right, I did hit that before I let the guy in the garage, not sure if you have to.
This mission can go different ways. If the guy doesn't get into the garage he runs off. If he does get in he drags the guy out. Not sure if there are other potential endings.
***Side Operation 18: Bad Publicity***
This Side Operation can be found in China Town. You can find it just to the right of the words Chinatown on the map.
Step 1: Hack into Pr0-Lapz's apartment
On the east side of the building you'll find an area you can climb up onto the building. Keep climbing up (use the terrace if you're stuck) and head over to the device you have to hack.
Once inside the camera look across and hack the phone. Then look left and hack the device. This summons the police. You can also prank his computer.
***Side Operation 19: Always On***
This one is out in the green area NW of Sutro Tower. You go near there during the Main Operation Haum Sweet Home. Or, look NW of Sutro Tower and you'll see an area with a road and some buildings. It's on the N side of the road in the green, around the middle of where the road is on the Map N of there.
Step 1: Hack into Cindy's nonstop stream
Just go there and hack the panel.
Once inside the camera you have to wait a bit until she puts the remote down. Then repeatedly hack it.
***Side Operation 20: Haum Intruder***
This one should come in after completing the Main Operation Haum Sweet Haum.
Step 1: Hack into Cole Laing's apartment
Head to the house and climb up, you should have no problem seeing how.
Once inside the camera move to the one above and across from you. Then move to the one to your right. Crash the computer. When he changes the thing hack it. When he gets up and opens the panel install the virus.
***Side Operation 21: Shadenfreude***
This one comes in after completing Side Operation Haum Intruder.
Step 1: Humiliate Haum's CEO
Head to the mission objective and hack the panel, no tricks necessary to get to it.
Once in the camera move to the one across from you. Hack the treadmill repeatedly.
***Side Operation 22: The Zodiac Killer***
*This is a preorder extra, so if you didn't preorder the game I don't think you'll get this one.
This one came in after completing the Main Operation Looking Glass.
Step 1: Get the cryptogram from the SFPD
If you enter from the N/NW side and go in the alley you'll find a gate with two guards. Kill or distract them both to slip past (you may have to distract some others too if you go this route) and get over to the panel you need to hack.
Alternatively, you can go to the right of the gate and you'll see that there's a part of the wall with no barbed wire you can exploit to get over (you can jump it with the improved jump on the RC car) right by the device you need to hack, so it's your call how you want to do it.
Once inside the camera look right and hack the computer. Then go left and switch to the camera across from you. From here you can hack the second computer.
Step 2: Intercept Prime_Eight's phone calls
This is very easily accomplished using the Quadcopter.
Step 3: Find the server at StarTer Refinery
The objective marker will get you most of the way, but just in case it's in the SW part of the facility.
Step 4: Hack the server at StarTer Refinery
You have to access this via a grate. You can find it at the base of the building almost directly across from the silo across the street. Either bust your way in loud and proud, use the crane to get your RC car in stealthily, or you can just jump the fences if you have the improved Jump talent.
Go through the grate with your RC car, reach the panel and hack it.
Once inside the camera look left and up and switch to that camera. Look over to the right and switch to that camera. Hack the server.
Step 5: Investigate the decrypted location
You'll find what you're looking for down by the water, on the concrete support pillar of the bridge. The Quadcopter is a great way to get down there without having to go around and get in the water, etc..
Step 6: Photograph the Zodiac's clues (3)
*You don't have to photograph the one at the bridge, but it never hurts to be sure.
There are clues at 3 places:
1. Crystal Springs Dam
2. 16th Street Station
3. St. Gianna Salt Farm
We'll go in the order above.
***Crystal Springs Dam***
You'll find the clue you must take a picture of on some scaffolding just off the road. Use R3 vision if you're not sure, and you can send the Quadcopter for the picture.
***16th Street Station***
This one is in a boxcar west of the station. You can send the Quadcopter to get it.
***St. Gianna Salt Farm***
This one can be found in the E part of the salt farm, out on a little man dock/platform out there in the water. It's in the box car.
Step 7: Boost the cell tower signals (2)
They are both right next to each other, so I'll just refer to them as the southern one and the northern one.
There's a crane/lift you can lower NW of the northern tower. However, it doesn't reach the ground. There's a Climbax that can help you with that a bit to the SW, up on the raised area so you'll have to go around with it. Ride the lift up and head for the other building nearby.
Once you reach what seems like a dead end pull out the Quadcopter and look for the explosive barrel you can trigger to explode. This clears the fencing blocking you from climbing up further.
Climb up and hack both towers.
Step 8: Get to the Zodiac at Alcatraz
Go to where the game indicates and hack the panel.
Once inside the camera hack the laptop and your job is done.
***Side Operation 23: Rodentia Academy***
This one should show up on it's own as you progress through the Main Operations.
Step 1: Meet the DedSec follower near MOMA
Listen to what she has to tell you.
Step 2: Hack people wearing rat masks (3)
Basic type of hacking, so you can even use the Quadcopter. Hack all 3 and then leave the area.
Step 3: Investigate the Rodentia Academy HQ
Approach the objective area from the E and there's a ladder you can use to climb up. Climb the next ladder and hack the box.
Once in the camera, look right and switch to the camera at the end of the room. Then you can hack their server.
Step 4: Destroy Rodentia Academy's gear (4)
If you approach the objective area from the S there will be 2 forklifts by the stairs you can take up. Take control of one and look to the right of the stairs. There's a large explosive object you can move into the garage and then blow up.
Alternatively, you could get the ability Remote Gadgets, which lets your RC vehicles drop explosives. This requires a Key Data however, see that section if you want to do it this way. You may also want Explosive Optimization if you go this route, but this also requires a Key data, see that section if you need more information this.
Either way, blow them up to complete this step.
***Side Operation 24: $911***
This Side Operation should appear a little bit after completing Main Operation: Limp Nudle, and probably after Main Operation Hacker War comes in.
Completing this Side Operation will yield the trophy 100% Legit.
Step 1: Meet Josh at the Hackerspace
Well, go see him!
Step 2: Meet the social worker in Oakland
Head to where the game indicates.
Step 3: Access ctOS' security archives
This is right by where you talked to the social worker. It's red on the map, but there's no one here yet. Climb up and access the panel.
After the hack access R3 vision and you can see ? marks. Go up to them and they will reveal information. This information tells you where the enemies and such will be when they come. This allows you to set up an ambush so you can complete your main objective, which will be to steal a car.
You have a lot of options, so I'm not going to lay them out. I'll just say how I did it.
There's a Forklift you can use to move boxes. Behind these boxes is a gate. You can use this gate to flee with the car with minimal trouble. It's a straight shot.
When you've set up your ambush, hold X to make the enemies come.
Step 4: Steal the car
Grab that car and get gone or take everyone out, your call. Then just escape with it and lose any pursuers to complete this step.
Step 5: Leave the car at the dropoff point and leave the area
Take the car where indicated and leave it.
Step 6: Meet with Miranda
Head to the indicated area.
Step 7: Reach the refinery
This leads you to a panel you need to hack.
Step 8: Profile the clues
Like the first ambush, this will show you the locations of your targets and the enemies when they arrive.
Step 9: Prepare an ambush for the drug runners
Explosive Optimization is very useful for this step, as you have to blow up 3 vehicles. However, this requires the Galilei Key Data (see that section for details). It also requires a few other abilities that lead up to it, including Tweaked Blast (also a Key Data talent), Explosive Device and Electro Shock Device in the Tinkering branch of abilities.
If you go with the above method you can just set bombs where they'll be, hide somewhere safe and then blow them up using the Quadcopter (or L1+R1 blows them all up at once).
If you don't use the above method, you can choose how you want to do it. Once all 3 are destroyed, leave the area.
Step 10: Reach the docks
Head on over to the place indicated.
Step 11: Profile the clues
You know what to do.
Step 12: Prepare and ambush and steal the ambulance
This one is the easiest so far in my opinion. All you really have to do is wait outside where it's safe, throw out the Quadcopter, and make the ambulance back out of the area using the Vehicle hack. Then just get in it and go.
Of course, you can set up legitimately if you want to savor the mission.
Step 13: Drive the ambulance to the drop off point.
Just take it there and get out.
Step 14: Reach Alcatraz
Head to The Rock for your next step. Your goal is up on the roof. You can get their from inside via stairs and ladders at the top level, or there's a crane/lift on the N end.
Step 15: Free the witness
We need to get a guy being held in a cell on the second floor out. To do that you first need to hack the Key Code for the door. I recommend sending the Quadcopter down to the first level and hacking the laptop in the cell for it.
Then comes the slightly tougher part. You have to get down there with Marcus to save him. If you're detected before then you're going to get quite an alarm, so be aware of that if you want to go in loud and proud.
A good move for stealth people is to explode an Explosive Charge at the other end of the prison. This causes everyone to look that way, making it so you can sneak up to the cell by distracting a few guys.
Once he's free the alarm is going to go off anyways. You don't have to worry about him after he is freed, so turn your focus to escaping. You may want to go back up to the roof and use the crane/lift to get down if you did this the stealth way.
A helicopter will most likely show up, which can make escaping hard if you don't have the Chopper Retreat Exploit (requires Key Data, see that section). If you don't have it, a good way to escape is to flee to the NW part of the island where there are some buildings and hunker down there until you escape, and then you can leave the island without issue once the alert and searching has passed.
After that escape the island and lose any pursuers.
***Key Data Locations and Solutions***
There are various talents in the various categories of abilities you can learn that require Key Data to learn them. Additionally collecting them all gives you the Researcher trophy.
The game is also kind enough to tell you where these data are. All you have to do is go into the area with the various talent trees and look at the ones that require Key Data. There should be on option that shows you its location on the map. It will show you an area on the map, and you will find the Key Data somewhere in that area.
Botnet Savings: City Hacking (Fort Point)
You can find this in a little room outside. The catch is that the door is locked by a closed circuit energy puzzle.
This one is kind of awkward because of the way the energy snakes around the various beams of the bridge. The actual puzzle isn't hard, it's more a matter of tracking down all the nodes as they snake around. Top, bottom, sides, follow the energy lines close and keep a sharp eye out.
Botnet Savings: Personal Devices (Swan Leavitt Observatory)
This one is right in the middle of the observatory, up on the platform of the big radar dish.
I approached from the west and sent the Jumper in the gate. Go right, then left at the edge of the building and go through a second gate.
With the improved jump talent for the Jumper you can use an object up against the platform to jump up to where this Key Data is.
Botnet Savings: Vehicle Hacks (Verba Buena Island - Between San Francisco and Oakland)
This is located on the island between Oakland and San Francisco. It's on the ground right next to the panel you have to hack for Step 4 of Side Operation 12: The Name Game.
Chopper Retreat Exploit (SFMOMA)
This is located in a restricted area in the SFMOMA area. It is inside a box car that has a vehicle parked in it. You can use the vehicle hack to get the vehicle out of the way.
You can jump right in with the Jumper if you have the improved jumping talent.
Electro Shock Optimization (Crystal Spring Dam)
This is located N/NW of the words Crystal Springs Dam on the map, in a Restricted Area.
You can use the crane to pick Marcus up off the bridge (or in the construction site if you approached from below) and deposit him on the roof of the building where the Key Data is. Then, throw an explosive on the boards you see over a hole in the roof and blow it up. Then you can drop down inside and get the Key Data.
Engine Override (Embarcadero Center - E San Francisco)
This is located down in a parking garage area. You'll find the entrance
on the east side of the building. It's back in a little restricted area.
Enhanced Spring (Palo Alto - Southern Part of Map)
Head to the SE are of the building where this is found and you'll find a closed circuit terminal you need to hack. However, it is blocked by 2 pallets of boxes.
Easiest way is to steal the car that should be parked near by and use it to push the boxes so the car can slip in.
NE of the building in the next set of building in that direction there's a forklift you can control and bring over to move them.
Or you could blow them up even.
Use your preferred method, hack the terminal, then hack the data point at the top of the building.
Expert RC Engineering (Sutro Tower)
You'll find this Key Data SE of Sutro tower. It's in a building on the corner of the grounds. You can climb the nearby rocks and then climb up on the roof of the little buildings. You can then send your RC down there and through the little hole in the building so you can pick up the Key Data.
Expert Tinkering (Vista Point/Horseshoe Bay)
The game says Horseshoe Bay on the Key Data Icon on the Map, but in the Expert Tinkering talent it says Vista Point is the location.
Anways, it's SW of Vista Point at the construction area under the bridge.
This requires the Speed Boost talent for the RC vehicles.
Approach from the W and send the Jumper in. Past the yellow container are some other containers stacked, and you'll notice there's a ramp at the top. Get up there, and get positioned on the actual ramp (if you try to run at it like a normal jump there's a good chance you'll run into a little ledge that exists between the ramp and the flat surface. Start moving forward and Speed Boost, jumping at the end of the ramp. If you haven't cleared the soldiers make sure to distract the guy across the way first.
Land on the other side and climb a few boxes so you're on top of the scaffolding. Over to the right you drop down and you can get the Key Data.
Explosive Optimization (Galilei Campus)
This is located in the SE part of the Galilei facility. It's in a restricted area and there are 2 locked panels in your way. First we need to open the door to the area.
You can use the RC car (requires enhanced jump talent) to get on the trailer near the locked door, and then jump over the fence and unlock the door.
Then you must move to the building in the corner. Fight or sneak past the enemies and climb the ladder. Up here is the second panel you need to hack, which will unlock the third hack point up on the antenna that will give you the Key Data.
A good option is to call in the police or gang members (requires talents in the Social Engineering section.
Either way, once you hack the second panel just hack the tower for the Key Data.
Fast Trigger Finger (Prescott)
This one can be found in a Restricted Area just SE of the words Prescott on the map.
Gang War (Elmhurst)
This is NW of the words Elmhurst on the map. It's in a little restricted area just sitting there. If you don't want to fight you can just send the Jumper in there and snag it quickly.
Keen Eye (Nudle Park)
This one is SE of the Beatniks Kiosk, in a Restricted Area. It's inside a boxcar blocked by some pallets. You can get in even with the pallets there if your Jumper has the improved jump talent.
Massive System Crash (Gates Houseboats)
This is actually found N/NE of where you see Gates Houseboats on the map, right by the Torque Rat Bike Shop Clothing Store.
A few buildings west is a Climbax lift (NOT the forklift right by the building). Drive it over and use it to get up there. Inside the room the grate is locked, send the Jumper through the hole to hack the panel so you can open the grate and hack the device.
Massive Vehicle Hack (Chinatown)
This is NW of the words Chinatown on the map.
It's behind a locked grate. The panel you need to hack to unlock it is out of reach. However, there's a heavy duty Climbax forklift NW of the Key Data. Go get it and use it to boost up to the panel you need to hack.
After that you can send the Quadcopter up to the grate and go in to hack the device.
Remote Gadgets (Ferry Building)
This can be hacked without any trucks as long as you have the Quadcopter. It's up high on the building.
Security System Shutdown (New Dawn Facility)
First, don't confuse this with New Dawn Temple. New Dawn Facility is by the coast, NW of New Dawn Temple.
There aren't really any tricks to getting this one, it's sitting out in the open in this area. It's about in the middle-west area.
Speed Boost (Alcatraz)
Head over to Alcatraz for this one. The Key Data can be found up on the top level of the jail cells in the prison. You have to deploy your Jumper into the little hole, and you'll see the Key Data above you. it looks like it's blocked off, but there's actually a little ledge you can jump up and follow around to get it (NOT the ledge that leads to the board that ramps up to a duct). Hack it for the Key Data.
Steady Hands (Kirby Cove)
This can be found SW of the words Kirby Cove on the map, not far after the grey turns to green.
If you approach from the NE of the Restricted Area where this is you'll be close to it. Send your Jumper toward the left side and take some stairs up. Ahead of you is more stairs on the right or a big entrance. Inside that room is where the Key Data is.
Strong Grip (Coit Tower)
This one is S of Coit Tower, in the grey area.
There are some stairs leading down if you're approaching from the Coit Tower Tourist Kiosk. It pretty much leads you right up to it, in a Hostile Area. Send your Jumper in or clear them out. There's a grate for access if you don't have the improved jump talent.
Stun Amp Up (Stanford University)
This is found SE of the words Stanford University on the map.
It's up in a room that's locked. To unlock it we have to solve a closed circuit puzzle. Send your Quadcopter around back from the locked door and enter the grate. Go left, right, right and you'll reach the panel that activates the closed circuit energy puzzle.
It's not very complicated. Some of the nodes are under the vans. You may need to move Marcus up the building some if you haven't to unlock the top of the tower.
System Crash Upgrade: Blackout (Jack London Square)
This is located E of the Restaurant in the Jack London Square area. It's in a Restricted area.
On the N side of the building, where the red zone makes an "L" shape, there are stairs that lead up to where the Key Data is. You may want to send the Jumper up there. Head into the little area where the data is and grab it.
Target Weakness (Cliff House)
This can be found on the W side of Cliff House. It's outside on a 2nd level deck.
There are some stairs around back that give access.
Tweaked Blast (Lombard Street)
This is found S of Lombard Street. You can get it very easily just by flying the Quadcopter up there and hacking it.
***The End***
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